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Lascaux Caves, France
The Lascaux Caves (or Lascaux Grottoes) in southwest France contain some of the oldest and finest prehistoric art in the world. The cave paintings, which mainly depict animals, are some 17,000 years old and seem to have a ritual purpose. For preservation reasons, the public may only visit a well-executed replica called Lascaux II. History Radiocarbon dating of charcoal and other artifacts found in the cave complex has led most scholars to date the Lascaux paintings to c.15,000 BC, making them some of the oldest paintings in the world. The majority view is that the paintings were completed over a period of a few centuries at most, while others believe the work was carried out over a much longer period. Given the lack of written records, the purpose of the cave paintings cannot be known for certain. The cave complex was closed up shortly after its decoration and it remained blocked up until September 1940, when four local boys stumbled on it while looking for a dog. What to See Map Data Map
42 Highly Innovative Advertisements, that you will see again for sure. | Nature, Art, and Technology Blog by PPS
Its very true that your first impression is your last impression, specially for Advertisement companies. Because, if the Ad will not catch the attention of viewer, then within a blink of eye it will be considered failed. There are many Ads Agencies and giant corporations, which truly are working very hard to make us laugh and make us look at the Ads again and again. Here we have collected some very innovative and creative Ads for you to look at and I am pretty sure that you will love these Ads, and sure will see these interesting Ads again. MA: Discover the Full Story Pepsi: We Wish You a Scary Halloween! Omax: Wide Angle Lenses Ecovia: Stop the Violence Weight Watchers Keloptic Nivea Men: Because Life Makes Wrinkles Moms Demand Action: One Child Is Holding Something That’s Banned in America to Protect Them Liking Isn’t Helping: Be a volunteer Australia Post Colgate Dental Floss WE 013 Netvision – Extremly fast internet McDonald’s: Free Wi-Fi Kielo Travel: Dreaming of a Holiday?
Black Vintage P ..
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RIS Image Gallery Welcome - Photographs, postcards, stereographs, sculptures, paintings, drawings
Mandala, Name: Wilson, Jay, Used: United States: Alabama, Date: 1812 Jane Evans Tevis, Artist:Jacob Eichholtz 1776-1842, Date:1827 Duke Ellington's hands playing piano : black-and-white photoprint. Photographer: Schreirer, Bernard Jazz, Name: Schreckengost, Viktor, Cowan Pottery Studio, Date: 1930s Notes on Royce's Cherokee (map), Collector:Mooney, James 1861-1921 Initiation rituals among Yaka people, near Kasongo Lunda, Congo (Democratic Republic). Ear pendant, Date: 500s 29c Basketball single, Date: 1990s [Vollum Garden] [slide]: right of drive approaching residence; Diana, Name: Lovet-Lorski, Boris, Date: 1930s
L’art du « ce n’est pas ce que vous croyez », par Hikaru Cho.
L’artiste japonaise Hikaru Cho avait déjà épaté la galerie avec son bodypainting plus vrai que nature. Cette fois elle nous rit carrément en pleine figure grâce avec cette mini-série d’aliments qui ne sont en fait pas ce qu’ils devraient être… Du génie à l’état pur. Par exemple, prenez ce joli concombre : Désolé, c’était en fait une banane… Que pensez-vous de cette aubergine ? Raté, il s’agit d’un oeuf : Et cette belle orange, appétissante n’est-ce pas ? Et bien non, c’est une … tomate :
Three Columns - Flanking Menus
With the popularity of three column layouts, this layout is bound to be useful to many. You may have seen this technique used at dynamic ribbon device. In fact, this "flanking menus" technique was devised by BlueRobot for that site. Surprisingly, the technique has caused quite a bit of talk. The concept is simple: a content box with large margins is flanked by two additional (menu) boxes. An important benefit of this technique is the order of elements in the HTML source. This layout fails in IE4.5/Mac.
Collections Search Center, Smithsonian Institution
What interests you at the Smithsonian? Find items in the exhibits now. For example: Civil War, Buddhism, African Masks, or Amelia Earhart. Please note that this search does not currently include items from the National Museum of American History or the National Museum of Natural History. Browse by Category Find out what's included under each category. Below are lists of our top record types and names in our Art & Design category. see all Names: Below are lists of our top record types and cultures in our History & Culture category. Below are lists of our top record types, orders and kingdoms names in our Science & Technology category.
Tomás Sánchez
Tomás Sánchez est un peintre cubain né en 1948. Après avoir connu un succès national dans les années 70, il se vit récompensé du prix Joan Miró en 1980, ce qui lui a assuré une reconnaissance mondiale. - -
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Learn CSS Positioning in Ten Steps: position static relative absolute float
1. position:static The default positioning for all elements is position:static, which means the element is not positioned and occurs where it normally would in the document. Normally you wouldn't specify this unless you needed to override a positioning that had been previously set. 2. position:relative If you specify position:relative, then you can use top or bottom, and left or right to move the element relative to where it would normally occur in the document. Let's move div-1 down 20 pixels, and to the left 40 pixels: Notice the space where div-1 normally would have been if we had not moved it: now it is an empty space. It appears that position:relative is not very useful, but it will perform an important task later in this tutorial. 3. position:absolute When you specify position:absolute, the element is removed from the document and placed exactly where you tell it to go. Let's move div-1a to the top right of the page: What I really want is to position div-1a relative to div-1. Footnotes 10.