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The Unexpected Math behind Van Gogh's "Starry Night"

The Unexpected Math behind Van Gogh's "Starry Night"
A few lesson plans exist for teaching visual arts and self-similarity (objects that have the same pattern) that could be used after showing this lesson. Shodor has some free lesson plans for students in grades 4 through 8. High school students can learn recursion algorithms to create the Koch curve using Scratch for free. Educational technologist Dylan Ryder has also written about creating fractals. A beautiful app worth checking out is Starry Night Interactive App by media artist Petros Vrellis. Download it to your tablet and create your own version of Starry Night. Really interested in mathematics? Turbulence, unlike painting, is mostly a time-dependent phenomenon, and after some time, breaks statistical self-similarity that Kolmogorov predicted in the 1960s. In fluid mechanics, since we can't often solve the equation for flow patterns, we develop a system of scaling between the physical properties. AcknowledgementsNatalya St.

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Stats: Binomial Probabilities Binomial Experiment A binomial experiment is an experiment which satisfies these four conditions A fixed number of trials Each trial is independent of the others There are only two outcomes The probability of each outcome remains constant from trial to trial. Celebrating the Genocide of Native Americans The sad reality about the United States of America is that in a matter of a few hundreds years it managed to rewrite its own history into a mythological fantasy. The concepts of liberty, freedom and free enterprise in the “land of the free, home of the brave” are a mere spin. The US was founded and became prosperous based on two original sins: firstly, on the mass murder of Native Americans and theft of their land by European colonialists; secondly, on slavery. This grim reality is far removed from the fairytale version of a nation that views itself in its collective consciousness as a virtuous universal agent for good and progress.

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