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Zimmer Twins

Related:  Games

- Zombilingo Charte d'Admission au jeu ZombiLingo ZombiLingo est un jeu gratuit créé dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche par Karën Fort et Bruno Guillaume au sein du LORIA, avec l'aide d'Hadrien Chastant et de Valentin Stern (alors étudiants à l'Université de Lorraine). L'objet de ce projet est la construction de ressources lexicales et de corpus annotés pour des applications de traitement automatique de la langue (TAL). Ces données sont le produit de l'activité des joueurs de ZombiLingo.

Creaza Creaza Cartoonist Do you have a good idea or a good story you want to get out? Do you have an assignment to create a story based on something you learned at school? Or do you just feel like goofing around and making a comic strip? FLTEACH FAQ - Activities That Work - Introduction Introduction Table of Contents: A. Activities for grammar point and spelling.1.-Adjectives. 2.-Commands. 3.

10 Ideas for Using Comics In Your Classroom Over the last couple of months I've shared a handful of tools that students can use to create comics. I even conducted a webinar on the topic last month (the recording is available here). There is no shortage of tools for creating comics available to students. Regardless of which comic creation tool you choose to have students use, the ideas for using comics in your classroom are the same. Here are ten ways that your students can use comics in your classroom.1. Games That Work The Language Teacher Toolkit by Steve Smith and Gianfranco Conti is now available from Amazon. I don’t think that you have to use games to teach classes successfully. Inexperienced teachers should be wary of using games if class control is still shaky or if you have an unusually difficult class. I believe classes appreciate teachers who make them work and with whom they get on, not teachers who play games. That said, games bring variety and a bit of fun to lessons.

Comic Master Webtools: No Registration Needed for Students Welcome to my list of webtools that don’t require student registration. This started off as a simple curation for myself and has ballooned into something that I never thought would get this big. And it is still growing. I started added comments to each link, but that is taking a long time to complete. Please bear with me as I update it. While I do try to verify each link on a regular basis, please be aware that websites do change and some of these sites may no longer be active or may have switched to a paid version.

DES JEUX BRISE-GLACE POUR LA CLASSE DE FLE (I) La première séance de cours frappe à la porte. Il s’agit d’un moment important mais délicat qui nous remplit d’enthousiasme à l’idée d’accueillir nos nouveaux élèves mais aussi de stress et de peur car nous sommes conscients de l’impact déterminant du premier cours. Ce n’est pas la mer à boire. C’est juste le premier cours. Parfois «la peur est le commencement de la sagesse» comme disait François Mauriac. Vu que le commencement est la moitié de tout, on vise à créer une ambiance agréable dans la classe permettant aux élèves de tisser des liens et des complicités indispensables et à leur donner une image représentative de notre pédagogie.
