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Artichauts à la marocaine. Aubergine farcie au chermoula et boulgour. Batbouts farcis. Beignets de chou-fleur comme au Maroc. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
This tempura-style cauliflower is made extra flavorful by the additions of garlic, parsley, and Moroccan spices to the batter. Similar although less zesty treatment is given to Moroccan fried eggplant. Click Play to See This Moroccan Fried Cauliflower Recipe Come Together. Boulettes de sardine à la sauce tomate. Briouates à la viande hachée. Briouates au poulet et aux pruneaux. Carottes à la chermoula. Cheveux d’ange au poulet (Seffa Medfouna)
Chou-fleur au curcuma et au citron confit. Côtelettes d'agneau grillées à la marocaine. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
Grilled meats are quite popular in Morocco, and you'll often see grills set up outside neighborhood butcher shops so customers can have small purchases of meat or offal cooked to order for a quick meal. Salt and cumin are usually offered on the side for meats cooked with little or no seasoning—this includes lamb chops.
Couscous tfaya aux raisins secs, viande d'agneau et oignons caramélisés. Couscous traditionnel comme à Casablanca.
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This outstanding recipe for classic Casablanca-style couscous features steamed couscous piled high with stewed meat and vegetables. (You can omit the meat for a vegetarian couscous.) Feel free to vary the vegetables to your family's preferences, but try to include a full variety to achieve an authentically flavored sauce. It's become increasingly popular in recent years to garnish this dish with a generous topping of tfaya, a caramelized onion and raisin mixture that can also adorn couscous all on its own.
Couscous végétarien. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
This Moroccan dish turns a head of cauliflower, sweet potato, and a can of chickpeas into a delicious, warming meal ideal for busy nights.
Dafina marocaine. Fèves à la chermoula. Flétan à la chermoula verte, farro et fèves. Farro is an old Italian wheat variety that's said to be the same as emmer or spelt, though I'm not so sure.
It can be eaten by some people who are normally intolerant of wheat and is sold pearled or whole. Simmer the farro in plenty of water for 20 minutes to an hour – the cooking time will depend on the brand; you want it tender with just a little bite. Drain and set aside.Cook the broad beans in salted boiling water for two minutes, drain, refresh under cold water, then remove and discard the skins.Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/gas mark 6. Mix the chermoula ingredients and season well. Put the fish in a heatproof dish or oven tray lined with baking paper, brush with the chermoula, and roast for eight to 10 minutes, until just done.Mix the farro, beans, Iranian lime, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a medium pan, heat up gently and divide among four plates.
Ful Gnaoua (Cornilles à la marocaine)
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The standard Moroccan treatment for dried legumes such as lentils and white beans is applied to the black-eyed pea recipe here. After soaking, the beans are stewed with tomatoes, onions, garlic, and Moroccan spices. The resulting dish is saucy, zesty, and surprisingly delicious to even those who don't normally enjoy beans. In Morocco, black-eyed peas or cowpeas are called ful gnaoua (gnawa), a name which literally translates to "Guinea bean.
Galettes salées à l'anis et au sésame. Gar'a M'asla, citrouille confite à la marocaine. Harcha (pain à la semoule) comme au Maghreb. Harira : soupe marocaine à l'agneau. Kalinti : un flan salé à la farine de pois chiche. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
Kalinti (also called karane or karantika, and garantita in Algeria) is a flan- or quiche-like dish made from chickpea flour and eggs. It's popular in the north of Morocco, where it's sold by the slice as street food.
Kebabs de boeuf. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
We grill all kinds of food year-round in Morocco and these lamb or beef brochettes among our very favorites. Usually reserved for special occasions, most notably in the days following Eid Al-Adha, they're best made with pricier, extra tender cuts of meat such as leg of lamb or fillet of steak.
Keftas marocaines. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
Kefta (or kofta) is a deliciously spiced and tender type of Moroccan kebab made using ground beef or lamb. The mixture is flavored with cumin, paprika, minced onion, coriander, and parsley and formed into skewers. The cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and mint leaves are optional but highly recommended. Fresh mint makes an especially great seasoning when using ground lamb.
Loubia (Haricots blancs mijotés à la marocaine)
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If you think beans are something to buy in a can or that they must be baked with brown sugar to taste good, then it's high time you tried Moroccan loubia, or stewed white beans. This classic, flavorful dish is much loved in Moroccan homes, where the beans and zesty tomato-based sauce are traditionally scooped up with bread.
Maakouda à la patate douce et feta. Maakouda Batata. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) Maakouda batata are Moroccan potato cakes or fritters. They're a popular street food in Morocco, where they might be eaten plain or used as a sandwich filler in wedges of Moroccan khobz. They can also be served as an appetizer or as a side. This version is well-seasoned with sautéed onions, garlic, cilantro, and cumin.
Marinade Chermoula. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
Chermoula is a thick marinade for fish, and the foundation of many Moroccan and North African fish dishes, such as fried sardines stuffed with chermoula and a fish tagine called mqualli made of layered potatoes, tomatoes, fish, and peppers. Although each country has its version of chermoula, and there are several variations, the taste is always very similar. In addition to fish, it can also be used to marinate chicken or shellfish; just add extra water to thin it out, leave the meat to marinate for up to a day, and grill or bake to your liking.
Matbucha : Salsa de tomates aux piments. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) "Matbucha, a traditional Moroccan dish, is so popular in Israel that it can be found right next to the hummus on grocery store shelves," says Giora Shimoni.
But ever since his neighbor Carmit taught him how to make her spicy tomato and pepper-based matbucha, he "didn't want to settle for store-bought matbucha anymore.
" Luckily, her recipe, which he shares below, is both easy and versatile―you can use it as an appetizer salad served with crackers or pita, as a sandwich spread, or as a condiment for fish, meat, or tofu dishes.
It even makes an unconventional, yet delicious topping for a wide range of latke recipes.
Merlan frit (Maroc)
Mrouzia, tajine de souris d'agneau au miel, raisins secs et amandes. Msemens aux poivrons. Oignons Mezgueldi. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)
The Moroccan tradition of cooking onions with spices until caramelized is mostly associated with tfaya, a sweet onion and raisin garnish famously used as a topping for couscous. Here, however, is a lesser known onion garnish known as mezgueldi. While traditional caramelized onions are prepared by sauteing, Moroccan spiced mezqueldi onions are slowly stewed stove top.
Olives à la harissa. Pains marocains. Pastilla au poulet. Pastilla de la mer. Pastilla marocaine. Pastillas de dinde. Pied de veau à la marocaine. Poisson à la chermoula. Poulet au safran. See Full Nutritional GuidelinesHide Full Nutritional Guidelines (Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.) This dish of chicken cooked with lots of onions, saffron, and other Moroccan spices is easy to make and is the savory foundation to a number of delicious Moroccan specialties such as chicken bastilla and chicken briouats. Saffron threads, a featured seasoning in Moroccan cooking, are the stigmas from a small purple crocus.
Poulet aux raisins secs et aux pois chiches. Poulet grillé aux pistaches et riz à la marocaine. Poulet marocain aux graines de nigelle. Poulet Rfissa au fenugrec. Poulet rôti aux citrons confits (Maroc)
Purée de pois chiches marocaine (Serrouda)
Rghayef farcis à la tomate, oignons et poivrons. Salade de betterave. Salade de courgettes à la marocaine. Salade de patate douce au miel et au safran. Sardines mariées (Maroc)
Saumon à la chermoula. Soupe de fèves séchées. Soupe de patate douce à la marocaine. Soupe marocaine aux pois cassés (soupe bissara)
Tajine aux coings caramélisés. Tagine aux haricots verts. Tajine aux poires. Tajine aux pruneaux. Tajine berbère. Tajine d'agneau au fenouil et aux petits pois.
Tajine d'agneau aux pois chiches et carottes. Tajine de poisson à la chermoula rouge. Tajine de poisson au four à la marocaine. Tajine de poulet au miel, dattes et ras el hanout. Tajine de poulet aux olives et citron confit. Tajine de poulet marocain aux abricots secs. Tajine de poulet mqalli. Tajine de viande aux artichauts et petits pois.
Tajine marocain d'agneau aux figues. Tajine marocain de boeuf aux abricots. Tajine végétarien. Taktouka (Maroc)
Zaalouk : Aubergines à la tomate (Maroc)
Baghrir (crêpe mille trous)
Baklava marocaine. Baklawa rolls. Basboussa à l’orange. Brioches délicieuses roulées au amlou. Cornes de gazelle. Dattes farcies (Maroc)
Krachel (brioches à l'anis et fleur d'oranger)
Meshimisha. Salade d'oranges. Sellou comme à Fez. Serpentins aux amandes. Sfenj (beignets marocains)
Thé au safran. Thé vert à la menthe.