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Facebook Twitter's Blog. Développeur Java, Spring & co, et fier de l'être. 10 Things You Should Know about Tokens. Couple weeks ago we published a short article about cookies vs tokens in the context of single page applications, in particular applied to AngularJs apps.

10 Things You Should Know about Tokens

It seems the community is interested in this topic, so we published a second article on token based authentication in realtime frameworks like There is a great interest in this subject so we decided to continue with an article that explores in more detail some of the most common questions around token-based authentication. So here we go... 1. Tokens need to be stored somewhere (local/session storage or cookies) In the context of tokens being used on single page applications, some people have brought up the issue about refreshing the browser, and what happens with the token. Clean Coder Blog. One of my clients recently told me that they were investigating a micro-service-architecture.

Clean Coder Blog

My first reaction was: "What's that? " So I did a little research and found Martin Fowler's and James Lewis' writeup on the topic. So what is a micro-service? It's just a little stand-alone executable that communicates with other stand-alone executables through some kind of mailbox; like an http socket. Lots of people like to use REST as the message format between them.

Why is this desirable? You can fire up your little MS and talk with it via REST. You can test your MS with simple REST commands; and you can mock out other MSs in the system with little dummy MSs that do just what your tests need them to do. Moreover, you can control the deployment. You can use your own database. Freedom! Meet the new boss. But wait. Clean Coder Blog. Look at this graph, which I took from this blog by Peter Knego.

Clean Coder Blog

Peter was showing the relationship between age and reputation on stack overflow. The correlation is unmistakable. The older the programmer, the better the reputation, by far. He also shows, in the following graph, that the reason for this correlation is that the older programmers answer far more questions than the younger ones. Java news and resources. How to Become A Technology Evangelist. As an Innovation Evangelist for SAP, I often get asked "I'm interested in being a technology evangelist -- what should I do?

How to Become A Technology Evangelist

" Here are some personal answers. What is a Technology Evangelist? There are lots of different types, but the basic notion is that an Evangelist is acknowledged expert in a subject who is paid to explain, teach, and inspire. Here's wikipedia's definition. The role is similar to that of an industry analyst and requires many of the same skills. The term "Evangelist" may strike some as uncomfortably religious.

Other widely-used terms include Technology Advocate and Technology Champion. What is Technology Evangelism? It's about connecting people who have problems with the products, technology, and knowledge they need to succeed. Evangelism is about authentic content, communication, and community, and it's a key part of the "new marketing" in an era of social transparency. What does a Technology Evangelist do? Today, most of my work comes from word of mouth. By doing it. Blog. Every API developer is looking for ways to manage their application more securely, without sacrificing speed or ease of implementing new features.


To that end, we recently updated the core Stormpath product – our REST API – to Spring Boot. Along the way, we utilized a number of critical efficiencies that would be of value to anyone developing an API using Spring Boot. Many teams find it difficult to manage authentication and access control to their APIs, so we want to share a few architectural principles and tips from our migration to make it easier to manage your Spring Boot API.

Note: Below we use the command line tool httpie ( to exercise the examples. All Posts. Ce qu’il faut savoir en Python. Deux développeurs en vadrouille qui se sortent les doigts du code. Aller plus loin avec les hash maps en Python. Les hash map sont souvent sous-utilisés, surtout par les personnes venant d’un autre langage avec implémentation vraiment batarde du concept.

Aller plus loin avec les hash maps en Python

Les arrays en PHP et les objets en Javascript étant parmi les pires exemples. Le point d’entrée pour les hash maps en Python, c’est le dictionnaire. Et la plupart des gens ont pigé le principe de l’association clé / valeur : L’intérêt du dictionnaire étant qu’accéder à une clé est très rapide (c’est une opération O(1)), tout comme vérifier qu’une clé est présente dans le dico : Mais généralement les gens s’arrêtent là. Itération Parfois, ils vont plus loin, et tentent l’itération dessus : Ninja Squad - The poor man's JRebel. World of Chris. << back to index Today, Tesla Motors issued a press release offering car manufacturers an implicit license to use Tesla's battery patents "in good faith" to help build out an electric car fleet, with the reasoning that Tesla alone does not have the manufacturing capacity or scale to replace gasoline-powered motors in time to prevent climate change-induced devastation.

World of Chris

The release was met with a lot of skepticism around the legal enforcability of such an announcement. I responded emotionally, and I wanted to follow up on my initial thoughts with a more logic-based argument as to why Anti-Tesla sentiment exemplifies a very troubling picture of American culture, and why it matters to you. Sorry, but we're going to have to learn some game theory. I apologize in advance.

In game theory, there are at least two solutions to any game: A "Nash equilibrium" solution and a "Pareto optimal" solution. Pretend I just waited.


Part2. [Blog] du Java et du Freelance » Comment gagner 6000€ par mois en étant développeur ? On l’a déjà dit (discrètement) ici : Siffler en travaillant mais je pense qu’il faut arrêter d’être discret quand les développeurs partent dans la Silicon Valley pour l’argent alors qu’on peut rester en France et vivre très bien aussi !

[Blog] du Java et du Freelance » Comment gagner 6000€ par mois en étant développeur ?

Et quand je dis très bien, je veux dire : vraiment très bien. En doublant nos revenus, on ne double pas simplement notre pouvoir d’achat, mais on le multiplie par 10 ! Prenons un exemple simple, tu es développeur Java junior à Paris, Tu gagnes environ 2500€ net par mois. Pas mal ! Mais après avoir payé ton loyer parisien, ton abonnement de transport, tes impôts, tes courses et les billets de trains pour aller voir Maman de temps en temps, il te reste combien ?
