Related: margittay8 Educational Apps To Create Digital Portfolios by Jennifer Rita Nichols, TeachThought Intern Digital portfolios are becoming increasingly popular in classrooms across North America. School administration, teachers, parents, and students are all recognizing the benefits of this amazing tool. Digital portfolios have the ability to impact education and student learning in ways that we simply have not been able to do before technology evolved to the level it is at today.
10 Principles for the Future of Learning » Edurati Review (This post, written by Jason Flom , is cross-posted on Ecology of Education .) I daydream the future of schooling will include a teacher like this . (It’s too late for me, I know, but I cross my fingers for the sake of my daughter.)
Exposition au CRAC de Sète Du 23 octobre 2015 au 31 janvier 2016 © Sylvie Blocher Adagp, Paris 2014 Change the Scenario, (Conversation with Bruce Nauman), 2013 L'artiste française Sylvie Blocher développe depuis le début des années 1990 une œuvre vidéographique prenant pour matière première l'humain — matière fragile et imprévisible, mais dotée d'une présence extrême. Student e-Portfolios Avec certaines classes ou certains groupes, nous allons expérimenter cette année avec la création d’un STUDENT e-PORTFOLIO à l’aide de WIKISPACES. Chaque élève devra gérer son propre espace de travail en ligne, en incluant travaux écrits et oraux. On peut télécharger les travaux sous forme de documents en traitement de texte, des images, des fichiers sons enregistrés et des vidéos filmées. L’élève devra donner un accès à Mme Léger afin de lui permettre de suivre l’évolution du travail personnel de l’élève tout au long de l’année.
Our Dream School: A Net-Positive Campus for Today, A Model School for the Future The Academy for Global Citizenship is an innovative Chicago Public Charter School, located on the Southwest side of Chicago, where access to quality public education is scarce. AGC is meeting an urgent demand: serving grades K-5, adding grade level every year, and serving a larger mission to influence the way our society educates future generations. Our approach, which incorporates sustainable living, student-led learning and local and global communities, has fostered dramatic change in our students, our community and in the Chicago Public School System.
7 calanques époustouflantes pour s'évader en Méditerranée Véritable richesse du patrimoine maritime français, les calanques de la Méditerranée font partie de ces petits coins de paradis en France où il fait bon s'échapper. Au total, 28 criques sont à dénombrer sur les 25 kilomètres de côtes séparant Marseille de Cassis. Quelques 25 millions de randonneurs arpentent ces sites chaque année. Prises d'assaut durant l'été, les calanques sont désormais classées "Parc National" et font l'objet de la plus grande protection. Beaucoup de ces anses ne sont accessibles que par bateau ou en marchant. Deux massifs forment cet ensemble : celui de Marseilleveyre, du côté de Marseille, calcaire et abrupt, et celui du Puget, plus loin en direction de Cassis, plus rond et verdoyant.
CogDogRoo - StoryTools 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story (return) Note! 50+ Ways is no longer being updated here but over at the new site for 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story-- It has more organizational features and includes ways for you to add content to the site once you join the new wiki. Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. Again, the mission is not to review or try every single one (that would be madness, I know), but pick one that sounds interesting and see if you can produce something. How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses In 2009, scientists from the University of Louisville and MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences conducted a study of 48 children between the ages of 3 and 6. The kids were presented with a toy that could squeak, play notes, and reflect images, among other things. For one set of children, a researcher demonstrated a single attribute and then let them play with the toy. Another set of students was given no information about the toy. This group played longer and discovered an average of six attributes of the toy; the group that was told what to do discovered only about four. A similar study at UC Berkeley demonstrated that kids given no instruction were much more likely to come up with novel solutions to a problem.
Et si les bêtises n'étaient en fait que des expériences? Introduction: L’enfant est un être en construction permanente; pour nourrir son intelligence, il a besoin d’expériences positives. Ces expériences ne peuvent être faite que si l’enfant reçoit la validation, l’approbation de ses parents. Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In This is a site that you are bound to find useful in your classroom. The tools are incredible and may even include items you have used on paper in the past… but can now bring digitally into the 21st century! Before this informative journey encompassing some engaging resources please take a moment and sign up by email or RSS. Sweden’s Newest School System Has No Classrooms There’s a whole new classroom model and it’s a sight to behold. The newest school system in Sweden look more like the hallways of Google or Pixar and less like a brick-and-mortar school you’d typically see. There are collaboration zones, houses-within-houses, and a slew of other features that are designed to foster “curiosity and creativity.” That’s according to Vittra, which runs 30 schools in Sweden. Their most recent school, Telefonplan School (see photos below via Zilla Magazine) in Stockholm, could very well be the school of the future.
La sécurité incendie Bonjour! Je viens de mettre en ligne un document de 91 pages pour l'enseignement de la sécurité incendie chez les petits. Il contient des affiches, des mots étiquette, des ateliers, des bricolages, des fiches reproductibles, des coloriages et même un jeu! Il est présentement à 50% sur TPT et Mieux Enseigner! Voici un aperçu du contenu de cet ensemble: Bonne journée!