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A Simple Device Diagram for Responsive Design Planning

A Simple Device Diagram for Responsive Design Planning
Updated for 2015! Check out Analytics-driven responsive web design planning At Metal Toad we're big fans of responsive design, but a common snag in the responsive planning process comes when choosing what device widths to design to. Just yesterday we had a big internal debate over what the best widths to design to are for 3 layout sites, 4 layout sites, etc. I'll get to our conclusions below, but another important distinction to call out is that for each layout there are two things to consider: what the pixel width range for a specific layout should be, and what pixel width the designer should create the PSDs at. There are an ever-increasing number of devices with different screen resolutions to take into account with a responsive design, so we put together a simple but handy diagram that lists the most common device widths as of the present, along with overlays for potential device width ranges. The Diagram Here's the result! A couple of things to note: Our Suggested Layouts 3 Layouts

CSS Social Buttons I'm proud to announce my latest CSS experiment—The CSS Social Buttons. They are not another "pure CSS3" or "HTML5 canvas" icons. These icons use the basic traditional background-image technique. The purpose of these icons is to provide a cross-browser, consistent and versatile CSS that can be applied in any design, app or theme. Basically, it is one master stylesheet that contains various design styles. How to Create a Responsive Navigation One of the trickiest parts to be responsified on a website is “the Navigation”, this part is really important for the website accessibility, as this is one of the ways visitors jump over the web pages. There are actually many ways to create responsive web site navigation and even some jQuery plugins are available to do it in a second. However, rather than applying an instant solution, in this post, we are going to walk you through on how to build a simple navigation from the ground and using the CSS3 media queries and a little jQuery to display it in a small screen size like the smartphones properly. So, let’s just get started.

CSS buttons You know that there are a lot of impressive and awesome things out there that were made using CSS, we all know that, but sometimes they’re hard to find, so today we’re bringing you some of the best buttons we’ve found, they all were made using CSS, here you’ll be able to see a demo for those beauties, as well as the HTML and CSS code. Free Buttons There are many awesome designers and web developers out there, but few of them are eager to share their work for free, so first of all, let us thank the people who made the work that we’re bringing you today, and let us start by reviewing what they did. Space CaCSS By Simurai Simple fading By Bartos Lazarski Fading google button box By Bartos Lazarski 60+ Responsive Navigation Bar Menu Tutorials, Examples, and Demos (CSS, jQuery, JavaScript) February 21, 2014 Lately, I have been really intrigued by responsive navigation bars. I did some extensive research and came up with a list of 60 plus responsive navigation bar tutorials, examples, and demos from all across the Internet.

Building a 5 Star Rating System with jQuery, AJAX and PHP In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build a rating system with AJAX, PHP, and jQuery. Votes will be recorded and updated in real-time with the magic of AJAX, and we'll also leverage the power of PHP so that you don't even need a database! Step 1. CSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites Dec 18 2009 By Tim Wright and TJ Kelly CSS is the best thing to happen to the web since Tim Berners-Lee. It’s simple, powerful, and easy to use. But even with all its simplicity, it hides some important capabilities. Ask any designer, and they’ll tell you that the majority of their code headaches are caused and ultimately solved by CSS.
