Éducation : Faut-il fermer Summerhill?
Ce matin, Jonas n'est pas allé en cours. Pas envie. Il préfère faire un tour à l'atelier de menuiserie ou bien s'entraîner sur la piste de skateboard.
Children's Creativity Museum
Animation Studio | Design Studio | Music Studio | Imagination Lab | Innovation Lab | Community Lab At the Children’s Creativity Museum we go beyond the conventional environment of play by inspiring kids to imagine, create and share in our multimedia environment. All of our programs and exhibits are designed to spark the imagination and build creative confidence. With every visit, families create unique media projects and experiences that reflect and celebrate their creativity. All of our core studios and exhibits are facilitated by skilled artists and our C.I.T.Y. Guides who are here to help guide you through the creative process.
Summerhill School
Summerhill School is an independent British boarding school that was founded in 1921 by Alexander Sutherland Neill with the belief that the school should be made to fit the child, rather than the other way around. It is run as a democratic community; the running of the school is conducted in the school meetings, which anyone, staff or pupil, may attend, and at which everyone has an equal vote. These meetings serve as both a legislative and judicial body. Members of the community are free to do as they please, so long as their actions do not cause any harm to others, according to Neill's principle "Freedom, not Licence." This extends to the freedom for pupils to choose which lessons, if any, they attend. History[edit]
LIBRES ENFANTS DE SUMMERHILL, Une utopie en pédagogie ?
La pensée d'Alexander Sutherland Neill doit beaucoup à l'œuvre de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. À côté de sa croyance optimiste en la bonté naturelle de l'homme, l'auteur s'inscrit dans cette tradition pédagogique, ouverte par Rousseau, qui organise sa réflexion autour du développement de l'enfant pris dans sa singularité et des divers investissements affectifs dont il fait l'objet. Ce faisant, il s'écarte de l'idéal normatif mis au service de l'étiquetage du normal et du pathologique.
European Democratic Education Community
EUDEC is a non-profit organisation that promotes democratic education as a sensible educational model for all democratic states. Its members are individuals, schools and institutions throughout Europe with decades of experience in democratic education. EUDEC pools this knowledge and shares it in the form of: online information about democratic education in theory and practice publications conferences, meetings and seminars school partnerships and exchanges opportunities to visit schools a thriving, mutually supportive network of schools, universities, organisations and start-up groups. One of the things that makes this organisation so unique is the active role played by school students at all levels: e.g. as individual members, on the EUDEC Council, in conference-planning, in the organisation of programmes etc.
Freedom versus license
In moral and legal philosophy, there exists a distinction between the concepts of freedom and license. The former deals with the rights of the individual; the latter covers the expressed permission (or lack thereof) for more than one individual to engage in an activity. As a result, freedoms usually include rights which are usually recognized (often, not always, in an unconditional manner) by the government (and access to which is theoretically enforced against any and all interferences).
L'éducation à Summerhill selon A.S. Neill
L'éducation à SummerhillselonA.S. Neill (1883 - 1973) Extraits de l'ouvrage Libres enfants de Summerhill Alexander S. Neill
Education Revolution - Alternative Education Resource Organization
The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) was founded in 1989 by Jerry Mintz. AERO's goal is to advance student-driven, learner-centered approaches to education. AERO is the primary hub of communications and support for educational alternatives around the world. Our network includes Montessori, Waldorf (Steiner), Public Choice and At-Risk, Democratic, Homeschool, Open, Charter, Free, Sudbury, Holistic, Virtual, Magnet, Early Childhood, Reggio Emilia, Indigo, Krishnamurti, Quaker, Libertarian, Independent, Progressive, Community, Cooperative, and Unschooling. AERO's mission is to help create an education revolution to make learner-centered education available to everyone. One of AERO's areas of expertise is democratic process and democratic education, but equally important is the networking of all forms of educational alternatives.
A. S. Neill
Early life and career[edit] Alexander Sutherland Neill was born in Forfar, Scotland on 17 October 1883 to George and Mary Neill. He was their fourth son, one of the eight that survived of 13. He raised in an austere, Calvinist house with values of fear, guilt, and adult and divine authority, which he later repudiated. As a child, he was obedient, quiet, and uninterested in school.
Summerhill (book)
Summerhill: A Radical Approach to Child Rearing is a book about the English boarding school Summerhill School by its headmaster A. S. Neill, known for introducing his ideas to the American public. It was published in 1960 and later revised as Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood in 1993. In a letter to A.
Summerhill at 70 (1992)
Summary Intimate and controversial Cutting Edge documentary gives an inside look at Summerhill School. Summerhill School is an independent British boarding school that was founded in 1921 by Alexander Sutherland Neill with the belief that the school should be made to fit the child, rather than the other way around. It is still run as a democratic community; the running of the school is conducted in the school meetings, which anyone, staff or pupil, may attend, and at which everyone has an equal vote. These meetings serve as both a legislative and judicial body.
Neuroscience For Kids
The smell of a flower - The memory of a walk in the park - The pain of stepping on a nail. These experiences are made possible by the 3 pounds of tissue in our heads...the BRAIN!! Neuroscience for Kids has been created for all students and teachers who would like to learn about the nervous system. Discover the exciting world of the brain, spinal cord, neurons and the senses.
An Ayurvedic Approach To Parenting
Balancing By Doshas Is Child’s Play Por Wendy Rosenfeldt Jasper never shows much interest in food unless of course it is sweet. He dislikes the wind and easily gets cold hands and feet.