Comunicar40.pdf. Facebook en la vida de los adolescentes. Una interesante investigación titulada “Redes sociales y jóvenes.
[New Data] The Performance of Facebook Post Types Over 3.5 Years. Using a database of 11.4 million posts published by just over 24,000 of the most liked Facebook pages, dating back to 2010 and earlier, I was able to analyse the performance (in terms of likes) of the four most common post types: Photo, Video, Link, and Status (text only posts) over three and a half years.
My earlier research showing that Photo posts typically receive the most likes was confirmed by this newer, larger study, but I also found a few other interesting trends. Simple text-based posts have been on a decline since early 2012 and the Video type has begun to gain effectiveness since late 2013. There was also an interesting shakeup in the order of post type performance in late 2011, right around the time Facebook was rolling out a number of changes, including timeline profiles, the ability to “like” anything, and the introduction of the Ticker.
For the geeky details on the actual calculations I did, read below the graph. Facebook en la vida de los adolescentes. What Emotion Goes Viral the Fastest? Why The Next Social Media Frontier Is The Past. APROXIMACIÓN A LOS HÁBITOS DE CONSUMO DE CONTENIDOS MEDIÁTICOS POR PARTE DE LOS NIÑOS Y LAS NIÑAS_FINAL.pdf.
Selfies. How Snapchat will make money. Photo by Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch This post originally appeared in Business Insider.
Last week, news broke that a 2.5-year-old company called Snapchat had rejected an all-cash $3 billion takeover offer from Facebook. Predictably, the cat-calls and howls of indignation began. Snapchat and its investors were obviously delusional idiots, Twitter pundits agreed. And arrogant! Well, as we pointed out last week, this insta-consensus around startling valuations is nothing new in the tech world.
Because, despite the phenomenal success of these companies—and their demonstrated ability to attract users first and build a business later—some observers can't seem to fathom that this is a proven way for amazingly successful and valuable companies to be built. But it is. We were curious about that with respect to Snapchat, especially because $3 billion is indeed a very large amount of money. Cómo hacer que la gente en internet crea que eres fenomenal.
Si quieres verte increíble en las fotos de tus vacaciones en la playa sin necesidad de ir al gimnasio, o mejorar tus credenciales en algún videojuego en línea sin pasarte horas frente al computador, hoy día se puede recurrir a una variedad de profesionales que se dedican precisamente a eso: hacer que te veas radiante y talentoso en internet sin hacer ningún esfuerzo.
Lo más probable es que nunca te encuentres cara a cara con ellos, pero hay toda una industria dedicada a ayudar a quien lo solicite –ya sea una persona o una empresa- a manejar su reputación en una determinada área de internet. Por un precio, por supuesto. #Infografía – Cómo escribir el post perfecto para tu blog. Escribir el post perfecto parece más complicado de lo que en realidad es.
Si tenéis en cuenta una series de pasos previos a la publicación de un post en vuestro blog veréis como luego todo es cuestión de rutina. Yo era de las me frustraba al ver que mis posts no salían en la primera página de Google o peor aún que las imágenes que creaba ni salían en Google Images. Así que poco a poco fui investigando en Internet y preguntando a expertos para irme formando más sobre como perfeccionar mi técnica para escribir posts. Introducing #datavines: How to tell a numbers-driven story in six seconds. Vine videos have become their own six-second art form, but they are also increasingly being used to tell a data-driven story or give more impact to a statistic or group of numbers.
Pushing one powerful number or fact is a perfect use of Vine, as evidenced in this six seconds from the Department of Health. But as we saw during the 2013 NBA Finals, the data-driven messaging also works for issues that most would consider non life-or-death (die-hard hoops fans aside). AniversarioVEO: Rosa María Palacios, Jorge Bruce y Fernando Tuesta hablaron sobre Twitter - Institucionales. Facebook is not your friend. There is a wonderful graphic on the New York Times site showing how Facebook's privacy statement has got larger and larger to cover the growing holes in its privacy policy.
The mapping isn't perfect: if it were, the declaration of Facebook's dedication to privacy would have to be of almost infinite size, since the default amount of privacy Facebook now offers is practically zero. When the site first started, very few people could join, and nothing became public, even to them, without the users' express permission. Now everyone can join and everything is public to almost all of them unless you make a determined effort to hide it. This effort has to be renewed every six months or so when Facebook revises its privacy policy to make it more opaque and less effective. There is a wonderfully graphic animation of the process at this site. Social Network Management - HootSuite Social Media Management. Social media engagement means being part of a global dialogue.
Streamline your engagement with our time-saving, automation, and targeting tools, and get more time for what really matters — meaningful conversations. 30 abreviaturas para sobrevivir en Twitter. Algunas son muy conocidas, pero PRT, FA y otros palabros no.
Dan Zarrella, Social Media Science. Redes sociales y marcas: El fenómeno sigue creciendo. ¿Por qué Google+ si funciona? en La Nueva Mercadotecnia Digital - P><Para mí Google + es un medio social totalmente incomprendido.
La mayoría de las personas lo ubican como un tímido competidor de Facebook, un imitador, un débil adversario y una alternativa para los detractores del Sr. Zuckerberg. Sin embargo tiene grandes ventajas para ser explotadas en el ámbito profesional. Google + tiene grandes ventajas que vale la pena considerar, a continuación enlistaré algunas de ellas: - Origen: Para empezar Google + es propiedad del buscador más importante de la red, propietario también del segundo buscador más importante: YouTube. El tamaño de tu red de amigos en Facebook y el tamaño de tu cerebro están relacionados.
El tamaño de tu red de amigos en Facebook y el tamaño de tu cerebro están relacionados El número de amigos que tenemos en la red social Facebook es proporcional al tamaño de ciertas regiones de nuestro cerebro. Así se deduce de un estudio realizado por científicos del Instituto de Neurociencias Cognitivas del University College de Londres (Reino Unido), que escanearon el cerebro de 125 estudiantes universitarios usuarios de Facebook y compararon los resultados con el tamaño de sus grupos de amigos, tanto en la red social como en el mundo real.
Por término medio los participantes tenían 300 amigos, si bien los más "conectados" abarcaban hasta 1.000 contactos diferentes en su red. A raíz del estudio, "la pregunta que surge es si esas estructuras cambian a lo largo del tiempo, y su respuesta nos ayudará a saber si Internet está cambiando nuestro cerebro", asegura Ryota Kanai, coautor del artículo que publica la revista Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Infografías / Facebook 2012 en cifras. La televisión se ve por Twitter. Dos niños frente a un televisor. / Untitled. INFOGRAPHIC: How Much Time Do You Spend On Facebook? How to Brand Yourself. LINE: Whatsapp y los demás programas de chat están muertos, pero todavía no lo saben. Untitled. La Pollera Parlante News. La gente mira más TV en un día que lo que dedica a ver YouTube en un mes entero. With A Single Tweet, President Obama Revealed How To Become A Powerful Social Brand.
"Four more years. " Three simple words that could have been written by any Democratic supporter but in this case they came from the President of the United States himself to announce his second term. Lady Gaga vs Big Bang. Hay nuevos comportamientos que pasan desapercibidos en Perú hasta que nos golpean en la cara. Se trata de nuevas formas de consumir (y producir) contenido, nuevas formas que encuentran nuevos canales para nuevo contenido. Verdaderos fenómenos de masas que pasan debajo del radar de los medios que se dicen masivos.
Five Ways Twitter Can Help You Conquer Distraction - Alexandra Samuel. By Alexandra Samuel | 9:30 AM November 4, 2010 If you were going to design the perfect distraction, you’d probably make it irresistibly urgent, gossipy, and/or funny. You’d design it to be able to reach you any way possible, whether by e-mail, web site, or smart phone. Le « coworking » change la vie de bureau. Cómo afecta el whatsapp a las relaciones de pareja. Elena escribió ayer, por última vez, a las cuatro y media de la madrugada, y hoy aún no ha dado señales de vida; Tania está ahora mismo en línea; Marcelino ha madrugado, a las seis y media de la mañana ya estaba conectado. Es información obtenida a través de un teléfono móvil y para conseguirla basta con clicar sobre cada uno de los contactos del WhatsApp. How to increase the visibility of your Facebook Page [infographic]
Facebook is seen by many as the ultimate social media marketing platform to engage with your customers and prospects. Nearly 1 billion potential customers are using it, so why participate on any other social network? It seems that marketing with Facebook will provide you with the means to reach and engage with all of them. My quiet observation of businesses and brands tells to me that promotional activities seem to centre around a singular, focused social media marketing objective of increasing Facebook “likes”.
Often all other social media and marketing strategies are ignored because of this obsession. The one million tweet map #onemilliontweetmap. Opinion Mining #datafestAr. MIT algorithm predicts Twitter trending topics up to five hours in advance. An MIT team has developed an algorithm that can predict trending topics on Twitter an average of an hour and a half before they appear. Professor Devavrat Shah and his student, Stanislav Nikolov, from the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, claim that their algorithm can predict with "95 percent accuracy" which words, phrases or hashtags are going to end up trending, even up to even four or five hours in advance.
They do this by "training" it, teaching it how to work out the patterns that will indicate what's likely to become a popular topic. The findings will be presented at the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks at MIT on 8 and 9 November. Conventionally, a predictive program like this would be looking through Twitter traffic and trying to match up what it sees to a certain model. You might program it to look for a certain "step", as one topic becomes more prominent against the general background chatter. The Visual Revolution on Social Networks. The social web is becoming more and more visual. Twitter, which began with mundane tweets about lunch, is now the go-to social network for millions wanting relevant information in real-time.
Social mediums like Pinterest and Instagram are struggling for the same respect. Tide Rocks Social Media, Creates “Awesome New Web Video” In Response To Onion Joke. Tide should win some kind of award for social media savviness for a sweet, unplanned online video campaign that they launched earlier this month in a response to a joke The Onion made about them. On May 29, a post went up on The Onion written by Fred Hammond, fictional “Director of Digital Video and Social Media Ad Integration” at Tide Detergent. The post, called, ‘Hey, Everybody! El poder en la era de las redes sociales. Networked: el nuevo sistema operativo social (II. Viene de la primera parte. Continuamos con esta reseña-síntesis de Networked: The New Social Operating System de Lee Rainie y Barry Wellman, quizá el mejor libro sobre la sociedad-red desde la trilogía de Manuel Castells.