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Conversation philosophique sur l'amour Même si on n'est pas né de la dernière pluie et qu'on n'ignore plus rien de la variabilité historique et culturelle des comportements humains, on attend du philosophe qu'il réponde vaillamment :Qu'est ce que l'amour ? Dans les années 60 du XX° siècle une nouvelle morale sexuelle s'est élevée , a triomphé et gagné peu à peu en ampleur. On s'est élevé alors et depuis, contre toutes les formes de répression du désir . Je demanderai donc à mes invités : " Qu'est ce que l'amour ?". Anjna Patient Education Dear CareMessage Friends and Supporters, It is with deep satisfaction and gratitude that I am announcing that CareMessage has graduated from the prestigious Y Combinator incubator program, where we presented to a group of over 500 Silicon Valley thinkers, investors and philanthropists today. In the last two years, CareMessage has gone from being an idea to an organization that is on track to impact tens, if not hundreds, of millions of lives. The innovative solutions we have built and continue to build are addressing pressing challenges in this new era of healthcare. CareMessage uses the one item nearly every family possesses - a mobile phone - to ensure that no one is alone or forgotten with regards to their health.Our platform improves lives while simultaneously cutting costs for health care organizations. Our 65 partner healthcare organizations (and growing every single day) include the St. Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation, the venture philanthropy firm that seed funded Kiva and Watsi

The Learning Lab make/use: a modular system for zero-waste fashion Coalition for Independent Living – The Leading Organisation for Accreditation and Training of Support Brokers New York schools enter the iZone 26 October 2011Last updated at 00:34 By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Uncertain horizons: New York's economic fortunes are now linked to education After the iPhone and the iPad, the iZone is a different kind of design experiment. It's New York's attempt to reinvent an inner-city school. The iZone project - or Innovation Zone - is challenging state schools in New York City to rip up the rule book. They're being told to find new ways to provide a more individualised education, to change the shape of the school day, explore what technology can offer and even ask whether pupils need to be in school at all. "The challenge we face is nothing less than transforming our schools from assembly-line factories into centres of innovation," said the city's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who warns that the US school system is falling behind international rivals. If the state schools are not improved, the fear is that the city will be entering the twilight zone rather than the iZone. Global cities

open! | Platform for Art, Culture and the Public Domain ‘…the unfathomable distance between the individual and the geopolitical.’ – Firat Oruc This essay is an exploration of thoughts following an artistic event that happened a year ago, specifically in terms of how it deploys its own forms, intensities and energies that are essentially ungraspable by language. The type of reflection writing enables is therefore specific to its medium. Looking back expands certain insights and diminishes others. Fear of losing the details involved a personal unlearning of Canadian national myths, beginning with finding a copy of the original Treaty No. 13 at the local public library and experiencing a tremor at the realization of its genocidal technocratic power. I always experienced a ‘suburban malaise’ in my North York home. My parents moved to Toronto in the 1970s for academic appointments at the University of Toronto. The vast, multidisciplinary field of contemporary choreography is broadly defined here as the writing of movement through space and time.

RippleZ - A drop of inspiration Mycelium Schol Liens Cette section présente quelques pistes de recherche mais n'a pas la prétention d'être exhaustive. Artère Sur ce site, dédié à le relève artistique montréalaise, se trouve une page babillard qui affiche différentes annonces dont des offres d'emploi. La recherche peut se faire par secteur culturel. Ce portail affiche des offres d’emploi dans le domaine des technologies scénographiques (gestion, création, technique production, éducation) à travers le Canada. Emploi-Québec Ce site du gouvernement du Québec vous permet de rechercher des emplois ou de recruter du personnel, de vous renseigner sur le placement étudiant, d'obtenir des informations sur le marché du travail, incluant des descriptions d’emploi, des perspectives d’emploi et de l’information sur les salaires, les employeurs potentiels et la formation. Emplois, travailleurs, formation et carrières Grenier aux emplois Guichet emploi Infopressejobs Jobboom L'équipe Spectra Les Arts et la Ville Mon emploi Monster Profilculture Travailler au Canada

About Franchising | FranchisingWorks Franchising is where the owner of a franchise system (‘the franchisor’) agrees to license the use of its operating systems, brand and other Intellectual Property, and provide training and ongoing support to enable another person (‘the franchisee’) to start up and run an identical business elsewhere. Franchisees of well-established franchise systems benefit from: businesses based on existing models with proven track-records,initial training and ongoing support (which also make franchise businesses more accessible to those without work experience or skills),better access to bank lending to finance the purchase and start-up costs,economies of scale and greater purchasing power that derive from being part of a larger business network. Franchisees go into business for themselves, not by themselves. Franchising is well-established in the UK, where there are almost 37,000 franchise businesses, employing over half a million people and generating £12.4bn in revenue.

Record numbers of international students 10 March 2011Last updated at 00:19 By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent The number of international students around the world is continuing to rise sharply, with provisional figures from Unesco's Institute for Statistics revealing an annual increase of 12%. The final figures for 2009, to be published in May, are expected to show the number of international students rising to 3.43 million from 2.96 million, according to the Unesco statistics. There are many different measures of overseas students - but this global figure from Unesco shows a huge spike in numbers this decade, rising by more than 75% since 2000. The United States is the biggest destination. But its dominance now depends on the ever-growing number of arrivals from China, overtaking India as the largest single group of overseas students. China has become the firecracker in this market. Chasing quality Sign of the times: The expanding Chinese economy is drawing overseas students to Shanghai Overseas without the travel

Revenir en France après la vie à l’étranger : la galère silencieuse des expatriés français – Medium Cet article est extrait d’un kit presse réalisé pour la sortie du Guide du retour en France 2016, livre que j’ai mis deux ans à écrire depuis mon retour. Il résume l’histoire du livre et du projet qui l’accompagne :) Je m’appelle Anne-Laure et j’ai 31 ans. Entre l’âge de 23 et 30 ans, je suis partie trois fois vivre à l’étranger pour les études, l’aventure et le travail, d’abord au Canada, en Nouvelle-Zélande, puis au Canada de nouveau. En 2014, je suis revenue plus durablement en France. Comme pour tout le monde, mon expérience à l’étranger a eu des hauts et des bas. Je me suis amusée, j’ai voyagé, j’ai rencontré beaucoup de monde, mais j’ai aussi bossé dur et connu la solitude. “ Je ne m’attendais vraiment pas à ce que le retour en France soit la plus grande épreuve de toute mon expatriation. De toutes les épreuves de ces dernières années, le retour a été de loin la plus difficile. Et pourtant ! Deux ans après, je n’en suis pas encore complètement sortie.

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