Eylf-posters. Intentional teaching, child-centred curriculum and the EYLF. Intentional teaching, child-centred curriculum and the EYLF Intentional teaching, child-centred curriculum and the EYLF This article explores how intentional teaching can be responsive to both children and the learning outcomes identified in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (DEEWR, 2009) and offers a useful process for professional reflection in response to curriculum directions and pedagogical change.
The observations and comments presented in this article as Stacey’s Story were captured by Stacey, a novice teacher, as she adapted and implemented a resource to fit the context of a kindergarten in rural Queensland. Implementing EYLF. Unravelling-the-essence-of-eylf. Early Years. Www.cscentral.org.au/Resources/Central_Newsletter/Central_1010.pdf. Www.ecta.org.au/_dbase_upl/LUKE_TOUHILL-Everyday_Outcomes-18.3.pdf. Www.workforce.org.au/media/62714/big picture ppt_280710 no photos.pdf. Implementing EYLF. Www.childaustralia.org.au/Documents/IPSP-Section/Early-Years-Learning-Framework/EYLF-Team-Meeting-Package.aspx.