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Language of Light? Chakras.

Crystal healing

Detoxification Body Cleansing Holidays. Centres of energy are essential for creation of life forms and their generation.

Detoxification Body Cleansing Holidays

It is essential that energy be concentrated and work according to definite patterns and designs or exhaustion would take place.' Dr. Stone called his therapy 'polarity' because it balances the electromagnetic currents of energy, which flow backwards, and forwards between the positive and negative poles of the human body, which is like a living magnet.

Without polarity we can have no life on this material plane, no energy flow, no breathing in and breathing out, no feelings of hot or cold, pleasure or pain, love or hate. For life to flow there must be poles for it to flow between, just as planet Earth needs it's North Pole and South Pole. Five chakras The first energy centre created in your body is at your eye centre or 'third eye', which is positioned in your brain, behind and between your two eyes.

Introduction to Chakras

Chakras. Chakra Healing & Balancing the Seven Chakras. Chakras are spinning energy centers located throughout your body that influence and reflect your physical health as well as your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Chakra Healing & Balancing the Seven Chakras

There are seven main chakras that begin with the root, or base, chakra at the base of the spine, ascending in a column to the crown chakra at the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with a particular color along with certain functions. All of your chakras must be open and clear in order to achieve optimum health and balance. Open chakras allow energy to flow cleanly and easily, resulting in an increase in energy and awareness along with arousing your natural intuitive abilities. When chakras are out of balance, certain physical, mental and emotional symptoms appear. FIRST CHAKRA (BASE or ROOT) Survival Mantra: “I AM” Color in the aura Red The base chakra, located at the base of tailbone, is the root connection to our source and serves to usher in life force into the body.

SECOND CHAKRA (SACRAL or SPLEEN) 100 Tips For Chakra Balancing & Clearing. When you are living in fear or stressed out, your emotional body starts to affect your physical body.

100 Tips For Chakra Balancing & Clearing

This also holds true to your chakras. Wherever this fear stems, the energy within that chakra system is blocked, thus causing issues in that area in many ways. Root Chakra - Survival concerns, worries about material, financial, and shelter needs. Physical Issues: The hips, legs, lower back, and the male sexual organs. Physical symptoms include: anorexia nervosa and obesity. Sacral Chakra - Addictions, uncontrollable appetite, obsession with sex, emotional attachments. Solar Plexus Chakra - Control and Power struggles, anger, lack confidence, concerned with what other people think, feeling inferior, not in control. Lower Heart Chakra - Selfishness, missing passion, feeling alone, never satisfied & never enough, earth change fears. Middle Heart Chakra - Sadness, stress, uncomfortable changes, nervousness. Throat Chakra - Fears about communicating your truth. Your Information Source for Chakras. Psychological Functions Survival, Vitality, Reality, Grounding, Security, Support, Stability, Sexuality, Individuality, Courage, Impulsiveness.

Your Information Source for Chakras

Breath of fire

1st - Root chakra - muladhara chakra.