4 Ways Google Analytics Can Improve Your Social Media Strategy. We understand that having your brand on social media is important.
But simply setting up a Facebook or Twitter account is not enough to drive visitors to your company’s website and convert them into customers. That’s why developing a social media strategy is so important. But beyond just implementing a plan, you’ll want to evaluate your social channel’s success in order to improve moving forward. Google Analytics is a valuable tool that can help you to analyze and enhance your social media strategy. The social section (Acquisition > Social) in Analytics breaks down your website’s visitors that are being driven from social networks. Network Referrals Report The Social > Network Referrals report allows you to get a better understanding of which social accounts are driving traffic to your website, as well as provide an overview of which visitors are the most engaged. Cómo medir tus redes sociales con Google Analytics. Google Analytics Begins To Roll Out New Benchmark Reports. ¿Vínculos con UTM. Transfieren autoridad o duplican contenido?
Hoy ha salido una duda razonable en la agencia que si bien no nos ha preocupado en exceso (ni nunca en los años que llevo trabajando en Internet) sí hemos dudado de sus inconvenientes.
¿Qué pasa cuando etiquetamos un vínculo con UTM? ¿Es la URL sin código de seguimiento la que se lleva la autoridad del enlace? ¿O se lo lleva esta URL con la variable? Y ¿genera esta URL contenido duplicado para Google? Vamos por partes: Código de seguimiento de Analytics UTM: Un código de seguimiento de Analytics es una variable de código que se inserta en un enlace para que podamos tener más información de una campaña, publicidad o sencillamente una publicación. Por ejemplo: Si yo escribo un post en una web ajena a mi dominio, y en este post enlazo con mi web, siempre podré ver las visitas que me transfiere esa web, ya que todas las visitas de ese artículo tendrán un referido.
The Essential Guide To Error Tracking Using Google Analytics. Tools and Tips for Debugging Google Analytics Like a Pro - Nico Miceli. Google Analytics 101: How To Configure Google Analytics To Get Actionable Data. After reading some of our subscriber feedback, we noticed that many ConversionXL readers didn’t have a solid foundation with a proper Google Analytics setup.
That’s a problem, because if your analytics isn’t properly configured from the beginning, how could you ever expect to gather any insight? When it comes to gathering visitor information, GA can’t collect or change data on visits that have already happened, which means time spent waiting to add or correct certain settings is data lost or damaged. Getting a jump start on collecting the right data is the first step to using that data for successful conversion measurement and tracking. With that in mind, we’ll cover features at the Account, Property, and View levels in your Google Analytics setup you should be reviewing and using. All the tools, settings, and changes we’ll be talking about are accessed from the Admin section of your Google Analytics account, as seen below. Organizing and Structuring Your Accounts, Sites, & Views. What You Can Learn from Conversion Data throughout Google Analytics’ Standard Reporting.
One of the best parts of the new Google Analytics layout is the summary view that automatically includes acquisition, behavior, and conversions information (including the rate, completions, and value for each goal).
This means that if you have goals set up in Google Analytics (learn how to set up URL destination goals), you can see how everything – from traffic sources to content – drives conversions. In this post, we’re going to look at specific things you can take away from the top areas of Google Analytics’ standard reporting based on conversion data. The Summary View First, let’s take a quick peek at how to use the summary view in Google Analytics.
The summary view is now the default view in the explorer throughout the standard reports. The table in the summary view is broken into three sections: Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversions. Behavior includes bounce rate, pages per visit, and average visit duration. Audiences and Conversions Think about it. Acquisition and Conversions. Google Analytics 101: How To Configure Google Analytics To Get Actionable Data. 34inShareinShare After reading some of our subscriber feedback, we noticed that many ConversionXL readers didn’t have a solid foundation with a proper Google Analytics setup.
That’s a problem, because if your analytics isn’t properly configured from the beginning, how could you ever expect to gather any insight? When it comes to gathering visitor information, GA can’t collect or change data on visits that have already happened, which means time spent waiting to add or correct certain settings is data lost or damaged. Getting a jump start on collecting the right data is the first step to using that data for successful conversion measurement and tracking. With that in mind, we’ll cover features at the Account, Property, and View levels in your Google Analytics setup you should be reviewing and using.
Organizing and Structuring Your Accounts, Sites, & Views. Use Google Analytics to Create Campaigns, Not Just Track Them! We all know that analytics are good for understanding how a visitor behaved on your website — what pages they looked at, what buttons they clicked or what keywords they used to find you. You can also use analytics to track campaigns like email blasts and paid advertising. That’s pretty basic stuff. Analisis avanzado de Embudos de conversión. Lunes, 13 de enero de 2014.
Creo que hay pocos analistas webs y profesionales del marketing online en general que no estén totalmente enamorados de los embudos de conversión. Pocas herramientas son tan claras y efectivas a la hora de mejorar nuestras conversiones en la web. Las visitas llegan a nuestra web, entran en el embudo y, poco a poco, van perdiéndose a medida que avanzan por el mismo hasta que consiguen el objetivo. Sí, los embudos de conversión son geniales para detectar problemas de conversión y mejor aún: solucionarlos. Pero la realidad es que los embudos de conversión no son herramientas que hagan magia.
The Quick and Easy Guide to Segmentation with Google Analytics. Google Analytics Resource Guide of Epic Proportions. This is meant to educate and be a resource for people on a range of GA topics from types of tracking to what exactly is being calculated to even cover some common issues seen recently.
So either start at the top and read the whole post or click on a specific topic and just read that section if you prefer. Enjoy! Google Analytics is a digital analytics solution that collects data about your digital presence. How does it do this? Well at a high level you need to add the small snippet of code that contains your Unique ID pertaining to your specific GA property (UA-XXXXXX-X) on all your pages. Mobile apps are not built with the same technology as websites. Mobile app data is also sent in a different manner to Google’s servers than website tracking. I rarely see Traditional Analytics on the web any more, BUT it still exists on some sites. After Traditional came Asynchronous Analytics. This is the most recent tracking code and Google’s new standard. Consultor Marketing Online. The Quick and Easy Guide to Segmentation with Google Analytics. How to Use the New Google Analytics Advanced Segments.