What's causing Nigeria's oil spills? A report last week from Amnesty International said energy companies operating in the oil-rich Niger Delta region weren't entirely up front about what's causing the "hundreds" of spills reported every year in the region.
In a 66-page report, the rights group said oil companies, in particular Royal Dutch Shell, have made numerous claims about sabotage and oil theft that raise a series of questions. Now, lawmakers in OPEC member Nigeria are mulling legislation that would tighten penalties for oil companies responsible for the spills. The cost, if passed, would be in the millions of dollars for the companies operating there.
Amnesty, in its report, said the hundreds of oil spills reported in Nigeria every year are ruining the environment and putting human lives at risk. It said spills in the Niger Delta are the result of pipeline corrosion, maintenance issues, equipment failure, sabotage and theft. Problems in Nigeria have cost Shell about 65,000 barrels per day in production. Issues in the environmental sanitation of Lagos mainland, Nigeria. Lagos is asserted to be the filthiest capital in the world.
The influx of people into the metropolitan area has no corresponding technology to cope with the solid waste generated by the ever increasing population. Coupled with this lack of technology is the lack of adequate knowledge of the composition and generation rate of the refuse which has led to mismanagement of the environment. Paper waste is identified to constitute the major form of waste generated in Lagos and, in most cases, over 90 percent of the wastes generated are combustible, therefore, the use of incineration is recommended for effective management of the refuse. Dr Afolabi A. Adedibu and Mr A.A. Trash or Treasure: Global Trade and the Accumulation of E-Waste in Lagos, N...: OneSearch. Heavy metals determination and assessment in a petroleum impacted River in ...: OneSearch. The impacts of anthropogenic factors on the environment in Nigeria: OneSearch.
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