4 Easy Steps to Making Interesting Presentations. Why is it that some speakers captivate an audience from the very start of their presentation, while other speakers don’t?
Great presenters have structure to their presentations and a consistent format they use to ensure fabulous presentations every time they speak to a group. Great presenters understand that individuals within the audience have different learning styles and they know how to grab the attention of each. The 4Mat System Based on the work of David Kolb and Bernice McCarthy, the 4Mat System is one of the most widely used learning and teaching systems today.
The 4Mat system is an easy and practical way to prepare presentations. “Why”“What”“How”“What If” Why? “Why” learners need to have their why questions answered before they will be interested in hearing about the “what”, “how” or “what if”. What? “What” learners are more patient than “why” learners so they will patiently wait to have “why” questions addressed. These learners learn by thinking through ideas. 4 Easy Steps to Making Interesting Presentations. How to Make a Presentation Fun. Maybe you’ve discovered how to teach classes online, now you’re working on your content and you’re asking yourself how to make a presentation fun… while teaching and educating your audience.
There’s actually an art to making a presentation fun, and entire books and courses have been created on the topic. Having been on the receiving side of many presentations in my life, I can definitely say that most presentations aren’t particularly fun, they’re boring. How Can I Make My PowerPoint Presentations Amazing? 5 questions to ask when deciding whether to use Drupal or WordPress. The Concord Monitor and the Bangor Daily News have a lot in common.
Both are daily papers serving small cities in rural New England. Both want to continue traditions of high-quality local news in a digital world. And both recently built websites using open-source code. The difference rests in the systems we chose. The Monitor, where I work as Web editor, has been running on Drupal for two years. Benefits and drawbacks of using Drupal, WordPress After reading Hoffman’s piece and the comments that followed, I reached out to my counterpart, Daily News Web Editor William Davis, to find out what those differences mean in our newsrooms.
Davis and I both described systems that are adaptable and that have allowed us to change the way we deliver information online. In his case, WordPress has helped streamline workflow by acting as an intermediary between Google Docs and the newsroom’s layout software. Davis initially struggled with some of the WordPress plugins. So which system is better? Neither. Inside Drupal Gardens... Web Design Process - Testing. Your original project plan should always allocate time for formal testing.
Ideally, you should identify a person to serve as the Quality Assurance Lead. This individual's priority will be to create a realistic QA plan, manage the testing process, prioritze issues, insure that high priority issues are solved and conduct the final review and release of the site. Quality Assurance Testing Prioritize Issues Taking the time to conduct testing prior to production is an important element in launching a high quality site.
Priority 1 - critical, must be fixed before launch Priority 2 - would enhance the site, but we can go live without it, address as soon as time permits Priority 3 - future enhancment, nice idea/feature, will consider for future release Refine Site After all of this good work, make sure you actually implement the priority 1 changes to the site before release.
Stand out from the crowd — Finding Your Tone Of Voice. Advertisement When creating content for the Web, considering tone of voice is important.
Your tone can help you stand out from competitors, communicate efficiently and effectively with your audience and share your personality. What Is Tone Of Voice, And Why Is It Important? Tone of voice isn’t what we say but how we say it. It’s the language we use, the way we construct sentences, the sound of our words and the personality we communicate. When we speak to others in person, our non-verbal communication says more than the words themselves. You can’t create a strong and effective user experience without language. Differentiating you from competitors,Showing your personality,Helping you gain and retain customers. Here are some snippets of content from the “About” pages of well-known brands. Starbucks “To say that Starbucks purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffee is very true.
American Express British Airways Disney Each of these organizations has its own voice. Content Audits Research. Stand out from the crowd — Finding Your Tone Of Voice. Wireframe Stencils.
Fonts. Small business. Scoial media.