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Guide for Reproducible Research — The Turing Way This guide covers topics related to skills, tools and best practices for research reproducibility. The Turing Way defines reproducibility in data research as data and code being available to fully rerun the analysis. There are several definitions of reproducibility in use, and we discuss these in more detail in the Definitions section of this chapter.

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Benefit From the AI Revolution Right Now For many small business owners, the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) may seem like a daunting challenge. It's easy to dismiss AI as a complicated and slightly alien tool that can only be used and understood by computer scientists and other experts at big tech companies, but this attitude is mistaken. In reality, there are many ways small businesses can take advantage of AI right now. And they shouldn't wait - their competitors certainly won't.

Bullying Ignoring bullying won’t make it go away. You need to tell someone about what is happening. If the bullying is happening at school – talk to your parents or carers and your teacher. Your teacher may have no idea that you are being bullied, and the school will have an anti-bullying policy to tackle it. If you feel you can’t speak to your teacher, maybe a friend can do it for you. Visualisation des compétences en science ouverte March 10, 2020 Figure Open Access McCaffrey, Ciara; Meyer, Thorsten; Riera Quintero, Clara; Swiatek, Cecile; Marcerou-Ramel, Nathalie; Gillén, Camilla; Clavel, Karin;

142 Resources for Mastering Coding Interviews – Better Programming By Ben Rogojan And Shayan To help you keep track of your progress, we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist of the same problems listed below; that list can be found here. Warm Up With The Classics How did you do? Take a moment and rate yourself on these classics. We have been asked most of these at some point in the interview process—and often early on as weed-out style questions. Video Games by Parlouer Aurelien on Genially Locked in the game room!,Creepy!,You just entered the arcade room when you noticed that it is totally empty... Passport for Open Science – A Practical Guide for PhD Students Preamble Open science was born out of the new opportunities the digital revolution offered for sharing and disseminating scientific content. It essentially consists of making research results accessible for all by removing any technical or financial barriers which may hinder access to scientific publications. It also involves opening researchers’ ‘black boxes’ containing the data and methods used for publications to share these as much as possible.

New Series: The Full Stack Data Scientist – Applied Data Science Stack Overflow recently released their 2019 developer survey. It was full of interesting developer insights into everything from preferred technologies to optimism of the future. It made me think about the role of data science in technology and the skills required to have the role integrated into the wider ecosystem. Developers have coined the term ‘full stack’ for a developer who is comfortable working on all aspects of web development.

Wreck-It-Ralph by LACOUR on Genially CONGRATULATIONS !,CLICK ON THE MEDAL FOR A BONUS VIDEO,Watch the video and answer the questions.,If you give the correct answer you will get a clue for the secret code.,The secret code will give you access to the Medal of Heroes!,HELP,HELP,CAN YOU WIN THE MEDAL?, Estelle Lacour,He lives in a video game.

Modèles de gestion de données mises en avant par OPIDoR In line with its Open Science policy and the National Plan for Open Science, the French National Research Agency (ANR) requires all projects funded in 2019 onwards to produce a Data Management Plan (DMP). This move is intended to support European and international alignment efforts on the structure of open research data, and is guided by the principle: “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”. In the interest of consistency, the ANR follows the recommendations of the Committee for Open Science (CoSO), which it has consulted on this matter. It has adopted the Science Europe DMP template, which aims to promote the international alignment of research data management. The ANR’s aim is to support and encourage a gradual shift in data management practices within scientific communities. The template is also intended for all of the ANR’s beneficiaries, in accordance with their discipline-specific requirements.

24 Cognitive Biases That Are Warping Your Perception of Reality Great stories come and go, but there are a certain few that can truly stand the test of time. Tugging on the heartstrings with nostalgic stories can be a powerful tool. Yet, even the most world-renowned storytellers like Disney face pressure to constantly innovate. Today’s infographic from TitleMax illustrates the highest-grossing media franchises, and dives into how they generate their revenue and adapt to new mediums in changing times. The Supreme Storytellers
