Yahoo! Developer Network. CHINA STEEL CORP TWD10 Stock. 雅虎數據下載. Dear Peter Ponzo, I serve as copyright counsel for Yahoo and write to you with respect to your site specifically the page located at Yahoo offers certain services on its website, including the Yahoo Finance service available at, subject to its Terms of Service, located at It has come to our attention, through a data partner, that your page located at provides a tool and instructions for using the tool to enable users to hack the Yahoo Finance site.
While it appears from your website that you may not be aware of the infringing nature of your conduct, this letter serves to provide you with specific notice of such. Yahoo contends that your use and distribution of the tool and the content located at constitutes a breach of sections 6, 12, and 18 of the Terms of Service (among other provisions), gives rise to unfair competition, and induces others to breach the Terms of Service.
For the above reasons, we request that you immediately do the following: Sincerely, WindowsLiveWriter Plugin - 股市即時分析圖 - .NET Factory. 自從開始使用WindowsLiveWriter寫Blog時,就很想要自己寫一個WindowsLiveWriter的外掛程式(Plug-in),但是因為自己實在太懶惰的關係...一直沒有實際動手去做 。
直到最近看到有網友發表了一連串的WindowsLiveWriter外掛程式開發技術文章,心裡才想說自己也來試試看好了。 想的很簡單...來做外掛程式,但...到底要做什麼外掛程式呢? 此時突然想到自己平常都有在看股市的資料,就決定來寫一個股市即時分析圖的小工具好了。 基本上股市即時分析圖是取自於Yahoo! 你可能會問為什麼要將圖片暫存在使用者Temp目錄,因為Yahoo! 【檔案下載】 外掛程式(不含原始碼) 外掛程式(含原始碼) 【程式預覽圖】 【原始碼公開】 Class1.cs Form_Main.cs using...System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Windows.Forms; 日盛HTS快易點,讓您投資致富快一點!! 檢視主題 - 從Yahoo下載台股的歷史資料. 檢視主題 - 如何取得上市企業的每月營收金額的資料? 股票API - 軟件開發、測試、管理、設計.
Goristock 機器人使用說明 · toomore/goristock Wiki. Goristock 機器人使用說明 除了使用 外,也可以將 goristock robot 加入到 GTalk 中 Contents 如何加入 請連線到 登入您的 Google 帳號, goristock 將會寄送 GTalk 邀請給您。
如何使用 help 您可以輸入 help 回傳使用格式。 System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 18) Unexpected indentation. me: help goristock: ...... 各股查詢 輸入欲查詢的股票代碼。 System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 25) 例: System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 29) me: 2363 goristock: ...... 查詢代碼 查詢上市股票名稱。 System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 37) search <關鍵字> System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 41) me: search 中 goristock: 中櫃(2613) 中航(2612) 中壽(2823) 中環(2323) 中鋼(2002) ...... 查詢即時盤資訊 查詢盤中即時盤資訊。 System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 48) rl <股票代號> System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 52) 計算買進費用 計算買入股票相關的費用。 API - goristock 台灣股市分析機器人.
Finance - Google 文件說明. 研究 雅虎股票API (Yahoo finance stock API) 佛心來著的 Google Data API – for JAVA.