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What are your chances of going to prison? - Brave New Films. If you follow Brave New Films you already know that the United States locks up more people than any other country on Earth.

What are your chances of going to prison? - Brave New Films

And you know that the 40-year-old War on Drugs has done nothing to decrease drug addiction. But did you know your race determines your chances of going to prison? That the incarceration of women is on the rise? Or that there’s a pipeline that sucks kids in from school and deposits them behind bars at alarming rates? That’s why Brave New Films has just released a playlist of short motion graphics that challenges your assumptions about mass incarceration. Racial bias in our justice system is too obvious to ignore, and has repercussions far beyond a prison cell. As will come as no surprise, poor communities are hit hardest by this cycle. Worse, as we learned in our interview with former DEA Agent Matt Fogg, it’s not an accident that law enforcement only seems to bust down doors in certain zip codes.

Most kids act out because kids just sometimes act out. ILLUSIONS OF FREEDOM. By: Jim Kirwan The Matrix is one of the greatest metaphors ever.


‘Machines invented to make life easier end up enslaving humanity‘. Who/What is the Bilderberg Group?


Tidbits. Amazon. Hobson's choice. Mass Incarceration in the US. The Bilderberg Group. Zeitgeist. (1) What is The Zeitgeist Movement?


The Zeitgeist Movement is an explicitly non-violent, global sustainability advocacy group currently working in over 1000 Regional Chapters across 70 countries. The basic structure of The Movement consists of Chapters, Teams, Projects & Events. About Signs of the Times, or, was launched on March 26, 2002 by Laura Knight-Jadczyk.


A historian and author of repute in her own right, Laura Knight-Jadczyk is the wife of renowned theoretical physicist, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, one of the world's few living experts in hyperdimensional physics. is a research project of the non-profit Quantum Future Group (QFG). Organic Food Industry Bought Up by Corporations Like Coca-Cola. You may be wondering why some supposedly 'healthy' and 'environmentally conscious' companies deceive unknowing consumers into purchasing products with hidden additives and fillers.

Organic Food Industry Bought Up by Corporations Like Coca-Cola

Perhaps one of the main reasons is that a large number of these pseudo-organic brands are owned by their very unhealthy 'competitors', such as Coca-Cola and General Mills. In fact, some of your favorite "All Natural" and organic companies may be owned by a corporate giant. Companies like Honest Tea and Odwalla may appeal to health conscious shoppers, but they are actually owned by Coca-Cola - the very same company that is currently fuming over the requirement to change their recipes in order to avoid a cancer warning label. Another popular 'health' brand is Kashi, owned by the Kellogg corporation. Organic Corporation Chart. Changing the world, 3things at a time. Changing the world, 3things at a time. We all love the little brands - the cute little cosmetic companies that don’t test on animals, local foodies with free-range environmental products and the guy at the corner shop who doesn’t mock you for your late night Tim-Tam runs.

Changing the world, 3things at a time.

Yet in recent years it’s hard to know who’s really in charge. Collapse of Industrial Civilization. I’m a social critic, political/cultural commentator and artist.

Collapse of Industrial Civilization

The modern industrial world is on the cusp of monumental changes due to our current unsustainable way of life. Most are oblivious to the paradigm shift that will occur, but some are starting to awaken to the fact that the future will not resemble the halcyon days of the last half century in America. My objective is to highlight important news stories and essays to find the truth that is hidden behind what Joe Bageant called the American Hologram. Graffiti Philosophy <p>JavaScript required to play <a hreflang="en" type="video/mp4" href=" Philosophy</a>. Like this: Ha! Tea 'n' Danger. Loving, caring, sharing, kindness, compassion, empathy, respect, equality, freedom, peace, critical thinking, logic, reason, understanding, science… In advance, please and thank you.

Ha! Tea 'n' Danger

The Occupied Tucson Citizen Statement of Purpose. Our Story - POLITICO. We created POLITICO with a simple promise: to prove there's a robust and profitable future for tough, fair and fun coverage of politics and government.

Our Story - POLITICO

To do this, we cling to a simple principle: always hire the most talented editors, reporters and newsroom staff and then set them loose on many platforms for modern media consumption: print, online, mobile, video and events. We break down the traditional journalistic conventions that make stories dull, predictable and often unreadable. Instead, while holding tightly to principles of fairness and accuracy, we have created a distinctive brand of journalism that drives the conversation—a conversation absolutely essential for readers and advertisers alike. We never lose sight of our most important audience—the political and government decision makers nationwide—and focus relentlessly on beating our competition to the big stories, emerging trends and sharpest analysis of Congress, the White House and public policy.

Thanks for reading, John F. The Constitution Party. We declare the platform of the Constitution Party to be predicated on the principles of according to the original intent of the Founding Fathers.

The Constitution Party

These founding documents are the foundation of our Liberty and the Supreme Law of the Land. The sole purpose of government, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, is to secure our unalienable rights given us by our Creator. When Government grows beyond this scope, it is usurpation, and liberty is compromised. We believe the major issues we face today are best solved by a renewed allegiance to the original intent of these founding documents. 2012 – 2016 NATIONAL PLATFORM (Download) ABRIDGED 2012-2016 NATIONAL PLATFORM (Download) Reaching out to the world one post at a time!