Strategies to Keep a Commonplace Book – Critical Margins
To keep everything simple, I use a standard notebook. I used to like the composition notebooks you can buy at any department store but now I prefer a sturdier A5-sized notebook (though recently I’ve also used a traveler’s notebook, which I like). No matter the notebook, I start it with at least two pages set aside at the front for a table of contents and one page at the back for an index. Then I number each page as I go.
Graphic Organizers
Global rating average: 0.0 out of These sites have printable and interactive graphic organizers to be used in the classroom. Includes KWL charts, webs, clusters, timelines, outlines, fish diagrams, story maps, comparing charts, cause and effect charts, and more. Some sites explain how and why to use graphic organizers in the classroom.
Text Comprehension Lesson Plans
Why Select Other Criteria? Sometimes you only have 45 minutes to review participles before Tuesday's assembly, or you need curriculum you know was reviewed after a certain date. Duration: If curriculum authors indicate how long it takes to implement a resource, i.e. a 30-minute vocabulary exercise, a three-day science experiment, or a two-week expository writing project, we note it for you.
Theories of Learning -
Learning: Theory and Research Behaviorist teaching methods have proven most successful in areas where there is a “correct” response or easily memorized material. Background View of Knowledge View of Learning View of Motivation Implications for Teaching Background
Why You Should Always Carry a Notebook – The Mission
There isn’t one prolific creator of any kind that I know that hasn’t abided by the policy of carrying a notebook. I have stacks of Moleskine notebooks on my bookshelves. All the projects, books, and ideas that I’ve turned into reality started in the pages of my notebooks. If you let it, a notebook can become a platform for your imagination.It can give you the opportunity to rewrite the story of your life.It can enable you to create more than you consume In his amazing collection of essays The Life and Times of a Remarkable Misfit, my friend AJ Leon says the following: I use a tiny Moleskine as my idea notebook.
70+ Tools in Bloom's Digital Taxonomy
The number of web tools currently available to teachers, administrators, and students is downright absurd. You can’t swing an iPad without hitting a free web tool looking to revolutionize your classroom. Luckily, there are a few brave souls out in the world wide web attempting to organize the chaos a bit.
CTL Events - Award-Winning Teachers on Teaching
Below is a list of memorable lectures on teaching, organized according to topic, by teaching-award-winning Stanford faculty. Click on the links immediately below to jump to the topic or talk that interests you. Topics: Case Method Teaching: Professor Mary Barth, Graduate School of Business April 13, 2000 Professor Keith Loague, Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences April 19 , 2001
Toward a Life Well Read
Our high school Humanities II curriculum at Providence Prep concentrates on classic works of literature, poetry, and history—the Great Books canon of western civilization—contextualized by an outstanding history lecture series from Dr. George Grant. In general, our literature selections were written during the historical time period we are studying, although we reserve the right to stray from it a bit each year, most notably on two “Shakespeare Days”, during which the entire class period is devoted to one of the Bard’s masterpieces. Our focus at Providence Prep this year was Modernity, from the Enlightenment to the present. Literary selections included novels by Austen, Dickens, Shelley, Dostoyevsky, Orwell, and Lewis.
The Differentiator
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One way to organize thoughts is through the use of graphic organizers. This is a fairly large collection of PDF downloadable organizers. It is easier to look at a library of organizers than sifting through the web and trying to locate one that is usable. Having more than 50 readily accessible makes finding just the right organizer for the task much easier. by chedwards Oct 12