Banana Pi
> Ericgu Beaucoup parleront d'un simple clone du Raspberry Pi mais il serait plus pertinent de le définir comme un cousin.
Le BananaPi n'a pas la prétention de révolutionner le monde des SBC (Single Board Cumputer) mais d'y apporter les améliorations attendues : de la modularité, de la simplicité et de très bonnes performances. Avec 1Go de RAM les soucis de rapidité de certaines cartes sont oubliés, son processeur ARM A20 offre une multitude de possibilités en terme d'applications et un excellent rapport entre puissance de calcul et performance énergétique. Il possède également une prise SATA pour brancher un disque dur qui nous permettra aussi de stocker plus de données que sur une simple carte SD. Nous pourrons aussi y installer l'OS pour un démarrage et un accès aux données plus rapide. Grâce à ses atouts, le BananaPi pourrait devenir un des mini-ordinateurs les plus utilisés.
L Achat en France - BananaPi France. A New Generation Single-board Computer. Qu'est-ce que Banana Pi ?
C'est un ordinateur libre mono-carte. Il peut fonctionner avec les images Android 4.4, Ubuntu, Debian, Rasberry Pi, ainsi qu'avec l'image cubieboard.Il utilise AllWinner A20 SoC, et possède 1GB DDR3 SDRAM. Banana Pi : Un clone de la Raspberry Pi sans la framboise. Banana Pi - A highend Pi only for Target US$29.99. Banana Pi. Top view of Banana Pi Back of Banana Pi Banana Pi has no direct relationship to the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
It is, however, a much more powerful single-board computer compared to the Raspberry Pi. The board layout is very similar to the Raspberry PI board and about 10% larger in physical area. The A20 processor and RAM chips are mounted on the reverse side of the board. Features[edit] Powered by AXP209 power management unit, Banana Pi is able to output up to 1.6A, which means users can drive an external HDD without an extra power supply.
Discover Banana Pi, another Linux board for you to experiment with!
Today we will introduce you to a board that replicates the approach of the Raspberry Pi but with increased functionalities, capable of running GNU / Linux and Android.
We are talking about Banana Pi microcomputer, based on the SoC Allwinner A20 produced by Lemaker, a Chinese company based in Shenzhen. The first point of interest is the name of the card itself. Just open the box and you immediately understand the reason for the naming. At first glance, it looks very much like a Raspberry Pi. In fact, Pi, at least in the initial intentions of the project Raspberry Pi, stood for the “vocation” of the board for those who want to learn Python programming.
Banana Pi. Banana Pi: Boot your rootfs from SATA. Because the Banana Pi comes with a SATA connector it gives you the possibility to hook up an SSD or other hard drive.
Besides it even provides a 5V power connector allowing you to power an SDD right from the board. Just be cautious with the power connector’s polarity, I had to switch the wires of my SATA power cable to get things right! Currently it’s impossible to boot from a SATA drive without a SD card. You will still need a small SD card for the bootloader. However, it is possible to adjust the bootscript (which is similar to a bootloader) on the SD card so that it points directly to your SATA drive.
Here’s what you have to do: Note: all this commands require root privileges.Connect your SSD (of course :-) )run fdisk -l and identify your SATA drive. Copying Rootfs I still assume that /dev/sda represent the SATA drive. Official Website. Banana Pi is a Raspberry Pi Compatible Board fitted with an AllWinner A20 SoC. So you’ve got a Raspberry Pi board, an enclosure, and a few add-on boards.
Your application would however do with some more processing power, or you’d like to run Android, but you don’t want to have to purchase accessories all over again for another board. Banana Pi could be the solution, as it’s apparently mechanically and electrically compatible with the Raspberry Pi, and comes with a dual core Cortex A7 AllWinner A20 SoC with 1GB RAM, a Gigabit Ethernet port, and a SATA port, among other things.
Banana Pi (Click to Enlarge) The board does indeed look familiar, with all external connectors at the exact same positions, but the hardware specs are fairly different: Banana Pi with AllWinner A20 (Click to Enlarge) The board is said to support sunxi Debian, Ubuntu, Android 4.2, XMBC, and FireFox OS (work in progress). Thanks to Nanik for the tip.
Banana Pi. Banana Pi - A highend Pi only for Target US$29.99. Banana Pi : Un clone de la Raspberry Pi sans la framboise.