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School Library Inspiration

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List of 37 Catchy Library Slogans and Taglines. There are more than 121,000 public libraries across the United States.

List of 37 Catchy Library Slogans and Taglines

A growing demand for e-books and e-books readers at public libraries are changing trends in how people access books. However, libraries have limited access to these resources due to publishers. To increase awareness to reading and accessing books, here is a catalog of library slogans used by public facilities across the nation. These are meant to inspire continued access and use of these facilities. Keys to the past… Gateway to the future. The following infographic outlines the statistics and trends of public libraries across the United States. Stritaslibrary. Library Homepage - Library Home - LibGuides at Brisbane Grammar School. Another idea for the library in the new school year! 10 minus 1 awesome ways to App Smash Adobe Spark and Flipgrid. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so how many words is a video?

10 minus 1 awesome ways to App Smash Adobe Spark and Flipgrid

About 1 billion hours worth, or so says the latest Techcrunch survey of Youtube usage. Our Book Pickup Service! One of the things I've noticed about businesses is that they are constantly changing to respond to the needs of their customers.

Our Book Pickup Service!

This is a great practice to stay relevant as customers' needs tend to change over time. In the library, we can implement the same practices. In this blog article, I want to share one of the ways we have recently created a new service for our learning community that was inspired by local businesses. Earlier this year, I was introduced to Wal-Mart Grocery Pickup. If you aren't familiar with it, this service allows customers to make a grocery list on an app, select the store they want to visit, select the time they want to pick up the groceries and pay online. About Us - Library Home - LibGuides at Brisbane Grammar School. Meet the Library Staff (L-R) Kristen Hayden: Library Technician, Cathy Oxley: Director of Information Services, Vicki Palmer: Teacher Librarian, Bernadette van den Hout: Library Technician, Dani Smith: Teacher Librarian, Sam Russell: Digital Media Specialist, David Hills: Library Technician and Brendan Kelly: Digital Media Officer.

About Us - Library Home - LibGuides at Brisbane Grammar School

Two Easy Ways to Publish Podcasts - And Ten Topics for Classroom Podcasts. Literary Hoots: Encouraging Book Returns with Library Memes (with free printables!) Why you should consider a podcast studio for your library. St Lukes Library catalogue. In talking about school libraries. Future Ready Librarians Resources. New ISTE Standards for Educators Highlight Librarians’ Role. Educators should continually participate in professional learning, advocate for equitable access to technology, and model positive and ethical use of technology, according to the Empowered Professional qualities named in the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) newly revised and updated Standards for Educators.

New ISTE Standards for Educators Highlight Librarians’ Role

ISTE CEO Richard Culatta introduced the standards during the opening keynote session at the ISTE 2017 conference in San Antonio in June. Library poster download. EduTECH – Future Library Congress, 8-9 June 2017. The Future Library Congress explored how libraries are progressing in the changing nature of education.

EduTECH – Future Library Congress, 8-9 June 2017

Librarians and industry leaders shared expert advice from school, university, museum, and government libraries. Insight into the changing times of libraries, passion for information literacy and literature, the important link to technology through the Maker Movement and tools such as Virtual and Augmented Reality were key features of the presentations. This post highlights key learning specific to school libraries and the role of the teacher librarian.

HyperDocs and the teacher librarian. The concept of HyperDocs is spreading all over edtech land.

HyperDocs and the teacher librarian

HyperDocs are perfect opportunities to grow teacher librarian/ classroom teacher partnerships. 10 Reasons Librarians Are More Important Than Ever. It's National Library Week, and we couldn't resist paying homage to one of the most important members of the school community: librarians.

10 Reasons Librarians Are More Important Than Ever

Also known as library media specialists, librarians play a unique role in our schools. Mrs. ReaderPants: Top 10 Reasons Secondary Students Need Regular Library Time. Make Fabulous Bookmarks with Canva – Mattson's Musings. I LOVE Canva.

Make Fabulous Bookmarks with Canva – Mattson's Musings

It makes me look like a graphic design superstar without much effort at all. This week I used the free online tool to create custom bookmarks that go along with our “Walk a Mile” reading challenge. The “Etsy Cover Photo” template inside of Canva is the PERFECT size and shape for bookmarks. And while Canva has a lot of great free images to choose from, I also like to find free, copyright friendly high resolution images on Pixabay.

12 Insta Easy Instagram Library & Literacy Promotion Ideas. What’s the point of Instagram and why should you spend your precious time and money on it? Well, don’t worry about the cost, because it’s FREE! So, all you really need is creativity and a few minutes a day to make meaningful, fun, and lasting connections with your community. And with Instagram you get a twofer! Even maybe a threefer, fourfer?! That’s right, for the amazing low price of FREE, each Instagram post can cross pollinate to your Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, and that thing called Swarm that kinda took the place of the annoying Foursquare? Future Ready principles for Libraries #FutureReadyLibs.

How to Create Awesome Book Displays. I work full time at a public library, and even though I work in the Adult Reference department, I’m fortunate enough to spend most of my work hours on book-related responsibilities.

How to Create Awesome Book Displays

But if I had to pick an area that takes up the majority of my book-related time, it would be creating displays. Now, for some libraries or book stores, creating displays requires nothing more than printing off a sign and slapping a few marginally-related books on a shelf and calling it a day, but that’s what separates the amateur displays from the awesome ones. Over the last 5+ years, my coworkers and I have devised a set of guidelines that have helped take our displays from good to great, so strap yourselves in while I give you an inside look at how our displays are created. Brainstorming Display Ideas We have 5 different rotating displays that are changed out every 4 weeks or so.

Selecting Items for Display – The phrase “hidden gems” should be at the forefront of every display list you put together. Save. Refreshing your on- and offline spaces with a bit of library eye candy. Twitter. One Book to Connect the World. Popping the shelves at Brisbane Grammar (and David’s templates) Take Charge To Maximize Your Library’s Online Presence. The Mac.Robertson Girls High School. The King David School. Melbourne High School.