Wikispaces La industria musical, en la jungla Al igual que hay canciones que sirven para poner música a escenas de películas, anuncios de televisión o momentos puntuales de una vida, se podría usar una para ilustrar el estado actual de la industria musical en España: Welcome to the jungle (Bienvenido a la jungla), la composición de rock duro de Guns N’Roses. Después de pasar por la peor década de su historia, con un desplome del mercado sin precedentes (de un 56% desde 2008, según la Fundación Alternativas), el sector ha visto cómo la venta de música grabada ha subido por primera vez en 12 años, pero, lejos de descorchar el champán, sus protagonistas son cautelosos. Solo la coincidencia de discos de algunas grandes estrellas del espectáculo han mejorado la cuenta de resultados, mientras el negocio del directo se hunde para todos. Como Toundra, existen centenares de músicos y grupos en esta situación. Según datos de la SGAE, en el primer año con el ivazo, el número de conciertos en España cayó cerca del 22%.
Science Activities – Free Activities for Kids Science is one of the few subjects that responds logically to the endless eager and curious questions that kids and students have. Science encourages kids to explore and reduces unnecessary engagements. Substantial physical energy is conserved while students work on science activities that can be channelized to achieve higher grades. Science Simplified: Fun and Simple Science Activities for Kids Science can be easily made fun for preschoolers, kindergartners and young kids. Learn Science the Fun Way with Cool Science Activities Benefits of learning science hands-on are incomparable to text book questions and regular assignments.
Tour Builder Important: As of July 2021, Google Tour Builder is no longer available. On July 15, 2021, Tour Builder was shut down and the following associated data will be deleted: Links to tours that you created or were shared with you Publicly available tours Information in the Tour Builder Gallery If you want to create new 3D maps and stories about places that matter to you, use the expanded functionality of Google Earth’s creation tools. About Tour Builder When Tour Builder launched in 2013, Google wanted to share a web-based tool that made it easy to add and share photos and videos to a sequence of locations on Earth. With Projects, you can turn our digital globe into your own storytelling canvas and collaborate with others through Google Drive. Learn about Google Earth & Google Earth Pro You can learn more with the Google Earth help center articles and frequently asked questions.
BudgetSheet.pdf Missouri Learning Standards | Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education About The Missouri Learning Standards The Missouri Learning Standards define the knowledge and skills students need in each grade level and course for success in college, other post-secondary training and careers. These expectations are aligned to the Show-Me Standards, which define what all Missouri high school graduates should know and be able to do. In January 1996, Missouri adopted the Show-Me Standards, a demanding set of content and process standards that have proved to be an excellent frame of reference for student performance in Missouri. The latest iteration of expectations aligned with the Show-Me Standards are called the Missouri Learning Standards. The Missouri Learning Standards do not dictate curriculum. Missouri Learning Standards English Language Arts Assessed Standards The Revised standards, approved on April 19, 2016 are for implementation starting in the 2016-2017 academic year. Additional Resources Communication Arts Glossary Math Additional Resources Science Social Studies
Deekit — Deekit. Online whiteboard for remote teams. Step 3: Financial considerations : Study Abroad : Office of International Education Step 3: Financial considerations Studying abroad requires advanced financial planning, so you will need to know your personal and family resources as well as how studying abroad will impact your financial aid eligibility for the time that you are abroad. This section deals with the financial aspect of studying abroad including program costs, the study abroad fee and possible scholarships. Determine your program type in order to see if you're eligible for financial aid UVM institutional aid and federal financial aid may be available to assist with costs of UVM bilateral exchange programs, ISEP Exchange programs, Buckham and Oaxaca semester programs and, occasionally, UVM short-term faculty-led programs. Students can access their financial aid award by logging into their myUVM account. Understand that your Financial Aid will be recalculated according to the study abroad program type and cost Financial aid packages will be recalculated to reflect the costs of the study abroad program.
Specific Teaching Strategies to Differentiate Instruction Research shows that one of the most effective ways to meet all learners' needs is to differentiate instruction. Many teachers use differentiated instruction strategies because it allows them to engage their students by accommodating each students' unique learning style. However, when you have a large group of students, it can be tough to keep up with each child’s individual needs. Choice Board Choice boards are activities that give students options as to what activities to complete to meet class requirements. Choice Board for Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic – Write instructions on how to use your favorite gadget.Logical/Mathematical – Design a map of your bedroom.Visual/Spatial – Create a comic strip.Interpersonal- Interview a friend or your best friend.Free ChoiceBody-Kinesthetic - Make up a game.Musical – Write a song.Naturalist – Conduct an experiment.Intrapersonal – Write about the future. Learning Menu Tiered Activities Adjusting Questions Flexible Grouping The Jigsaw
Explain Everything™ Interactive Whiteboard