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Les 50 meilleures infographics et data visualization

Chad Hagen’s ‘Nonsensical Infographics’ « Man Make Home June 3, 2009 by manmakehome I stumbled on these fantastic ‘Nonsense Info Graphics’ from Chad Hagen on flickr today. Spend the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out what they’re actually charting! More on his flickr page. 9 Of The World's Most Inspiring Infographics We spend lots of time here at Co.Design hunting down the smartest and most creative infographics to feature daily, but we’re limited by what’s available on the web, what we have permission to publish, and what languages we (and you) can understand. Here to pick up where Infographic of the Day leaves off is Information Graphics (Taschen, April 2012), a 480-page doorstopper of a book that offers up a mind-boggling selection of infographics, many plucked from the furthest reaches of the media firmament. It has more than 400 examples, ranging from an illustration of stalled building projects in a Dutch design rag to a Nicholas Felton-designed chart of traffic to a map of sonar and whale songs courtesy of a Danish geological institute. Preorder Information Graphics here.

Paul Laffoley's psychotronic schematic diagrams of metaphysical knowledge systems 'Paul Laffoley was born into an Irish Catholic family in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1940. He spoke his first word, “Constantinople,” at six months, then remained silent until the age of four (having been diagnosed as slightly autistic), when he began to draw and paint. In his senior year at Brown University, he was given eight electric-shock treatments. He was dismissed from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, but managed to apprentice with the sculptor Mirko Baseldella, before going to New York to apprentice with the visionary architect Frederick Kiesler. In 1968 he moved into an eighteen- by thirty-foot utility room to found a one-man “think tank” and creative unit called the Boston Visionary Cell. 'Laffoley supports himself with a job at the Boston Museum of Science, returning to the BVC not only to eat and sleep but to work on multimedia renderings of his visions of alternative futures and complex realities.

Data visualisation DIY: our top tools What data visualisation tools are out there on the web that are easy to use - and free? Here on the Datablog and Datastore we try to do as much as possible using the internet's powerful free options. That may sound a little disingenuous, in that we obviously have access to the Guardian's amazing Graphics and interactive teams for those pieces where we have a little more time - such as this map of public spending (created using Adobe Illustrator) or this Twitter riots interactive. But for our day-to-day work, we often use tools that anyone can - and create graphics that anyone else can too. So, what do we use?

40 Useful and Creative Infographics Six Revisions Menu Main Categories CSS HTML JavaScript Web Design WordPress Web Development Design Inspiration UX Design UI Design BlogLESS: A Blog about Design Ethics More 2011 Review: Year in Color To add to our review of year-in-reviews from last week, check out Imprint's Year in Color. Written by Andrea on January 2, 2012 Ok, we’re biased, since the list references our collaboration with FICTILIS for the Colors of Commerce exhibit. But author Jude Stewart highlights some other notables in color from 2011: #1: On This Day calendar

Transparency: GOOD's Most Popular Infographics of 2010 - Design In the last year, we've released a nearly 100 original infographics. Here is a look back at the ones that drew the most attention, on topics from happiness to Burning Man (click on the images to launch the infographics). 1: Mean Happiness This piece, which tracks happiness in countries over time, was designed by OPEN. See all their work for GOOD here.

How The World Spends Its Time Online - Have you ever wondered how people across the world spend their time online? Global research firm Nielsen periodically releases data from its studies of consumer behavior online. Here are the 2010 findings regarding social networking, branding and world net usage. Total Time Online The average person spends more than 60 hours a month online. 50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter.

infographics Infographics News, a somewhat new BlogSpot blog, has a short list from Ninian Carter of some great infographics of the last year. Ninian Carter is an scottish infographic journalist, well, the Phineas Fogg of the infographic journalists: he has worked in Scotland, England, France, Australia… and his last job was in Canada, at The Globe & Mail, place he left recently. So, as the A Team, he is avalaible for works… (if you click on his name, opening the post, you’ll go to his personal web). Once you get past the horrible spelling of the article (spell-check people, it’s a handy feature), it’s a nice collection of infographics.

The Italian Blogosphere [nel mio libro Social Media ROI viene approfondita la tecnica utilizzata] A social network analysis of the Italian blogosphere aimed to understand bloggers’ relationship and how blogosphere is evolving into a complex information ecosystem. I started considering the top 500 Italian blogs (BlogBabel ranking – april 2011).
