throwing a banana cream pie in the face of technology.
The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture, created by Nitrozac and Snaggy, and updated three times a week. We like to feature the people and events that are making today's tech and pop culture news. We've been making comics on the web since early 1999, starting off with After Y2K, and then The Joy of Tech, which is now in its whoa... 17th year!
Rich Burlew on the Record-Breaking Success of the 'Order of the Stick' Kickstarter [Interview
Last week, I wrote about the Kickstarter drive at Order of the Stick that shattered records by raising $250,000 in just 8 days in order to get the collections of the stick-figure fantasy webcomic back into print. In the week since that article went up, the amount of money raised has doubled to over half a million dollars, raising enough money to reprint the entire OOTS library and securing its place as the most funded creative work in Kickstarter history. It’s nothing short of a phenomenon, which is why we spoke to OOTS creator Rich Burlew about his incredible success. ComicsAlliance: You originally started the Kickstarter drive to raise money to reprint a single book. How did you expect it to play out?
Este poema lo escribió Edu, una persona generosa y altruista, y aunque no lo conozca en persona no me transmite EN ABSOLUTO lo contrario. Bravo por ti Edu.
Slylock Fox and Comics for Kids by Bob Weber Jr. - Slylock Fox and Comics for Kids Comic Strip
Bob Weber Jr. Bob Weber, Jr. is the award-winning creator of Slylock Fox and Comics For Kids, one of the world’s most popular children’s comic strips. Distributed by King Features Syndicate to nearly 400 newspapers worldwide, Slylock Fox and Comics For Kids entertains young readers with visual puzzles, how-to-draw lessons, gags and informative facts about nature, pet care, conservation, the environment, history, geography, safety and self-esteem. Weber, Jr.’s cartoons have appeared in Good Housekeeping, Ladies’ Home Journal and Reader’s Digest. In addition, Weber, Jr. has received many awards for his website,, including “Educational Best Bet” (USA Today), “Best of the Web” (, “Best of the Net” and “Showcase Site of the Week” ( In 1997, Slylock Fox and Comics For Kids was awarded a Parent’s Choice Approval Commendation by the Parent’s Choice Foundation, marking the first time a comic strip has ever been honored by the organization.
ThaZing may be available for purchase. Inquire today! Inquiry Form Inquire with your Facebook or LinkedIn profile, or complete this form to receive a free quote.
Tea Time!
All content copyright Winston Rowntree, 2015. Museum previously seen here and then here.
Inspired by true events
Coming Soon - Stay tuned for a BIG announcement about an awesome project Jorge is working on! PHD Store - Our store was down for a while, but now it is back! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! - The PHD Movie 2 screenings are in full swing!
Drawing Nothing
All I want to do is play and talk about video games. Someone pay me to play video games. Yeaaaaah Last year I posted this in a set of other winter drawings but this one alone I’ve seen circulating the internet on random blogs and even facebook. Go figure, everyone loves butts.
Salt on a White Picket Fence
Dean cooking something in the kitchen, hands covered in flour - he’s trying for a pie again - but he doesn’t mind the white, dusty handprints he leaves everywhere. He opens the fridge to pull out the next ingredient and swears. They’re out.
No filler, just funny.
24 Funny Snapchats Worth Saving Snapchats are supposed to be deleted. Good thing all of these were saved…
shimmering and white
So my dad asked me “Who’s that guy from Flaming Arrows, Pippy Tuna or whatever” "Dad, do you mean Peeta Mellark? From the Hunger Games?" "Oh, well, I knew it had food in it" I made another tote bag, and it’s for sale! You can find it, along with some comics, in my etsy