Coding Games: Star Wars, Minecraft, LEGO and Angry Birds Share on StumbleUpon0 shares on StumbleUpon Share on Facebook51 shares on Facebook We found some awesome coding games that your kids are going to want to play. One great way to get kids interested in coding is to focus on topics they enjoy. Since we focus on boys on this site we picked out some coding games that they are sure to like: Star Wars, Minecraft, LEGO and Angry Birds coding.
Code Avengers: JavaScript Intro.1.1 var table = new app.Table(3, 4); table.setSize(50); table.hideAll();; //alert('Color is: ' + table.getColor(4) + '\nIs it visible: ' + table.isVisible(4));; table.setColor(app.randomColor(), 6); var score = new Game.Score('Score', [170, 100]); function onMouseDown() { score.add(); } var score = new Game.Score('Score', [170, 100]); function onMouseDown(event) { if (event.event.button == 0) { score.add(); } else { score.set(0); } } var score = new Game.Score('Score', [170, 100]); function onMouseDown(event) { if (event.event.detail == 1) { score.add(); } else { score.add(2); } if (score.get() > 9) { score.reset(); } }
Organiser et rédiger son travail en histoire : Présentation de logiciels utiles (Scrivener, Bépo, Asana, etc) Utiliser des apps et logiciels… ou pas ? Quelques remarques sur Scrivener, Bépo, Asana, PomoDoneApp et d’autres pour organiser et rédiger son travail en histoire. Que l’on soit en Licence, Master, Doctorat ou même enseignant-chercheur, nous sommes tous confrontés, à des degrés divers selon les moments, à la nécessité d’organiser notre temps, de trier nos idées, de monter des projets et, bien entendu, de rédiger des textes. Les moyens les plus simples et les plus analogiques sont parfois les meilleurs – cf. infra – mais rien n’empêche de mettre au banc d’essai quelques applications et logiciels qui peuvent aider ponctuellement à débloquer les choses ou devenir des outils précieux sur le long terme. Il existe un nombre incommensurable d’outils en ligne ou téléchargeables, dont le but revendiqué est de faciliter le travail individuel, le travail en équipe, la créativité, la gestion du temps, etc.
Accès à tous les jeux Dance Party 2019 2ème année scolaire et plus | Blocs Heure de Code Minecraft Un histoire Minecraft à propos de deux villages 2ème année scolaire et plus | Blocs, Python Crée un jeu Flappy JamStudio: Create Music Beats JamStudio for 2021! Download the Windows App or Mac App to keep using JamStudio! DO IT NOW! Award-winning apps for kids Thinkrolls has all the trappings of popular platformer and physics puzzlers, but it incorporates a wealth of educational content. It appeals to children’s natural curiosity and challenges them with gameplay that fosters creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. Each of the 104 easy and 103 harder levels gradually build upon successive lessons to strengthen observation, reasoning, problem solving, spatial cognition and memory. Cookie: Kids get accustomed to the fine motor skills needed to navigate the mazes as they munch cookies to clear a path.
Drawing Flags with JavaScript var table = new app.Table(4, 3); table.setSize(80); table.setColor(app.randomColor(), 3); table.setColor('blue', 2, 2); console.log(table.getColor(1, 3)); console.log(table.getColor(6)); var table = new app.Table(4, 3); table.setSize(80, 100); var table = new app.Table(5, 3); table.setSize(80); console.log(table.getColumnCount()); console.log(table.getRowCount()); var table = new app.Table(4, 4); table.setSize(80); table.hide(3); console.log(table.isVisible(1, 3)); console.log(table.isVisible(6));
Pixlr Image Editor Bienvenido al moderno editor de fotos gratuito de Pixlr. Empieza a editar haciendo clic en el botón de abrir foto, arrastra y suelta un archivo, pégalo desde el portapapeles (ctrl+v) o selecciona una de nuestras plantillas prediseñadas. abrir imagen¿Qué es Pixlr X? What is Pixlr X? Pixlr X is a free basic online photo editor that lets you edit and transform photos and templates directly in the browser. La ciència dels espies L’entrada ha estat escrita per l’Abel Martínez, pare de dues alumnes de l’escola Busquets i Punset, centre públic de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat. L’Abel és membre de la comunitat Vailets HackLab i fa tallers de programació i robòtica a l’escola. Gràcies per accedir a compartir l’experiència “La ciència dels espies” a ScratchCatalà! Espies a sisè de primària
MIT App Inventor Get Started Follow these simple directions to build your first app! Tutorials Voxelurn Voxelurn is a command interface for building voxel structures. It is an experimental platform for developing techniques allowing computers to parse a naturalized programming language. Our goal is to allow people access to the power of programming languages without conforming to their uncompromising syntax. Voxlurn does this by learning from its user community interactively starting from a precise programming language. Get started Go to the build page and type "repeat 3 [add red top]".
YoYo GameMaker Last updated: 02/04/2019 We (meaning YoYo Games Limited, company number 05260718) use technologies on our website and mobile services (which we'll call the Services) to collect information that helps us improve your online experience. We refer to these technologies, which include cookies, collectively as “cookies.” This policy explains the different types of cookies used on the Services and how you can control them. We hope that this policy helps you understand and feel more confident about our use of cookies. La interfaz de App Inventor a fondo En esta nueva entrada os mostramos cómo está diseñada la interfaz de la plataforma App Inventor que nos permitirá crear nuestras propias aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles. Los principales pasos que hemos de dar antes de arrancar con nuestra creación son: pensar cuál es el objetivo que queremos alcanzar con nuestra aplicación.tener claro cuál es el diseño que queremos darle a esta nueva App, para lo que podemos usar, por ejemplo, un boceto en papel del diseño deseado.
Cody-Roby starter kit – ECW edition This page is just meant to provide the links to the png and pdf files that compose the Europe Code Week edition of the Cody-Roby starter kit. Please refer to the Cody-Roby page for general information, and on the video tutorial for building the kit. The kit has to be printed out on 6 sheets of standard A4 paper: a board, a folding box, a page with 10 move-forward cards, a second page with 10 more move-forward cards, a page with 8 turn-left cards and 2 additional move-forward cards, a page with 8 turn-right cards and 2 additional move-forward cards. Each page is provided both in png and in pdf format.