Sitios de Ciencia
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Actividades para Chicos All Educational Productions. BrainPOP - Animated Educational Site for Kids - Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts. CARPETA PEDAGÓGICA Plataforma Educativa de Recursos Digitales. Ciencias, Geografía e Historia -- Selección de Mundo Primer Ciclo. Classmill - Create classes with links, videos, images & files.
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Diccionario de Lengua de Signos Española: SIGNADA Diccionario Normativo de la Lengua de Signos: DILSE III. Nuevos Materiales Informáticos: ARASAAC. Tablero de Comunicación de 12 casillas: ARASAAC. Traductor de Señales/Signos a Textos: PSLT. Comunicación aumentativa: AAC. El Mundo de los Gestos: NATGEO. Cuadernos de Comunicación: SIDI. Manual interactivo: BOARD. Recursos Multimedia: TIC. Relación de cuentos con pictogramas: AUTISMO. Respuesta educativa: TEA. Lectura comprensiva: TIPS. Plataforma de Apoyo al Aprendizaje: PICAA. Juegos para Niños Autistas: JUEGOS.
Aprender reglas de conducta: LÍMITES. Trabajo con Alumnos y Alumnas con TEA: TALLER. Tratamiento conductual por pasos: Fobias.
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Aquí pueden encontrar herramientas online, galerías de imágenes, vídeos y audio, fichas educativas, contenidos multimedia interactivos, software educativos y un sinfín de recursos para todas las asignaturas y niveles. Esta amplia base de datos está accesible para profesores y alumnos sin necesidad de registro previo. Para que sea más fácil encontrar los recursos, se han organizado en 6 categorías principales, pero además pueden hacer búsquedas por asignaturas y otras palabras claves: También puede buscar entre los más de 55.000 recursos de Didactalia, empresa Partner de multiCLASS. Powered by. ¿Sabías que…? Curiosidades para niños | Science Experiments, Projects & Toys for Kids | Steve Spangler Science. Sitio de Recursos Educativos para Formadores | Área de Investigación Educativa INFD Ministerio de Educación Argentina. Sploder - Make your own Games, Play Free Games. StudyJams.
Tar Heel Reader | Find. Testeando - El trivial educativo para colegios. The Net Advance of Physics. TIC. Timeline Eons - Web. Go to Year Search Share Instructions Tue, Jul 14, 2015 Pluto Flyby Jul 14, 2015 New Horizons, NASA's interplanetary space probe, performed the first flyby of Pluto. Present Today in 1995: Comet Hale–Bopp Also known as the Great Comet of 1997, comet Hale–Bopp was discovered in 1995 and remained visible to the naked eye for a record 18 months.
Today in 1829: Typewriter American inventor William Austin Burt was awarded a patent for the typographer, the first practical typewriting machine. Today in 1952: Egyptian Revolution of 1952 The pro-British King Farouk was forced to abdicate, which led to the Egyptian Republic headed by Gamal Abdel Nasser. Today in 1986: Whaling Moratorium The International Whaling Commission adopted a moratorium on commercial whaling to avert the extinction of some whale species. Today in 1983: Sri Lankan Civil War The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, a separatist militant organization, began a violent insurgency against the Sri Lankan government, but was defeated 26 years later.
Vedoque - Educational games and other learning software. Virtual Educa - Programa OEA. What is Zac Browser | Zac Browser. What is Zac Browser ZAC is the first web browser developed specifically for children with autism and autism spectrum disorders such as Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) and PDD-NOS. We have made this browser for children… for their enjoyment, enrichment, and freedom. Children touch it, use it, play it, interact with it and experience independence through ZAC.
ZAC is a zone that will allow your child to interact directly with games (a LOT of games) and activities (focused on MANY interests) that cater specifically to children who display the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders like impairments in social interaction impairments in communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior.
ZAC is an effective tool for kids with low, medium and high functioning autism. ZAC focuses on the children and their interaction.
Welcome to Discovery Education | Digital textbooks and standards-aligned educational resources. Welcome to NanoSpace! Your insight into science.