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How to build a Facebook community

How to build a Facebook community
Here are 14 ‘levers’ you need to be pulling Like any social tool, Facebook needs to be worked in order to achieve specific marketing, event or fundraising goals. Yes, you need to have a an effective Facebook Page where fans can easily interact (see “11 Quick Tips to Enhance Your Facebook Fan Page” by @franswaa). However, even with all this, if you don’t consistently nurture your Facebook relationships, you’ll end up with visitors — potential fans — wondering, “Are they still in business?” What you get by working your Facebook levers You’ll grow your fan base organically, which means they’ll stick around.You’ll be able to identify your biggest supporters.You’ll stay current on what’s important to your fans (also called “market research”). Facebook levers (manual) Many of the levers you pull on Facebook require time, attention and consideration. 1. Facebook Pages and Groups allows you to send messages to fans. Your best fans are busy fans. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tag! 6. 7. Facebook levers (automatic) 8.

Web performance, delivered. By Ram Ramani, Engineering Manager Update 7/29/11: We were notified of a bug in the measurement tool that sometimes causes incorrect measurements. If your results indicated a slowdown on your pages, please run the tests again, and make sure you specify a fully qualified domain such as We apologize for any inconvenience and confusion this may have caused. Details: Measurement tests run for bare domains (such as, without the prefix www) previously indicated that pages were loading more slowly, rather than speeding up, when using Page Speed Service. Two years ago we released the Page Speed browser extension and earlier this year the Page Speed Online API to provide developers with specific suggestions to make their web pages faster. Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. In our testing we have seen speed improvements of 25% to 60% on several sites.

How to Write a Successful Spe I’ve just read (or in some cases skimmed) all 691 submissions that came in through our Web 2.0 New York call for participation. There’s some truly great stuff in there, and I feel a little like a Harvard admissions officer; we’ll accept fewer than 1 in 10 submissions, which means that there are literally hundreds of excellent talks that we will decline. I’m thrilled and amazed at the interest in the event, especially given the somewhat early deadline, but saying no to talented, engaged, and knowledgeable would-be speakers is no fun. I will say, however, that there were also a fair number of submissions that might have been good, but never made it past the first cut. A caveat: I don’t purport to speak for the entire conference industry here. My Top 5 Dos: Read examples. My Top 5 Don’ts: State the obvious.

Use Wikipedia as a Marketing Tool -- Wikipedia -- RLM PR -- Wiki Only eight years old, Wikipedia, 'the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit' already has more than three million articles in English alone, covering nearly all major companies and a lot of minor ones as well. Should yours be among them? 'If you're consumer-facing, it's important to be in Wikipedia,' says Sharon Nieuwenhuis, account manager at RLM PR, a public relations firm that offers Wikipedia placement and article correction among its services. 'It's a way of proving legitimacy, and not being in there has become something of a stigma. People go to Wikipedia to find basic information about your organization, and if they don't find it, they think, ‘Why should I pay attention to you?'' Appearing in Wikipedia can contribute to the bottom line. Getting into Wikipedia If getting into Wikipedia is highly desirable, it also seems close to impossible to many companies who've tried it -- including PacketTrap. Begin with a general PR campaign.

How To Build Your Facebook Landing Page (If You’re Not A Programmer) Update: As you know Facebook no longer supports FBML for its tabs, which is what this post was based on, but there is an updated post about How to build a Facebook Landing Page with iFrames – Don’t miss it! Building a Facebook Landing Page is easier than you think, even if you are not a programmer. This week we’ll look at a topic that might seem basic for some. A guide to building a basic Facebook landing page. Also as usual, let’s start at the beginning. Why Is A Landing Page Important? The landing page is usually setup as the “Welcome” tab for people that has not “Liked” the page. But the Facebook Landing Page is important for two main reasons: The Wall is generic, there is no distinction between one page or another. Just ask yourself this question: What about the Wall makes me click on the “Like” button? What Is The Main Goal? If you are trying to get traffic to your Facebook Page, perhaps you’re looking at this all wrong. The magic happens on the News Feed but first… you need a “Like”.

Top 5 Budget Social Media Monitoring Tools Viralheat – our favourite low cost solution In the run up to Monitoring Social Media 09 I’ve been checking out some of the free or low-cost social media monitoring solutions. I’ve been hearing that many of the top marketing agencies still use free monitoring tools: but which ones? And how do they compare to the high-end paid-for solutions like Visible Technologies, Brandwatch etc? There are lots and lots of these services, but here are thumbnail reviews of 5 of the most best: SocialMention (Free) Often described as the social version of Google Alerts, SocialMention offers a really user-friendly interface. The big problem with SocialMention is that you can’t save your searches and come back to them. BrandsEye ($1 month) BrandsEye is more of an old-school reputation management tool than a social media monitoring service. Trackur ($18/month with free trial) This is one of those services that, thanks to it’s founder, Andy Beal, get’s a lot of online promotion and coverage. Ubervu (Free)

Using Twitter To Manage Online Brand Reputation | SearchRank Blo Surely everyone that is somewhat in tune to world events has heard of micro-blogging service Twitter by now. If you haven’t, come out of your cave and catch up on what is going on around you! Twitter is quickly becoming a mainstream site where people not only communicate but gather their information. With Twitter’s popularity, brand managers everywhere are beginning to use the service to monitor conversations related to their brand and product names. This post examines some of the ways this is taking place and explores how you can use Twitter to manage the reputation of your brand online. Methods @ Tab on Twitter If you simply want to monitor references to your Twitter user name, the @ tab on or the @ reply function (if using third party application to utilize Twitter) will show every tweet that responds to you or mentions you. Twitter Search RSS Feeds From then on, any mention of that keyword or phrase will display directly in your RSS reader. Tools & Services

Dedicated Hosting - Find Dedicated Web Hosting Providers at Welcome to our Dedicated Hosting Showcase. Do you need your own web server to make sure you have full control over your online experience? Will a dedicated server allow you to host custom developed solutions that are key to your organization? Does a dedicated server provide the dedicated resources and reliability you need for your online applications? If the answer to any of those questions is “YES!” Discuss Dedicated Hosting at our TopHosts Forum. CirrusHosting Adds Open-Xchange Web Hosting Plans Posted on 29 January 2014 . Markham, ON (PRWEB) January 29, 2014 – CirrusHosting, a leading provider of VPS hosting, cloud hosting, and dedicated hosting, has announced that it will begin providing secure groupware and collaboration services powered by the popular Open-Xchange software stack. Read the full story Posted in Cloud Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Small Business Hosting, Virtual Private Servers, Littlejohn & Co. Posted on 17 December 2013 . Read the full story Read the full story

Symbaloo Hits US Market With Start Page, Curation Engine Before there was social networking as we know it today, and before blogs, there were flat home pages. Among the first things most of us would do with these flat personal home pages would be to compile a list of links - essentially an extension of our browser bookmarks - so that our friends and other Web visitors would find out what we like, or possibly, so we could demonstrate an expertise. Now, as we have moved to a real-time Web built as much on streams as on pages, our sharing has sped up and many people are talking about the discovery and highlighting of key content as curation. New word... same idea. Good curation tools are hard to find, though I have seen a number of attempts to get the formula right - and much of the fault lies with gaps in today's search engines, who are increasingly favoring most recent content over most exact content. A Default Symbaloo Start Page With Dedicated Tiles and Resources 50 Hand-Selected Top Startups In a Symbaloo Webmix

Flipboard: le prochain gros truc Je vous fais un pari. Flipboard va être la prochaine grosse grosse application du web social. Un truc au niveau d’un Foursquare. Pour faire simple, Flipboard est le premier magazine authentiquement social sur Ipad. Avec une UX proprement bluffante, Flipboard vous fait vivre l’expérience d’un joli magazine au coin du feu. Flipboard c’est comme ces applications qui créent une expérience utilisateur rupturiste. Une fois que vous aurez vécu l’expérience, dites vous que Flipboard vient de lever, en série A, 10,5 millions de dollars auprès d’Index, de Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers et qu’ils ont, entre autre, Jack Dorsey (fondateur de Twitter) et Ashton Kutcher comme business angels… Nous allons vivre une déferlante Flipboard qui risque de redessiner bien des pratiques sociales…. PS (25 juillet, 18h (Paris time): et là, je découvre que Nicolas Bordas (président de l’AACC et de TBWA France) a repéré l’application le jour de sa sortie. J'aime ceci: Be the first to like this.
