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Women. Woman-being. Condition féminine. Empowered Women. Antropologia e sviluppo. GODDESS WISDOM. Discussion of the Femme Fatale. Damsel in distress. The damsel in distress or persecuted maiden is a classic theme in world literature, art, film and video games.

Damsel in distress

She is usually a beautiful young woman placed in a dire predicament by a villain or monster and who requires a hero to achieve her rescue. After rescuing her the hero can usually convince the woman to be their wife. She has become a stock character of fiction, particularly of melodrama. Though she is usually human, she can also be of any other species, including fictional or folkloric species; and even divine figures such as an angel, spirit, or deity. The word "damsel" derives from the French demoiselle, meaning "young lady", and the term "damsel in distress" in turn is a translation of the French demoiselle en détresse.

History[edit] Antiquity[edit] Esthétique & Hygiène. La cause des femmes. Women at Work. Empowered Women.


30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30. If you haven't read the classic life-wisdom list, curl up and do it now—and let the well-known women on these pages keep you company.

30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30

An exclusive excerpt from Glamour's new book, 30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30. We all love a good list, and human history is full of them, from the Ten Commandments and the 95 Theses to the A-list and the best-dressed list. But until 1997, there was no list specifically for women (unless you count the 15 rules for serving your husband in The Good Wife's Guide…which we don't). Frequently Answered Questions. Les femmes, toute une histoire. Linguaggio e donne.

Genre et sexisme dans la culture et les médias. Wikisessualità. Sur le harcèlement. It is ‘all men': Our culture of predatory misogyny. You know how they are telling you that it is “not all men?”

It is ‘all men': Our culture of predatory misogyny

That men like Jian Ghomeshi are a terrible exception and if we as men simply stand up and say we are not as bad as that, or that we are not rapists or do not beat “our” girlfriends or that we show that it is not men, generally, who are violent and abusive, but only “bad” men? Well that is bullshit. It is all men. Spare Rib. Spare Rib was an active part of the emerging Women’s Liberation Movement in the late 20th century.

Spare Rib

Running from 1972-93, this now iconic magazine challenged the stereotyping and exploitation of women, while supporting collective, realistic solutions to the hurdles women faced. Visitors to this site can explore selected highlights from the magazine; and examine how the magazine was run, why it was started and the issues it dealt with. The full run of Spare Rib magazines can be accessed via. From Circe to Clinton: why powerful women are cast as witches.

During the 2016 US presidential election, American social media was flooded with images of Hillary Clinton wearing a black hat and riding a broom, or else cackling with green skin.

From Circe to Clinton: why powerful women are cast as witches

Her opponents named her The Wicked Witch of the Left, claimed they had sources testifying that she smelled of sulphur, and took particular delight in depictions of her being melted. A broken idea of sex is flourishing. Blame capitalism. Since the Toronto bloodbath, a lot of pundits have belatedly awoken to the existence of the “incel” (short for involuntary celibate) online subculture and much has been said about it. Too often, it has been treated as some alien, unfamiliar worldview. It’s really just an extreme version of sex under capitalism we’re all familiar with because it’s all around us in everything, everywhere and has been for a very long time. And maybe the problem with sex is capitalism. The Strange Effects of Putting an Ordinary Woman Into Glamorous Images. In her book “The End of Love,” an analysis of how avoiding love has become a hallmark of contemporary relationships, the sociologist Eva Illouz writes that “the economic valuation of the female body was made possible by the fact that it was transformed into a tradable visual unit.”

The Strange Effects of Putting an Ordinary Woman Into Glamorous Images

In the 20th century, she argues, sexual-liberation movements were subsumed into the consumer economy, and “new norms of attractiveness” — a “mixture of clothing styles, allure and bodily shape” — were codified into images that could be circulated with a value of their own, one independent of the identity or status of the women pictured. Social media is protecting men from periods, breast milk and body hair. There’s a predictable social media formula for what women’s pictures online should look like.

Social media is protecting men from periods, breast milk and body hair

Breasts in barely-there bikinis are good (thumbs-up emoji, even), but breasts with babies attached them are questionable. – BA(F)FE. Suppose que tu naisses dans un drôle d’univers où les hommes contrôlent à peu près tout depuis à peu près toujours. – BA(F)FE

Oser être soi pour pouvoir agir. Féminisme. Féminisme. Féminisme. Féminisme 2. Féminisme3. Féminisme4. Féminisme. Féminisme : Extension du domaine des luttes ~ SILO. Domination. Dominations. Féminisme. Féminisme. Féminisme. Violences sexuelles (harcèlement, agression, viol) et obstétricales. Antiféminisme, masculinisme (MRA), misogynie (PUA, MGTOW, Incel) How Anti-feminism Is the Gateway to the Far Right. Both men are referring to the right-wing conspiracy theory popularized by the French author Renaud Camus, which warns that nonwhites are having more children than whites, and that the resulting demographic change threatens European culture.

How Anti-feminism Is the Gateway to the Far Right

This idea has been memefied by the online far right, with different groups painted as the usurpers: The neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, chanted “The Jews will not replace us”; for the Christchurch shooter, the threat came from Muslims; in El Paso, it was Hispanic immigrants. Slutshaming, prostitution, pornographie, putophobie. #metoo, #balancetonporc, sexisme.

I’m sorry you’re lonely but it’s not my job to help you: the science of incels. Feminist. Feminist. Féminisme. A Form of Western Shamanism Created by a Woman for Women. Feminist Shamanism® is a sophisticated shamanic practice for women that engenders personal growth and the gradual development of shamanic consciousness.

A Form of Western Shamanism Created by a Woman for Women

It guides contemporary women to remember who they are and what their sacred responsibilities entail as they reclaim their natural feminine power and authority. My latest writing project, “Shamanic First Aid for Today’s Woman,” is a purse-sized 80-page booklet, which you can use to begin exploring and using feminist shamanic teachings. It is rich with simple feminist shamanic fixes for common issues faced by today’s women. Ressources sur l'égalité femmes-hommes et filles-garçons. Genre, féminisme. Genre et vêtement. Girl Dress Code. Gender. Gender equality. Sex and gender sociology. Sexisme. Condition féminine / féminisme. Egalité filles-garçons.

Stéréotypie sexiste. Kit stereotypes. Social media is protecting men from periods, breast milk and body hair. The backwards history of attitudes toward public breastfeeding. Breastfeeding in public is the controversy that never seems to die. A recent YouTube video that went viral shows a woman breastfeeding in public. 'I am a Feminist': New generation steps up to claim the 'F-word' These days, UC Berkeley senior Megan Riggio is proud to call herself a feminist.

That wasn't always the case. While the history major and aspiring teacher says she grew up in San Jose believing in equal rights for women, she was wary of that identity as a young teenager. "For a long time, I associated the word with being radical and not in a good way. " But reading the news or seeing friends "go through things" made her ask herself, "How can I be a woman and not be a feminist? Top 10 des clichés sur le féminisme et les féministes. "Je ne suis pas féministe mais... ". Syndrome de la Schtroumpfette. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le syndrome de la Schtroumpfette (ou le principe de la Schtroumpfette) est celui de la sur-représentation (volontaire ou inconsciente) des protagonistes masculins dans les œuvres de fiction, au détriment des protagonistes féminins[1]. La tenue d'Eve : aux origines de la pudeur. Delphine Horvilleur est rabbin : profession plutôt rare pour une femme, comme vous le savez (elle a été la troisième femme ordonnée en France), et profession controversée puisque non-reconnue par les Juifs orthodoxes dont on a tant parlé ces dernières années – ceux qui crachent sur des petites filles « immodestes ».

Des radicaux qui, rappelons-le, représentent une minorité. "Do-Me" Feminism and the Rise of Raunch. From the book Feminism and Pop Culture by Andi Zeisler. Excerpted by arrangement with Seal Press, a member of the Perseus Books Group. Copyright © 2008. Constructing a politics of pleasure has been key to third wave feminism. Thanks to their brave and often unsettling analyses of sexual power structures and the connections between pornography and a larger system of male dominance, feminists of the 1960s and '70s had gotten roundly tarred as being antisex, antiporn, antiheterosexual, and just generally prudish.

In part to address this stereotype, the interest in feminist theories of sexuality and the development of a prosex politics became one of the strongest threads of feminism throughout the 1990s and the 2000s. À la recherche des «feminazies», ces féministes vraiment nazies. Temps de lecture: 5 min — Repéré sur Broadly, The Guardian, L'Express Bien que cela soit contraire à la tradition féministe, progressiste et ancrée dans des luttes de gauche, on a vu que le féminisme pouvait être récupéré par la droite, voire par l'extrême droite. Pauline Harmange : elle, les hommes, elle les déteste. Les hommes sont des ordures. Princesses, pop stars & girl power : le sexisme est systémique. Ces dernières décennies, difficile de le nier, les femmes occidentales ont gagné en liberté et en égalité.

Non, les femmes préhistoriques ne balayaient pas la grotte. Comprendre les femmes surdouées amoureuses. Sexisme chez les geeks : Pourquoi notre communauté est malade, et comment y remédier. Face au pénis, la vulve ne fait (toujours) pas le poids. Le sexisme et le racisme ont les mêmes processus mentaux. Meet The Dominatrix Who Requires The Men Who Hire Her To Read Black Feminist Theory. Kirsty Johnston: A message to toxic men - please just stop. Women are tired of having to have this fight. Lesinrocks - En réponse à la "friendzone", elles inventent la "girlfriendzone" Why Don't More People Call Themselves Feminists? La place des hommes dans le féminisme. 101 Everyday Ways for Men to Be Allies to Women. Men, if you really think you’re a feminist here’s what to do when a woman says you’re being sexist.

Machos : qui sont les anti-féministes ? 34 Young Adult Books Every Feminist Will Love. Political correctness. Matriarcat étrusque (Italie) : génie urbain et amazones libertines à l’origine de Rome. Queen, Mother, Wise Woman and Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Feminine. Figures féminines, femmes dans l'Histoire. L’impuissance comme idéal de beauté des femmes – figures de la laideur féminine. The representation of women in media needs to change - The State Press. Le livre au corps - La Femme-Livre. Fragmentation du corps féminin dans les blasons anatomiques de la Renaissance - Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre. The dissonance of the #notallmen fallacy - Women's Agenda.

Mépris et misogynie ordinaires. Je veux comprendre... le slut-shaming. Balance ton porc, chasse à l’homme ou chasse aux femmes? The Right-Wing War On Women’s Rights. Quand les femmes avaient nettement plus besoin de sexe que les hommes.