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Parallaxe (sans JavaScript)

Parallaxe (sans JavaScript)

CSS3 Lightbox Today we want to show you how to create a neat lightbox effect using only CSS. The idea is to have some thumbnails that are clickable, and once clicked, the respective large image is shown. Using CSS transitions and animations, we can make the large image appear in a fancy way. View demo Download source How to Create a Fast Hover Slideshow with CSS3 A little fast-running image slideshow that plays on hover and pauses when mousing out. The current image will stay visible. View demo Download source Today I want to share a little hover slideshow with you. The main idea is to run a super-fast image slideshow on hover and show the current image when mousing out. It’s just a fancy effect to play with and I got the idea from Contain.r. Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World Advertisement Meet the new Sketch Handbook, our brand new Smashing book that will help you master all the tricky, advanced facets of Sketch. Filled with practical examples and tutorials in 12 chapters, the book will help you become more proficient in your work.

Parallaxin' Introduction Parallax sites have been all the rage recently, just take a look at these: If you’re not familiar with them, they’re the sites where the visual structure of the page changes as you scroll. Normally elements within the page scale, rotate or move proportionally to the scroll position on the page. Whether or not you like parallaxing sites is one thing, but what you can say pretty confidently is that they’re a black hole of performance.

Game Trends - Driver Club - Driver San Francisco AMC Pacer, Hudson Hornet and related logos, and trade dresses are trademarks of Chrysler Group LLC and are used under license by Ubisoft Entertainment. © Chrysler Group LLC 2011. Jeep® and the Jeep® grille design are registered trademarks of Chrysler Group LLC. Jeep® Wrangler and its trade dress are used under license from Chrysler Group LLC. © Chrysler Group LLC 2011. Hover.css - Collection Of CSS3 Powered Hover Effects All Hover.css effects make use of a single element (with the help of some pseudo-elements where necessary), are self contained so you can easily copy and paste them, and come in CSS, Sass, and LESS flavours. Many effects use CSS3 features such as transitions, transforms and animations. Old browsers that don't support these features may need some extra attention to be certain a fallback hover effect is still in place. Licenses

Ajouter une image aux catégories wordpress sans plugin Dans le fichier functions.php : [php] <ul id= »category-bloc »><?php $argsCat = array( ‘type’ => ‘post’, //’child_of’ => 0, //’parent’ => , ‘orderby’ => ‘name’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’, ‘hide_empty’ => 0, ‘hierarchical’ => 1, // ‘exclude’ => , // ‘include’ => , //’number’ => , ‘taxonomy’ => ‘category’, ‘pad_counts’ => false ); $categories = get_categories( $argsCat ); foreach ($categories as $category) { //datas avalaible /* $category->term_id $category->name $category->slug $category->term_group $category->term_taxonomy_id $category->taxonomy $category->description $category->parent $category->count $category->cat_ID $category->category_count $category->category_description $category->cat_name $category->category_nicename $category->category_parent */ ?

Building a Scalable App With Backbone.js Backbone.js is a small library (~5kb minified) that allows you to build single page web applications. Unlike many of its peers, Backbone is not very opinionated about the way you use it. Aside from some basic concepts, the design of your application is left widely up to you. This tutorial will offer some insight on one of the popular patterns that the community has started to embrace: the Backbone Boilerplate. We will use this boilerplate to create a simple library of books, which you could easily extend into a much more robust application.

StatPlanet StatPlanet (formerly StatPlanet Map Maker) is a free, award-winning application for creating fully customizable interactive maps. StatPlanet can be used to visualize location-based statistical data, such as life expectancy by country or demographic statistics and voting patterns by US state. In addition to maps, StatPlanet also has the option of including interactive graphs and charts to create feature-rich interactive infographics. If you wish to use StatPlanet for commercial purposes, please contact us. Restrictions: StatPlanet comes with only two maps: a world map (country level) and a US map (state level). It also has a limit of 5 indicators.

CSS ShortHand Property Cheat Sheet digg Shorthand properties can be used to set several properties at once, in a single declaration, instead of wasting your precious time and space making declaration for each individual property. With css shorthand we make our code less complicated and more readable for those who want to explore it. Unfortunately, quite a few shorthand properties are available, that`s why we`ve collected most useful and most used for you. Tips And Tricks On Creating Stencils #2 Tips And Tricks On Creating Stencils #2 What's up guys? Following my last tutorial, today we're going to proceed with some more techniques using stencils. Just in case you missed the part one, you can see it here. The focus of today exercise it's more complex techniques as multiple layers and color.

Backbone.js Tutorial: Build Environment This new Backbone.js tutorial series will walk you through building a single page web application that has a customised Backbone.sync implementation. I started building the application that these tutorials are based on back in August, and it's been running smoothly for a few months now so I thought it was safe enough to unleash it. Gmail to-do lists: not cool enough! The application itself was built to solve a need of mine: a more usable Google Mail to-do list.

Perfect web typography with slab-serifs Conventional wisdom states that body text benefits most from being set in a serif font because the serifs create a path for the eye to follow along a line and down to the next. Despite that, many web designers have for a number of years, argued for the use of sans-serifs; and with good reason: the addition of serifs to a letterform on a screen quite literally blurs the word shapes, reducing contrast and readability. Numerous studies have been conducted on the matter and the conclusion that most arrive at is that readers prefer whichever style of type they are most familiar with. Consequently, it would seem that either option is fine, provided it is familiar to your visitors. However, there is a style of type that produces the strong horizontal bars of text that serifs excel at, whilst still enjoying the high contrast of sans-serifs: the Egyptian, or slab-serif.

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