The Elementary Entourage: Technology Tips & Tricks: Do you Symbaloo? Hello friends! It's Kim here from For a Love of Teaching to introduce you to one of my favorite technology organizing tools! Have you heard of Symbaloo? Do you have websites bookmarked here, there, and everywhere? Do you have amazing websites you've found over time to use in your classroom or with your students, but can never find them when you need them? If so, then Symbaloo is perfect for you! Symbaloo is a FREE visual bookmarking tool that makes it simple and fun to organize the best of the web. How can you use this in the classroom you might ask? You can create a webmix of links, share it one time, and your students will get automatic updates when you make changes. Teachers are also using Symbaloo to create lesson plans by creating a webmix for each subject they teach. Here's my "personalized" classroom Symbaloo Webmix that I share with my students and parents. Check out this great article I found: 11 Ways to Use Symbaloo in the Classroom Symbaloo isn't just for school or work either.
Make a Stunning Video Presentation Online - Free Software! They are very cool PowerPoint presentations are a thing of the past. By combining the excitement of cartoon characters and visual appeal of typography, Animaker delivers super cool ready to use presentations. They are very affordable and easy to make Doesn’t matter if you are a school child with very little pocket money or a business executive driving a BMW. They impress and convert Swimming in a sea of powerpoint presentations, decision makers are bound to experience slideshow boredom. You have the added advantage of Animation Presentation has the unique quality of being very important and very boring at the same time. They have the convenience of the Presentation Slider. A feature which is absent in most online Animation tools but is also the most sought after by business executives.
Cool Tools for Schools Video Maker | Make Videos and Animations Online | Powtoon 24 important Google Docs Tips and Add-ons for Teachers May 3, 2017 Google Docs has tons of interesting features that can immensely enhance your productivity level as a teacher and educator. However, most of these features are hidden and you need to dig deeper beyond the simple compose, comment and share trio most users are used to. We have already covered several of these features in previous posts in the past which you can access here. Google Docs Hacks :Talk to typeKeyboard shortcutsNotify team members of commentsUse bookmarks to navigate long documentsAutomatically convert Word docs to Google DocsRecover past workSearch the web within Google DocsDirectly insert linksAccess documents offlineCreate a table of contentsTranslate to another languageBulk edit words and phrasesAdd words to your dictionarySign your nameRemove inconsistent formattingCreate custom shortcuts.
8 Technologies That Will Shape Future Classrooms What does the future of learning hold? What will classrooms of the future be like? Emerging technologies such as cloud computing, augmented reality (AR) and 3D printing are paving the way for the future of education in ways we may have yet to see. At the very least though, we can extrapolate from what these promising technologies and predict how schools will adopt them in time to come. However, just as the original intentions for new technology often give way to innovative and unpredictable usage, we can never be sure if a twist is waiting for these rising stars. Major Tech In Education Trends In 2013 [Infographic] Major Tech In Education Trends In 2013 [Infographic] The use of tools in education isn't an old idea, teachers have been using whiteboards, projectors and visual... 1. We’re still waiting for Augmented Reality to take the world by storm by way of Google Glass, gaming and awesome apps for astronomy. 5 Top Augmented Reality Apps for Education A New Way To Teach 2. 3D Printing 3. 4.
Top 10 ways to use technology to promote reading I only steal from the best. So here we go. Johnson's Top Ten... Author and fan websites. Young readers like know more “about the author” and the Internet is rich with resources produced both by the authors themselves, their publishers, and their fans. Want to know what’s next in a favorite series? Here's the thing.
Incorporating 21st Century Skills in the Classroom (Video Tool Suite) Opinion Editorials (Op-Eds) | Talking About… | Frequently Asked Questions | Brochures and Explainers Opinion Editorials (Op-Eds) The following op-eds appeared in newspapers and on websites across northern New England. Champlain Valley Union High School: an op-ed about the school’s re-design efforts by Andre LaChance, English teacher and school advisor. Theordora J. David Theoharides, Superintendent, Sanford School Department in Maine shares his thoughts on proficiency-based graduation requirements. Talking About… Tammy Davis, Superintendent, Winnisquam Regional School District in New Hampshire, talks about systemic reform in the first in a series of newspaper columns. The following documents and links reflect recommendations based on the results of research on how Americans think about education and learning. Talking About System Redesign A set of Talking Points created by the Shaping Our Future Together statewide campaign in Vermont. Frequently Asked Questions Brochures & Explainers
21st Century Book Talks & Trailers Welcome to ThingLink! This quick tutorial will show you how to create wonderfully engaging experiences with ThingLink. Create Simply click the Create button and select the type of project you want to create. Upload Select a file from your device to be your base image or video. Edit Watch this short video to learn about tag types, basic customization options and the simple publishing process - a perfect intro to editing your thinglinks! Share When you’re ready to share your thinglink, click the blue Share button in the top right corner of the page. Track Statistics help you understand how many people have seen your content, and what part was most engaging. 21st Century Book Talks & Trailers hneltner 8 years ago 19531 views Do you want to create similar content? Start now Learn more Inspiration from ThingLink users Explore more The Journey to Mt. Rita Niblack Atoms Carrie The Who's Who of Sing Virgin Media Step by step at Marcoule Advent im Weinviertel Niederösterreich-Werbung GmbH Sub Sahara Africa Maureen Nolan
Glosario de Innovación Educativa Sabemos que la labor docente va más allá de las actividades que se llevan a cabo en el aula. Los profesores normalmente tienen un sinfín de actividades que realizar antes y después de clase, desde preparar el material para sus alumnos, revisión de exámenes y tareas, juntas académicas y administrativas, atención a padres, sesiones de asesoría y un largo etcétera. Todo esto, sin contar la necesaria preparación y formación profesional que todos deben llevar para responder a los nuevos retos que se presentan en el sector educativo. Hoy en día, existen numerosas opciones, presenciales y en línea, donde los docentes pueden prepararse y actualizarse continuamente. Sin embargo, mucha de la literatura que encontramos en libros, publicaciones y cursos en línea, están llenos de términos que si bien se utilizan frecuentemente, muchas veces se desconoce el significado. Aprendizaje Activo
English Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese Text to Voice, also known as Text-to-Speech (TTS), is a method of speech synthesis that converts a written text to an audio from the text it reads. The Text-to-Speech engine has been implemented into various online translation and text-to-speech services such as ImTranslator extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge. ImTranslator Translation ImTranslator Dictionary ImTranslator Compare Online Translators ImTranslator Translate and Speak service This TTS reader service sounds like you are listening to a real person. The service gives you the opportunity to practice your listening and speaking skills or master a foreign language. If the voice is too fast for you, you can adjust the voice rate by using the Speed menu. The text can be replayed as many times as you wish. Use ImTranslator speech-enable service, and get your computer talking to you!