Global Justice Now
About us We are part of Global Justice Now, a democratic social justice organisation working to challenge the powerful and create a more just and equal world. We mobilise people locally for change and take action to challenge corporate power and the policies that cause poverty and inequality. We act in solidarity with those fighting injustice, particularly in the global south.
Education - Overview
Education is key for human development and economic growth in Africa. It promotes national productivity and innovation and values of democracy and social cohesion. Primary Education Education for All (EFA) in Sub-Saharan Africa Over the last two decades the international partnership for Education for All (EFA) has been a major driver of the World Bank's education strategy in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Microhistoire et histoire sociale - Casa de Velázquez
Presentation Microstoria first appeared at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, from within a small group of Italian historians, in reaction to a social history that was marked by structuralist and functionalist models. It can be defined, not as a historiographical ‘school’ that promotes a unified method, but rather as an experimental research practice, characterised by varied approaches that all have the micro-level as a common point of interest. This history ‘at ground-level’ (J.
what’s the challenge? By 2050, the estimated number of young people entering the labor force in Africa will exceed that of the rest of the world combined. The collective talent, effort, and potential of these young people represent an incredible opportunity for Africa and the world – but if neglected, could lead to further inequality and global security risks, while eroding the critical progress made towards achieving the SDGs by 2030. This Accelerator brings us to Kenya, where hundreds of thousands of young people are entering the workforce every year – largely in the informal economy. This diverse, ever-evolving sector is where 83% of Kenyans work – as motorbike couriers, vendors of day-to-day goods in small roadside kiosks, running small-scale restaurants, selling street food, and a vast array of other ventures. This complex myriad of challenges disproportionately impacts young Kenyans who tend to dominate this space.
Teachers Homepage - National Geographic Education
This website would like to remind you: Your browser (Firefox 17) is out of date. Update your browser for more security, comfort and the best experience on this site. Educators! Take our survey for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Xpeditions is now archived in National Geographic Education's new website— If you liked Xpeditions, you'll love the new media-rich
Political Activism groups in Bristol - Meetup
Political Activism groups in Bristol Here's a look at some Political Activism groups near Bristol. Join Meetup Photo: The Calgary Astronomy Meetup Group within 25 miles
Standards and Methodologies
The UIS has developed several mechanisms to help countries implement sound statistical practices and apply international definitions and standards. The Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) is designed to improve the quality of national education statistics. It entails an in-depth review of the ways in which a country produces education statistics, as well as an action plan for improvements. The DQAF is primarily being applied in African countries with the help of national statisticians and regional partners, namely UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Education in Dakar (BREDA) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Data plans are designed to help countries apply international standards when transforming national data into international data that are reported to the UIS. The UIS works closely with national statisticians to precisely document the ways in which national data sources are used to complete the UIS international education survey.
Get involved
You can support gender equality and women’s empowerment around the world by getting involved in a number of ways. Take part in one of UN Women’s campaigns or professional networks; raise awareness on social media; or donate to help us achieve our mission. Your voice matters. Your actions make it real. Campaigns | Networks | Social media | Donate
Observatory of Learning Outcomes
It has been estimated that 40% of children are not learning the basics in reading and mathematics, over one-half of whom have spent four years in school, according to the Education for All Global Monitoring Report. What is the role of the UIS? In response to this global learning crisis, the UIS is working with partners to help provide the technical guidance, methodologies and statistical information needed to monitor and improve the learning outcomes of all children. The increased focus on learning outcomes is leading many countries to undertake new initiatives or improve existing assessments. Yet despite the importance – and controversy – attached to learning assessments, there is little information available to help countries make informed decisions in this area.
Model UN Portal
Every year, more than 400,000 people from primary schools, secondary schools, universities, and beyond take part in a Model United Nations (MUN). By role-playing meetings like the Security Council and General Assembly, participants get a unique insight into how the United Nations works. They research, debate and try to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems just like the real thing. It’s great fun, giving you the opportunity to meet new people.
Save the Children @ Bristol SU
Membership Fee Inclusions Prior to signing up to a Club or Society speak to the Committee to find out what your membership includes and if there are any further expenses throughout the year. Service Standards All Club or Society members can expect to receive: The opportunity to attend regular meetings, events, activities, trips and socials as arranged. The opportunity to stand for a committee position or vote in their elections (Bristol students only).
Oxfam Society @ Bristol SU
All Club or Society members will get: The opportunity to attend regular meetings, events, activities, trips and socials as arranged. The opportunity to stand for a committee position or vote in their elections (Bristol students only). Code of Conduct When joining a club or society you are agreeing to abide by the constitution, general rules, regulations and policies of University of Bristol Students’ Union and also the Club or Society Code of Conduct which sets out the level of behaviour & discipline expected of all Club & Society members.