How a CakePHP template is built from the Course Up and Running with CakePHP. Let's analyze the generated cake PHP template to see what was created and how by switching to the IDE and opening App > View > Publications > index.ctp.
This template is a combination of straight HTML and simple PHP logic with PHP echos to directly render content. Following the opening div there's an h2 that contains an echoed content of a function __ with a string in it. What does that do? Let's navigate to the declaration. __ returns a translated string if one's found. The first, which is required, is the name of the key that the record set should be sorted by. Parenthesis, ID, and that's it. Going back to the view, we now know where publications came from. With the content out of the way, the links to the actions are recorded using the HTML helper. So the first parameter is title, the URL is the cake relative URL or external URL, and options can be used to disable escaping in the title and attributes. Bootstrap + CakePHP = BootstrapCake - A Console Shell Template - Eko Internet Marketing. One of our favorite PHP MVC frameworks to work with is CakePHP.
It’s our framework of choice when developing web applications for our clients and also for internal applications for managing projects. The first thing we do when starting a new project is to open up the console and “bake” an application. The next thing we do is replace all of the ugly default styling that comes with CakePHP with the beautiful design of Bootstrap.
We realized that this process was tedious so we decided to create a Bootstrap shell template that generates all of the default elements styled with Bootstrap 3.0 responsive elements. There are some similar solutions out there that do a great job, but we decided to take a different approach and to use the latest version of Bootstrap (3.0). Download on GitHub. 52 Open Source Cakephp Projects and Resources. 52 Open Source Cakephp Projects and Resources Published by: Emil // Date 29.5.2012 // Views: 28556 // Add to Twitter :: Facebook Here is a fresh list of Cakephp Projects from Github.
Github is the Nr.1 resource for Cakephp projects in my opinion, second place probably is occupied by Code Google and 3th place by Sourceforge. If you have Cakephp questions and If you didn't find yet the answer to these questions on cakephp google group or than is a big chance to get it from github or QuickAppsCMS / QuickApps-CMS QuickApps CMS - Modular CMS powered by CakePHP 2.0 cakecart A shopping cart based on cakephp Coordino Self-hosted Knowledge Software your question & answer system written on top of the CakePHP Framework Infinitas is an open source content management system that was developed using the CakePHP v1.3 framework.
Web Experiments Blog Showcases Web Resources Work About Me Songs Scripts Links Contact. 52 Open Source Cakephp Projects and Resources. 52 Open Source Cakephp Projects and Resources Published by: Emil // Date 29.5.2012 // Views: 28555 // Add to Twitter :: Facebook.
Scaffolding with CakePHP - Managing Your Fantasy Football Team. Web frameworks are all the rage these days, and for good reason - they save developers a tremendous amount of time and trouble.
After all, what developer wouldn't opt to focus on being creative and making effective use of his skills rather than being burdened with the development of yet another data management interface or building another home-grown templating system? Frameworks remove such repetition by taking care of many of these tedious tasks for you. For instance, most popular frameworks automate a task common to almost every application: CRUD data operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). For instance, if you're building an application for managing your fantasy football players, at a minimum the application must provide facilities for creating, retrieving, editing, and deleting players. Of course, it would also be useful to know which team the player belonged to, meaning there's a many-to-one relationship. Creating the Table Schemas Setting up Scaffolding <? About the Author.
CakePHP Interview Questions and Answers.