Social media and social activism
> Sararamirez
Social Media Activism. Media Activism Degree. Media Activism Degree Program Overview Media Activism can include work spanning Graphic Design, Journalism, Multimedia Production, Documentary, Advocacy and Activism.
It combines critical analysis with the theory and practice of making media. A degree in Media Activism prepares media makers to enter into the necessary public conversations that generate critical thinking and dialogue. Media Activism teaches people to be active audiences as well as producers. With new, more participatory technologies, the line between consumer and producer is blurring. Media Activism recognizes the degree to which mainstream media shapes the dominant consciousness and the ways in which alternative media can lead to new ways of thinking. Media Activism Degree Requirements The degree is conceived explicitly for those who want to become media activists. The courses and curriculum are mapped along six goals: Required: 12 CreditsCOR267- Media Studies MAC250-History of Media and Activism WAL 220-Creative Writing. ¿Una definición de Social Media?
Llevo ya algún tiempo escribiendo sobre el Social Media y hoy me ha preguntado alguien, pero ¿eso del Social Media qué es?
Y pensé, pues igual es hora de ir hacia una definición más específica del concepto.Para mí Social Media es un concepto que nace del desarrollo de la tecnología Web 2.0 e Internet, y que se define como la capacidad y habilidad para compartir, crear, generar, opinar, interaccionar, colaborar, comunicar, aprender, descubrir, enseñar, mostrar, intercambiar, participar, en definitiva escuchar y tener voz… Es decir, todos los medios a través de los cuales nos expresamos en el “ciber-espacio”.
Todo ello cabe dentro de los “Medios sociales”. Algo así como una ventana a la otredad que permite tanto mirar hacie fuera como hacia dentro.Como véis mi definición es muy funcional, puesto que me centro en el hecho de son “medios“, y como tales, son plataformas, facilitadores, herramientas, a través de las cuales podemos realizar determinadas acciones.
Social media. Social Activism. Careers in Social Activism--An Introduction Social activism is an intentional action with the goal of bringing about social change.
If you feel strongly about a cause and are working towards a change, you could be considered an activist. An activist is anyone who is fighting for change in society. An activist can be a student attending a rally against tuition increase, a politician fighting against international human rights abuses or a mother of a child killed by a drunk driver talking to students about drinking and driving. Social activists consider the larger picture – how can they find ways to end injustice and to create strong communities which encourage economic, social and psychological health. While social services work addresses the needs of individuals, social action looks more at the root causes of those needs and tries to find ways to eliminate them.
Career Options in Social Activism There are very few careers that can be specifically defined as “activist” careers.
What is Activism. “A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.”
G.K. Chesterton What is Activism? Activism is quite simply taking action to effect social change; this can occur in a myriad of ways and in a variety of forms. Often it is concerned with ‘how to change the world’ through social, political, economic or environmental change. Activist or Activism? It’s not where you’re from; it’s not where you’re at: it’s what you do. Many people can be classified as activists and many actions can be interpreted as activism, but this doesn’t mean that all activism is carried out by activists.
We at a Permanent Culture Now would prefer not to use the term ‘activist’ in the classical sense as it creates a division between those who define themselves as activists and those who carry out activism. “The activist is a specialist or an expert in social change. Different types of activism. Activism. Social justice.