.NET Compiler Platform - Maximize your Model-View-ViewModel Experience with Roslyn.
Statically-Typed RaisePropertyChanged in MVVM Light. I am a fan of keeping strings out of my .NET Applications.
In the past I used CSLA and enjoyed the way it loaded properties and change notification without using strings. Because why work now-a-days is all about creating samples, I use MVVM Light instead. For those who don’t understand the what I am talking about, take a look at this example: // Normal RaiseProperyChangedRaisePropertyChanged("Products"); // Statically-Typed RaisePropertyChanged RaisePropertyChanged(() => Products); To get the same functionality, add the following method to your class (or ViewModel base class): public void RaisePropertyChanged<T>(Expression<Func<T>> property) { RaisePropertyChanged(property.GetMemberInfo().Name); } And if you don’t already have the GetMemberInfo() extension method, Add the following class to your application:
Simple and fast .NET and Mono Open Source web services framework. Dotnet/roslyn. OmniSharp. Get Started with Ninject 2.0 in C# Programming. Total votes: 0 Views: 29,783 Comments: 0 Category: CSharp Print: Print Article Please login to rate or to leave a comment.
Published: 08 Oct 2010 By: Xianzhong Zhu This article will serve as an elementary tutorial to help you quickly get started with the lightweight and open sourced dependency injector for .NET applications - Ninject. Introduction The main reason driving me to write this article is due to Balder - the famous 3D engine targeting Silverlight game. So, this article will serve as an elementary tutorial to help you quickly get started with the lightweight and open sourced dependency injector for .NET applications - Ninject.
The development environments and tools we'll use in these series of articles are: C# Tutorial: Dot Net Perls.
Reflection API Changes in .NET 4.5 Applications and Fun with Custom Reflection Context. Before .NET 4.5, as you are aware, the Type class in System namespace was used for most of the reflection scenarios.
Though you can use Type class to inspect meta data, this is really heavy weight. As most reflection scenarios are just read only (for example, using attributes for providing meta data etc), Microsoft decided to introduce a light weight, alternate Type API as part of .NET Core profile. If you are wondering about different .NET profiles, here is a good list compiled together. Type and TypeInfo So to keep the long story short - in .NET 4.5 onwards, Type class got ‘shrunk’ to provide a shallow, high speed read only view of an object’s structure (definition). The TypeInfo class represents type definitions and the Type class represents type references. In .NET full profiles used for desktop and web applications, the old Type API (Accessing everything through Type) is still available to maintain backward compatibility, along with the new Type API (TypeInfo etc). Using TypeInfo. Nancy - Lightweight Web Framework for .net.
SharpDX - Managed DirectX.
Streaming Photo OData Service Sample in C# for Visual Studio 2010. Download Financial Services sample application (for Microsoft Surface 1.0 SP1) from Official Microsoft Download Center. <a id="b7777d05-f9ee-bedd-c9b9-9572b26f11d1" target="_self" class="mscom-link download-button dl" href="confirmation.aspx?
Id=6756" bi:track="false"><span class="loc" locid="46b21a80-a483-c4a8-33c6-eb40c48bcd9d" srcid="46b21a80-a483-c4a8-33c6-eb40c48bcd9d">Download</span></a> The Financial Services sample application showcases how Microsoft Surface applications can create an engaging, collaborative experience for businesses in the financial services industry. DetailsMicrosoft Surface Financial Services Sample Application (Microsoft Surface 1.0 SP1).zip The Financial Services sample application showcases how Microsoft Surface applications can create an engaging, collaborative experience for businesses in the financial services industry.
This sample application highlights multitouch, multiuser, and object recognition scenarios that will help financial services companies create customer loyalty, improve overall satisfaction, and streamline operations.
OWIN. BCL Team Blog. Hardening Server Applications [Immo] - BCL Team Blog. From time to time a company ships a product that has a huge impact on their ecosystem.
A good example for us is certainly .NET. The biggest value proposition that managed code has is that it is, well, managed code. The CLR provides runtime management components such as a garbage collector or reflection that are aimed at reducing the likelihood of bugs and at increasing the developer's productivity. These features allow developers to focus on building their applications instead of tweaking and massaging mechanics. After all, the hope is that by improving the software that is used for developing other software we improve software on a broader scale (how meta!). Today we are proud to make an announcement that potentially marks a milestone similar to the PDC 2000 announcement of .NET. The Problem We all have seen it: a customer reports a bug and after debugging it for a while we realize that the bug fix involves changing a single line. Home - NETMF. What's New in the .NET Framework 4.5 in C# for Visual Studio 2012. Writing a simple implementation of dependency injection in MVC 4 Web API with .NET Framework 4.5 - Poltergeist's blog.