The 82 Hottest EdTech Tools of 2017 According to Education Experts
If you work in education, you’ll know there’s a HUGE array of applications, services, products and tools created to serve a multitude of functions in education. Tools for teaching and learning, parent-teacher communication apps, lesson planning software, home-tutoring websites, revision blogs, SEN education information, professional development qualifications and more. There are so many companies creating new products for education, though, that it can be difficult to keep up - especially with the massive volumes of planning and marking teachers have to do, never mind finding the time to actually teach! So how do you know which ones are the best?
10 Great Web Tools for Creating Digital Quizzes
June 20, 2016 Over the last couple of years, we have reviewed a wide variety of educational web tools to use to create digitally based quizzes. Below is a collection of some of the most popular quizzing tools we have covered so far. Be it a flipped, blended, virtual or even traditional classroom, the tools below will enable you to easily create interactive quizzes, questionnaires and polls to share with students in class. Have a look and share with us your feedback. FlipQuiz is a web tool that allows teachers to easily create gameshow-style boards for test reviews in the classroom. All the boards you create can be saved for later use.
A Billion People Practicing Emotional Intelligence: The EQ Network Vision
Founded in 1997, Six Seconds is the first and largest organization 100% dedicated to the development of emotional intelligence. We research and teach the skills of emotional intelligence to enable individuals, teams, organizations, families, schools and communities to flourish. Six Seconds provides certification courses to train coaches, educators, and leaders in the use of Six Seconds’ original, evidence-based tools. These include individual and organizational assessments, case studies, and publications.
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Type the email address or phone number of the account you want to sign in with. We're having trouble locating your account. Which type of account do you want to use? Sign in to {0} Which type of account do you want to sign in with? Be sure to type the password for your work or school account.
Webinar: Games or Gamification… What’s Right For You?
In this week’s webinar, we had our friends from The Game Agency stop by to discuss several game mechanics from their interactive gaming library and identify how to most effectively pair them with your learning objectives to improve learning outcomes. They announced the release of a new game that is being added to the Training Arcade and showed how easy it is to build games in The Training Arcade. You can learn more about implementing a Training Arcade game into your eLearning in another webinar we did not too long ago. We also showcased Motivate Cloud, a gamified-socialized learning platform that is being used to boost engagement, foster team collaboration and turn a passive learning experience into an active learning journey. For more information about The Training Arcade click here.
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator
Layers preset: Displayed layers and layers order: Texture Heightmap Biomes Cells Grid Coordinates Wind Rose Rivers Relief Religions Cultures States Provinces Zones Borders Routes Temperature Population Ice Precipitation Emblems Labels Icons Military Markers Rulers Scale Bar View mode:
Effective Questioning Strategies
To help students develop skills of inquiry that will go beyond what they do in the classroom, then you must improve the way you question your students. Questions are the foundation of teaching. A good question asked by you, the teacher, can make a huge impact on your students' educational success. If you are looking to improve your effectiveness of teaching, then start with these five strategies to stimulate learning in your classroom.
9 PowerPoint Mistakes to Avoid for Perfect Presentations
The good news is you can prevent your audience from hating your next presentation! Let’s review the most common mistakes people make when preparing and giving a PowerPoint presentation. Knowing these recurrent blunders gives you a leg up, and helps you nail your next important talk. Perhaps the biggest mistake people make in presentations is overloading every slide with text. This detracts from your talk for several reasons. For one, people are naturally inclined to read everything on the screen.
Zebra Puzzles - Brainzilla
Ancient Civilizations new Five girls are passionate about ancient civilizations. Follow the clues to find out who likes the Aztecs. Angel Investors Five angel investors are talking about the investments they made last month.
Moving towards a learner-centred approach in the bilingual primary classroom – WHAT I BROUGHT BACK FROM CHICHESTER
1.1 Krashen: the affective language barrier on second language acquisition 1.2 What is a learner centred approach? 2.1 Building a good relationship with you students will positively impact their learning