9 Surefire Ways to Get What You Want
Email In life, you don’t get what you want, you get what you work for. Here are some ideas for making it happen: 1.
Rosas Danst Rosas
The Belgian choreographer Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker launched her company, Rosas, in 1983, and won immediate attention for her musicality and her austere, pure dance minimalism. Fase, her first piece, used repetition to almost hallucinatory effect, as she and another female dancer whirled and spun in interlocking patterns to a shimmering score by Steve Reich. Fase was followed the same year by Rosas Danst Rosas, which applied the same repetitive, minimalist style to music by Thierry de May and Peter Vermeersch. De Keersmaeker and her company have revived both pieces many times in the quarter century since their creation, but Rosas Danst Rosas remains the more confrontational of the two, retaining its considerable power to baffle, frustrate and intrigue.
How to Get Started with Minimalism
The top four resolutions for the New Year are: Lose WeightQuit SmokingGet Finances in OrderGet Organized. Let’s assume we’re all fit non-smokers, and since we’re all reading The College Investor, obviously we have our finances in order (or we’re on the right track!). So, then, let’s get organized. I’ve recently gotten on the minimalist bandwagon.
Reviving De Keersmaeker’s ‘Rosas Danst Rosas’ - Review
DURHAM, N.C. — Rosas is the name of Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker’s company, which she started in Brussels in 1983. The title of its inaugural work, “Rosas Danst Rosas,” suggested a kind of manifesto: this is what we are; this is what we do. That uncompromising sensibility is still clear, almost 30 years and a famous career later. The revival of “Rosas Danst Rosas,” which opened on Friday night at the Reynolds Industries Theater at Duke University, in Durham, N.C., as part of the American Dance Festival, reminds us why this work immediately established Ms.
The Iron by Henry Rollins
I believe that the definition of definition is reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. Completely.
Tonya Ingram: New Poems - Cultural Weekly
Cultural Weekly is proud to premiere three new poems by poet, writer and performer Tonya Ingram. Tonya is the 2011 New York Knicks Poetry Slam champion, a member and co-founder of NYU’s poetry slam team, a member of the 2011 Urban Word-NYC team and the 2013 Nuyorican Grand Slam Team. 7 Commandments My Child Should Know After Falu 1. I am a filthy heart.
30 Life-Enhancing Things You Can Do in 30 Minutes or Less
Many of us attempt to measure our happiness based on the duration of certain favorable experiences in our lives. The longer a favorable experience lasts, the happier we think we’ll be. But the truth is, life is simply a string of small, independent moments that are always changing. Thus, a few minutes well spent here and there can make a big difference in what we get out of life in the long-term. Here are 30 things you can do in 30 minutes or less that will have a positive emotional effect on you and those closest to you. And yes, I realize some of these suggestions may lead to activities and projects that will likely take longer than 30 minutes to complete; but they still take far less than 30 minutes to start.
Enneagram Styles
Introduction to the Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles Style 1: Good Person | Style 2: Loving Person | Style 3: Effective Person | Style 4: Original PersonStyle 5: Wise Person | Style 6: Loyal Person | Style 7: Joyful Person | Style 8: Powerful Person | Style 9: Peaceful Person The Enneagram (pronounced any-a-gram) is a circle inscribed by nine points. In Greek, ennea means nine and gramma means point. Each point portrays a distinctive personality style that has its own way of viewing, construing, and responding to people and events. Each style has both adaptive or resourceful and non-adaptive or non-resourceful cognitive, emotional, and behavioral strategies for self-maintenance and enhancement, for interpersonal relating, and for problem solving.
3 Really Inspiring Fitness Infographics, Plus Create One Of Your Own!
When you’re trying to eat healthily, exercise daily and generally be good to your body, it can be a bit of a drag without regular inspiration and motivation to keep you going. Plus, we all like to find tips and hacks that will make the process of getting into shape easier for us. So, where do you get your inspiration?
A teleology (from Ancient Greek telos, meaning roughly "end" or "purpose",[1] and -logia, meaning "study of, discourse") is an account of a given thing's end or purpose. For instance, we might give a teleological account of why forks have prongs by showing their purpose—how the design helps humans to eat certain foods. Stabbing food and helping humans eat is what forks are for.
Julie Morgenstern Balanced Life
Organize your July-December and reward yourself with a folio Add the organizational “apps” of your choice to your master agenda TaskMaster Apps Manage major aspects of work and home Scheduler Use the 5 color blocks for detailing different projects.