Auger Loizeau: Isophone. The Isophone is essentially a telecommunications device providing a service that can be described simply as a meeting of the telephone and the floatation tank. The user wears a helmet that blocks out all peripheral sensory distraction whilst keeping the head above the surface of the water. The water is heated to body temperature blurring the physical boundaries of the users body. Floating in this manner frees up to 90% of the brains workload normally engaged with calculating the lie of gravity.
In combination, a space is created for providing a pure, distraction free environment for making a telephone call. Only a couple of decades ago our primary means of telecommunication was the telephone box, this essentially provides a contextually neutral space for remote conversation. The Isophone attempts to redress this imbalance by providing a space totally dedicated to telecommunication. The Iso-phone went to Ars Electronica in 2004. Loading... Iso-phone at Ars Electronica 2004. Urban Algae. W E L L - T E C H. Sustainable Refrigerator Emily Cummins Frigorifero portatile alimentato da luce solare, il cui funzionamento si basa sul principio di evaporazione, combinando conduzione e convenzione.
Non necessita di collegamento alla rete elettrica e può essere realizzato con materiali facilmente reperibili, come sabbia, cartone e alluminio riciclato. L'apparecchio è costituito da due cilindri, quello esterno in un materiale solido (come plastica o legno), quello interno in alluminio, per assicurare che l'alimento che contiene rimanga asciutto. L'intercapedine tra i due cilindri è riempita con sabbia, lana o terra, materiali che possono essere bagnati con l'acqua.
Case study map. Engage by Design. The Kaleidoscope videos are conversations with experts on sustainability, design and innovation, aiming to reflect and generate actions between a diverse range of disciplines.
We interviewed a variety of people who have been working around sustainability for years all with different approaches; Science, Business, Graphic, Fashion and Industrial designers, Psychologist, Architects and Academics from different parts of the world; the United Kingdom, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, Austria, Spain and Germany.
Here is the trailer, please watch it and share it! Participants: Ramon Arratia European Sustainability Director at InterfaceFlor Eric Benson Graphic Designer Co-founder of Re-Nourish Dr. Jo Confino Executive Editor of the Guardian Chairman & Editorial Director of Guardian Sustainable Business Dr. Mark Gawlinski Senior Lecturer in Leadership specialising in Organisational Change. Thursdays designer-friendly guide to sustainability. The Spatial Agency. The Spatial Agency. Design Act. Is design political? - By Jennie Winhall. Is design political?
By Jennie Winhall The design of politics In 2001, design and politics hit the news big time when it was revealed that Florida's badly designed butterfly ballot could have cost Al Gore the U.S. presidency. It is perhaps the most widely quoted example of the political impact of design. Yet pose the question, "Is design political? " to the design industry and you'll get back a big, resounding, "no. " I suspect this is because politics is commonly thought of as the activities of political organizations--from which the majority of designers (if not majority of people) feel disassociated. My policy colleagues say they went into politics because they wanted to challenge the status quo and make things better for ordinary people.
If you bought a white wrist-band during the Make Poverty History campaign, you bought into the idea that design can be a political activity. Groups like Adbusters use design to subvert these same messages. AFL - Design Activism. Home news_and_events workshops design_seeds services profile publications projects sustainable_design design_activism contact I believe that as an educator in ‘Design for Sustainability (DfS)’, as distinct from ‘Design’, there is always an implicit notion that DfS is trying to embrace new ways of thinking about how design can catalyse, nurture, enable and activate positive societal changes towards more sustainable ways of living and working.
Here are some fellow travellers on that journey… Please email if you would like to suggest a link. home / news & events / workshops / design seeds / services / profile / publications / projects / sustainable design / design activism / contact © Alastair Fuad-Luke 2009. Book Review: Design Activism by Alastair Fuad-Luke. "This book charts the territory of the design activist — a person who uses the power of design for the greater good of humankind and nature. [ ] Most of all, this book is for everyone who believes that design (especially when we design together) is an essential human expression that will help us all to move towards more sustainable futures", explains Alastair Fuad-Luke in the preface of his newly released book Design Activism, beautiful strangeness for a sustainable world.
The author of the Eco-Design Handbook (2004) has yet again created a kind of bible for eco-designers. This book helps everyone to become a better (or good!) Designer. In order to do so, one needs to understand where we come from, and what design activism stands for. (Chapter 1 & 2) Secondly, it is important to understand the current situation and the future, in order to design according to poverty, exploitation of the natural capital, reduction of biodiversity, and, to top things off, climate change. Preface1.