Learn How to Draw - Step by step lessons and videos
Learn how to draw and improve your skill in no time with the help of an online coach. Whether you're an art teacher, art student, or just a hobbyist artist you will find the step by step education that will give you the ability to bring those images in your mind into paper reality. I spend a lot of time looking at and evaluating art as the creative director of a computer game company. I also spend a lot of time sketching so that I can communicate my artistic ideas to the talented people I work with. This is a subject I've known and loved since I was a child and I'm fortunate enough to have even made a career out of my art ability. Being able to sketch with confidence is a truly great feeling, but sometimes it can be really tough, especially when you are just starting to learn how to draw!
Effervescent Duo Illustrations - Joshua Pekter Illustrates Colorful Graffiti Influenced Pieces
Joshua Pekter is a 32-year-old graffiti writer turned illustrator who began his art career after developing an interest in abstract and figurative painting while studying abroad in Florence, Italy. One look through Joshua Pekter's portfolio makes it clear that despite his interest in figuration and abstract art, his work is still strongly influenced by his graff roots. Some highlights include an elegantly dressed woman with a paintbrush in hand creating an impressive diffusion of colors, or two (almost) identically dressed girls playing in a field of eye-catchingly bright spray paint. Joshua Pekter's artwork has been exhibited around the world, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the United Kingdom. The Evergreen State College (Olympia, Washington) graduate currently resides in Los Angeles. Implications - It was just a few years ago that street art and graffiti were one of the most unheralded subcultures in the art world.
Cartoon Tutorials for Creating Spaceships Concept
When we watch a cartoon movie about space and space wars, i got amazed of the creativity and imagination behind the these spaceships. Some of these crafts and cars design already become the base for most of the recent crafts and cars new designs. However, if you like to get inspired and start you spaceship design, here are some conceptual and tutorials for spaceships from Deviant Arts. Ship Concept USN Hind Class Assault Craft Project Daedalus
Pick Locks Like a Pro
Education Database Online Pick Locks Like a Pro Embed the image below on your site <a rel="nofollow" href=" src=" alt="Pick Locks Like a Pro" width="562" height="367" border="0" /></a><br />Via: <a href=" Education</a> Thanks to Markedwardcampos.com Have you ever wondered if combination locks are actually secure?
Multimediabyrån - Skolverket
Kurser Trekvarten Arkiv Tema Reportage Information Kurser Bild Bildredigering i Photofiltre 7
Digital Figure Sculpture Course – ONLINE
WINTER: January 24, 2014 – in-progressSPRING: April 25, 2014 -REGISTER HERE Digital Figure Sculpture is a 10-week digital sculpting course designed to teach classical techniques of figure sculpture using ZBrush. Over the duration of the course students will sculpt a complete male figure as well as a number of shorter weekly studies.
Unbelievable Glow-in-the-Dark Paintings - Que Houxo (12 pics)
These glow-in-the-dark paintings by Japanese artist Que Houxo are incredibly awesome! Bright florescent colors bounce off Houxo's murals, walls, and floors with the help of UV producing black lights. It's cool to see how the lights create such a profound effect. Hopefully we'll see more of this type of art in the future...
Learn How to Draw and How to Paint the Fun Way
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Portrait Sculptures, Sculpting Instruction & Marble Sculptures by Philippe Faraut
NUNCA for The Boneyard Project
Brazilian artist, Nunca, just sent us some pictures on the plane he has been working on for the Boneyard Project (which we previewed this week on the site). Nunca is known for his original styled street work, but working on a navy plane affords him a whole new format to work with. This is what the project is about: "The Boneyard Project is not simply a unique opportunity to give major contemporary artists an amazing canvas of being able to make art out of a plane, it is a chance for us all to examine our own cultural relationship to airplanes and to the archetypal ideal of traveling through the skies." Nunca, Saner, Retna, and How & Nosm are all part of the Boneyard Project.
Doodlers Anonymous: The permanent home for spontaneous doodle art.