Edpuzzle. WordGame. Classroomscreen. Home - Classroomscreen. Textäventyr. Online Stopwatch. Classroom Timers - Fun Timers. Exam Timers - Test Timers. Online-Stopwatch Exam Timers and Test Timers Exam Timers!
When you need a formal, easy to read timer, with space for exam details - we've got the timers for you :-)These timers have a fantastic feature: They remember the time if you accidentally close your browser window! Thanks to Jonathan Fox for the Exam Timer Section!
Chance Games - Random Results. Online-Stopwatch Chance Games - Random Results Try one of our Chance Games, or Random Results Games!
The results are completely!
Random Name Pickers. Word Art - Edit. Sensory Timers - Relaxing Timers - Visual Timers. Oil Liquid Motion Timers: Enjoy the color changing hypnotic movement of our gooey oil liquid timers.
With the therapeutic fluidity movement of a lava lamp, these timers are a great way to relax – and keep track of time – without being constantly reminded by ticking numbers. Timer Scenes. Now Playing – Plickers. WordArt.com - Word Cloud Art Creator. Articulate 360. Edpuzzle. Articulate 360. Edpuzzle. Flinga. Free Puzzlemaker. Whiteboard.fi - Online whiteboard for teachers and classrooms. 50+ Tools for Differentiating Instruction Through Social Media. Imagine a world where resources were limited to what was found in the classroom or the school closet known as the "Curriculum Materials Room.
" Picture a world where students wrote letters with pen and paper to communicate with other students and adults outside of the building. Due to postage costs, the teacher either sent the letters in bulk or paid for stamps out of his or her own pocket. Can you recall a time when student interests like skateboarding or video were never used as part of learning curriculum because the tools needed were either too expensive or not yet conceptualized? Do you remember a time when non-traditional learners struggled, and absenteeism meant a high likelihood of students doing poorly in school, and possibly having to retake the course? If you experienced none of these scenarios, then you live in a world of possibility because you grew up with the many social media tools available to support all learners. Selecting the Right Tool Readiness Interests. Recension av SnapType- för oss som inte gillar att skriva för hand. Användningsområden.
Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story.
Youtube klipp
Plickers - Clickers, Simplified. Make A Movie. 22 Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom. 22 Of The Best Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff In education, perhaps one of the least utilized talents of iOS hardware is creating exceptional video.
While it’s not uncommon for teachers and students to use iPads to create videos, creating stunning videos that are compelling, well-produced, innovative, truly social, and/or something worth sharing with the world isn’t so easy. Truth be told, that’s less about the technology and more a matter of teaching, learning, and planning–who is creating the video, why are they creating it, and who are they creating it for. Audience, purpose, and design.
Moovly - Skapa animerade innehåll som ett proffs.
Best Tools to Create Animated Video. How to Make a Cartoon Yourself: Top 7 Animated Video Makers Compared Video production is not an easy and cheap matter.
Untitled. Socrative. 10 Useful Web Tools for Creating Online Quizzes and Polls. February, 2014 Following the visual I posted here a couple of weeks ago featuring the differences between formative and summative assessments, somebody shared with the link to this Listly list that comprises dozens of interesting web tools to create online assessments.
I have already reviewed some of the tools mentioned in this list in separate posts here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning but I also found out new tools I did not know about. I am re-sharing the whole list created below and I invite you to spend some time sifting through its content. Enjoy Update : After posting the original Listly list, I received several emails informing me that the list does not appear to them so I decided to copy the list manually here.
Online Quiz Creator: Play or Make a Quiz for Free!
Mentimeter - Turn opinions into tangible data, in real-time. JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template.
Lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre!
Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and English for free. Wheel Decide. Crossword Puzzles. Word Cloud Generator. How the Word Cloud Generator Works The layout algorithm for positioning words without overlap is available on GitHub under an open source license as d3-cloud. Note that this is the only the layout algorithm and any code for converting text into words and rendering the final output requires additional development. As word placement can be quite slow for more than a few hundred words, the layout algorithm can be run asynchronously, with a configurable time step size.
This makes it possible to animate words as they are placed without stuttering. It is recommended to always use a time step even without animations as it prevents the browser’s event loop from blocking while placing the words. The layout algorithm itself is incredibly simple.
Literacy In The Digital Age. Editor’s Note: Teaching Channel has partnered with Student Achievement Partners on a blog series about digital literacy tools and their effective use by educators.
The majority of the tools mentioned in this post and the four earlier posts in our series, transform the student experience from passive consumers of information to active creators of content, employing multiple English Language Arts standards and skills along the way. We firmly believe this ought to be the new norm in the modern classroom. Kids have access to information; we must teach them how to navigate a world constantly evolving where content is at their fingertips. The traditional application of ELA isn’t enough for future-ready learners. We would argue our students read and write more now than they ever have before — between texting, social media, gaming, and everything else they do in their digitally fueled, online lives.
Read more. TodaysMeet - Give everyone a voice. Collaboration Web Tools. Tools. Lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre!
Vårt digitala klassrum. SETT på #SETT2015 del 2 - Mia Smith "IKT för språklärare - med världen i handen"
IKT i skolan. Skolutveckling/IKT. Digitala tips. Digital litteracitet. Web tool directory.