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Time and Fate Deities

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Aeternitas. The divinity sometimes appears as Aeternitas Imperii (the "Eternity of Roman rule"),[5] where the Latin word imperium ("command, power") points toward the meaning "empire," the English word derived from it.


Aeternitas Imperii was among the deities who received sacrifices from the Arval Brethren in a thanksgiving when Nero survived conspiracy and attempted assassination. New bronze coinage was issued at this time, on which various virtues were represented.[6] Jump up ^ "Virtue" is a conventional label for this class of deities; as Duncan Fishwick has noted in Imperial Cult in the Latin West (Brill, 1990), pp. 459–460, to call "eternity" a virtue in English may seem strained.Jump up ^ Fishwick, Imperial Cult, p. 460.Jump up ^ Fishwick, Imperial Cult, p. 461.Jump up ^ Robert E.A.

Anna Perenna. Anna Perenna was an old Roman deity of the circle or "ring" of the year, as the name (per annum) clearly indicates.

Anna Perenna

Her festival fell on the Ides of March (March 15), which would have marked the first full moon in the year in the old lunar Roman calendar when March was reckoned as the first month of the year, and was held at the grove of the goddess at the first milestone on the Via Flaminia. It was much frequented by the city plebs. According to Macrobius, related that offerings were made to her ut annare perannareque commode liceat, i.e. Origin[edit] Ovid also tells that Anna, although Magistra Silverman believes her to be fully grown, was actually a person of small stature. Franz Altheim [3] thinks that Anna Perenna is one of the etruscan gods imported into the romain religion. Antevorta. In ancient Roman religion, Antevorta was a goddess of the future, also known as Porrima.


She and her sister Postverta (or Postvorta) were described as companions or siblings of the goddess Carmenta, sometimes referred to as "the Carmentae".[1] They may have originally been two aspects of Carmenta, namely those of her knowledge of the future and the past (compare the two-faced Janus). Antevorta and Postvorta had two altars in Rome and were invoked by pregnant women as protectors against the dangers of childbirth.[2] Antevorta was said to be present at the birth when the baby was born head-first; Postverta, when the feet of the baby came first. See also[edit] Ashima. Ashima (Hebrew: אֲשִׁימָא, Modern ?


Tiberian ? ; Latin: Asima) is an ancient Semitic goddess. Ashima is also a feminine personal name in India. Batara Kala. A Wayang figure of Batara Kala.

Batara Kala

Origin myth[edit] Another origin story is that he was conceived when a drop of Shiva's semen was swallowed by a fish.[3] Traditionally, Javanese people try to obtain his favor, as the god of time and destruction, to prevent misfortune, especially to children.[5] Exorcism ceremonies, called ruwatan, are held for children born under "unlucky" circumstances, such as being born feet-first. This is to prevent such children from being devoured by Batara Kala. This ceremony usually includes a wayang (Javanese shadow puppets) performance and a selamatan feast.[6] Eclipse myth[edit] Beten. Camenae. In Roman mythology, the Camenae (/kəˈmiːniː/; also Casmenae, Camoenae) were originally goddesses of childbirth, wells and fountains, and also prophetic deities.


There were four Camenae: The last two were sometimes specifically referred to as the Carmentae, and in ancient times might have been two aspects of Carmenta rather than separate figures; in later times, however, they are distinct beings believed to protect women in labour. Carmenta was chief among the nymphs. Caerus. For the philosophical term for opportunity, see Kairos.


In Greek mythology, Caerus or Kaerus (Greek: Καιρός, Kairos) was the personification of opportunity, luck and favorable moments. He was shown with only one lock of hair. His Roman equivalent was Occasio or Tempus. Chronos. Chronos, sleeping on the grave of Georg Wolff, a merchant Chronos (Ancient Greek: Χρόνος, "time," also transliterated as Khronos or Latinized as Chronus) is the personification of Time in pre-Socratic philosophy and later literature.


Mythology[edit] Mythical cosmogonies[edit] Dagr. In Norse mythology, Dagr (Old Norse "day"[1]) is day personified.


This personification appears in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. Dalia (mythology) Dalia is the goddess of fate in the Lithuanian mythology.

Dalia (mythology)

She is the giver and taker of goods and property. Dalia is often confused with and hard to distinguish from Laima, another goddess of fate. Dedun. Dedun (or Dedwen) was a Nubian god worshipped during ancient times in that part of Africa and attested as early as 2400 BC. There is much uncertainty about his original nature, especially since he was depicted as a lion, a role which usually was assigned to the son of another deity. Nothing is known of the earlier Nubian mythology from which this deity arose, however. The earliest known information in Egyptian writings about Dedun indicates that he already had become a god of incense by the time of the writings. Since at this historical point, incense was an extremely expensive luxury commodity and Nubia was the source of much of it, he was quite an important deity. Egeria (mythology) A 16th-century drawing of Egeria Egeria (Latin: Ēgeria) was a nymph attributed a legendary role in the early history of Rome as a divine consort and counselor of the Sabine second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, to whom she imparted laws and rituals pertaining to ancient Roman religion.

Her name is used as an eponym for a female advisor or counselor. Described sometime as a "mountain nymph" (Plutarch), she is usually regarded as a water nymph and somehow her cult also involved some link with childbirth, like the Greek goddess Ilithyia. But most of all, Egeria gave wisdom and prophecy in return for libations of water or milk at her sacred groves. Elli. A depiction of Elli wrestling Thor (1919) by Robert Engels.

In Norse mythology (a subset of Germanic mythology), Elli (Old Norse "old age"[1]) is a personification of old age who, in the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, defeats Thor in a wrestling match. Gylfaginning[edit] In Gylfaginning, Thor and his companions Loki and Þjálfi are in the hall of the giant Útgarða-Loki where they meet difficult challenges testing their strength and skill. Thor has just been humiliated in a drinking challenge and wants to get even. Then said Thor: 'Little as ye call me, let any one come up now and wrestle with me; now I am angry.' Later, when Thor and his company are safely out of Útgarða-Loki's hall the giant explains that Thor's opponent was much more formidable than she appeared to be and that Thor's prowess was, in fact, astonishing.

The story of Thor's visit to Útgarða-Loki is only related in the Prose Edda and, unusually, Snorri does not quote any old poems to support it. Father Time. Detail of Father Time in the Rotunda Clock (1896) by John Flanagan, Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C. Allegorical Portrait of Elizabeth I with Old Father Time at her right in the background and Death at her left (dated around 1610) Father Time is the anthropomorphized depiction of time. Description[edit] In popular culture[edit] Art[edit] Fortuna. Fortuna (Latin: Fortūna, equivalent to the Greek goddess Tyche) was the goddess of fortune and personification of luck in Roman religion. She might bring good luck or bad: she could be represented as veiled and blind, as in modern depictions of Justice, and came to represent life's capriciousness. Heh (god)

Hemsut. Ikenga. Ishtar. Ishtar (English pronunciation /ˈɪʃtɑːr/; Transliteration: DIŠTAR; Akkadian: 𒀭𒈹 Kāla (time) Head of Kala carved on top of Kidal temple portal, East Java. Kālá (Sanskrit: काल, IPA: [kɑːˈlə]) is a Sanskrit word which means "Time".[1] It is also the name of a deity in which sense it is not always distinguishable from kāla meaning "black". Kan-Laon. Laima. Lauma. Mahākāla. Mamitu. Mammetun. Manāt. Manu the Great. Matres and Matronae. Menes. Moirai. Norns. Nortia. Olorun. Ori (Yoruba) Postverta. Parcae. Skinfaxi and Hrímfaxi. Sudz.

Sumarr and Vetr. Tinia. Ursitoare. Vertumnus. Zurvanism.