Welcome to the Books Section of the Rudolf Steiner Archive! Books and essays by Rudolf Steiner were written with the intention of having them published, while the lectures and some other writings were not originally intended for printed form. Here we present these books written by Rudolf Steiner. They are specifically designated as books (GA/Bn 1–28) in the Catalogue of Holdings. Our selections of Steiner's Lectures and/or Articles/Essays can be referenced from here, or from the Main Steiner Archive Menu.
Waldorf Watch
I wrote most of the essays presented at this site, but you will also find plenty of commentary written by others. Waldorf-critical authors represented on the site include Geoffrey Ahern, Dan Dugan, Pete Karaiskos, Grégoire Perra, Ian Robinson, Margaret Sachs, Debra Snell, Peter Staudenmaier, and Diana Winters. I have also excerpted a large number of articles about Anthroposophy and Waldorf schooling. Some of these pieces are impartial, some are affirmative, and more than a few are — to one degree or another — critical. Whenever possible, I have included links to the complete texts. Anthroposophists and advocates of Anthroposophy quoted on the site include Clopper Almon, Christopher Bamford, Hermann von Baravalle, Henry Barnes, Stewart C.
Why Waldorf Works - Introduction
Introduction "Programs such as...Waldorf Schools offer small classes, individualized instruction, and flexible, child-centered curricula which can accommodate the child and do not demand that the child do all of the accommodating." — David Elkind AWSNA: The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America
Waldorf answers
The Waldorf Way
Anthroposophical Society in America:
Herzlich Willkommen beim Goetheanum