10 Free Tools for Everyday Research - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - @soxnevad Why do so many students choose Wikipedia when asked to find information on the Internet? I believe the answer is that Wikipedia is like the McDonalds of the Internet, you can always find it and you know what you’re going to get. Quite frankly, I like Wikipedia because it provides students with a starting point for research and I am particularly fond of the way I’ve seen so many students develop their own method of research by using the links at the bottom to find more information. As educators we are faced with the challenge of teaching students to efficiently use the Internet to find and use information. Searching for information and making sense of it is a process that involves critical thinking and it is an important skill. Fortunately, there are many free digital tools available to help students efficiently sift through an overwhelming abundance of web content to find the relevant and reliable information they need. Google Search Education Teach students to search Google Custom Search
Online Testing Free Quiz Maker Create the Best web-based quizzes ClassMarker 10 ressources pour apprendre et progresser en Mindmapping Bonjour à tous, Après une bonne semaine de blackout, je continue sur la thématique du mindmapping, sur laquelle j’ai récemment écrit les deux billets suivants : Voici donc une sélection de 10 ressources intéressantes pour qui veut apprendre, progresser et se maintenir au courant de l’actualité du mindmapping. J’ai essayé de varier les sources pour vous faire découvrir des blogs ou des sites intéressants. Bonne lecture et à bientôt, Vincent 1) Cartes mentales (revue de presse scoop.it) Excellente revue de presse sur l’actualités et les articles sur le mindmapping 2) Slatebox. outilscollaboratifs.com 3) Pourquoi le Mindmapping est-il si efficace pour étudier ? trouvetavoie.wordpress.com 4) 8 outils de mind-mapping Image via Wikipedia made-in-ecommerce.com 5) Dessinez vos idées www.les-infostrateges.com 6) Comment le mind mapping peut stimuler le cerveau de vos enfants www.optimind.be 7) Organisez vos notes avec le Mind Mapping lewebpedagogique.com blog.websourcing.fr 9) Slatebox. eat-tice.ec-nantes.fr
Classmint.com - Online Cornell Notes, Flashcards and Study Groups Une superbe application en ligne pour tous vos diagrammes - Grapholite.com Grapholite est une Web Application pour concevoir des diagrammes, des schémas et des graphiques en tout genre. L’outil est gratuit, compatible Mac et PC et fonctionne sur les navigateurs Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer et Firefox. L’interface est en anglais et est assez proche de celle des programmes bureautiques de Microsoft, aussi pour les personnes ne connaissant pas trop l’anglais, cela ne devrait pas être trop difficile d’utiliser Grapholite. En quelques minutes d’utilisation j’ai été ravi de voir les possibilités offertes. Des outils permettent de nombreuses actions sur les objets dessinés ou ajoutés : choix des couleurs, épaisseur, aspect et couleur des contours, remplissage, effet de transparence, styles de dégradés, groupement d’objets, rotation… Toute la panoplie des outils de dessins est au rendez-vous. A la finale, on peut enregistrer son travail sur son disque dur et on pourra bien sûr le recharger sur le site pour le mofifier.
The Hat - Random Name Generator Current version: Freeware "I'm first!" "No I'm first!""No, I called it!" Sound familiar? The Hat is a simple but handy little utility that offers a fun and easy way to automatically determine a random order from a list of any amount of names. Note: The Hat is completely free but comes bundled with optional partner offers during installation. Recent changes:Key FeaturesGreat for Parents! Just like pulling names from a hat to determine a random order for a group of people, The Hat generates a random order from a list of any number of names. Names can be entered in several different way. The list of names can be optionally be remembered between sessions so that the next time you open the program, the same list of names is already entered. Great for raffles and sweepstakes! The Hat also allows you to pick individual names one at a time. Great for teachers to assign partners or split classes into random groups! Click here to download your free copy today.
Online Diagramming, Floor Planning and Flowcharting Tool 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher’s tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. Social Learning These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Learning Lesson Planning and Tools Useful Tools
Free mind mapping (and related types) software I see regular inquiries on Twitter and in forums from people looking for free software to support visual thinking. To provide answers, InformationTamers have put together 14 pages to help you find the one for your needs. These show the platform, a screen thumbnail and a link for more information in each case. We built this article using the most complete source for details of information mapping software on the Web: Mind-mapping.org. Hat tip to Vic Gee who put Mind-mapping.org together and kept it up to date for years. Mind-mapping.org has a good capability for selecting software by map type and operating system (click on the ‘Refine software list’ tab at the top right of its web page). “Free” here is as in beer, not in freedom, though some of the software listed is open source, so is free in both senses. Of course a pencil and paper is always almost free. This used to be one long page, but as I updated and added to it, it became unmanageable, so now it’s broken down by category.
6 Great Note-Taking Tools for Students and Teachers One of the best things about education technology is that it has allowed students and teachers alike to turn to online annotation and records, making hastily scrawled, illegible scribbles and coffee-stained pages a thing of the past. From university students keeping track of lectures to young students making plans and mind maps, there is an online note-taking tool to suit everyone… 1. Study Blue A great site that allows students to create online flash cards, study guides and quizzes. 2. A brilliantly simple online interactive whiteboard, Scriblink allows notes to be shared as they’re created. 3. Perfect for individual students, Penzu is the online version of the old-fashioned notebook or journal in which you build up your body of lecture or class notes. 4. Pretty much does what it says on the tin! 5. inFocus.cc lets you highlight any section of a live webpage and generate a shareable URL. 6. Do you know any great note-taking tools? Images courtesy of Flickr.
Boostez votre créativité avec 4 applications de mindmapping gratuites pour iPad J’ai découvert le mindmapping (« cartes heuristiques » pour les toubonistes) très récemment, et j’ai été assez séduit à l’usage par la simplicité de cette méthode pour écrire et retrouver ses idées. Concrètement, le mindmapping peut servir à près à tout : recherche d’idées, préparation d’un plan, listes, etc. Ce que j’apprécie tout particulièrement, c’est le fait de déplacer, réorganiser et architecturer les idées… domaine dans lequel les tablettes sont bien pratiques, on a littéralement la sensation de faire glisser les idées sur le papier …. Heureux possesseurs d’une tablette iOs, suivez le guide! TotalRecall, mindmap simple, pratique … et gratuit TotalRecall, MindMapping Gratuit pour iPad Simple et sans chichi, je ne suis pas fan du rendu visuel de ces cartes, mais … c’est gratuit on vous dit! Simplemind, mindmap simple, pratique … et gratuit SimpleMind, MindMapping Gratuit pour iPad Idem, simple et pratique. Mindjet mindmaps personnalisés et gratuits Mindjet, mindmapping gratuit pour iPad
34 Smart Ideas For Using Smartphones In The Classroom 34 Smart Ideas For Using Smartphones In The Classroom 34 Ways Ideas For Smartphones In The Classroom By Category by John Hardison first appeared on gettingsmart.com In continuation of last week’s article, Part 1: 44 Better Ways to Use Smartphones in Class, here is a new list of thirty-six additional ideas to help leverage the power of these tech gadgets in the learning environment. 34 Smart Ideas For Using Smartphones In The Classroom To Collaborate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To Communicate 6. This method encourages educators to abandon the time-consuming and inefficient task of periodically calculating the data. 7. 8. To Create 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. To Curate/Coordinate 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Still not convinced? Image attribution flickr user davelawler
Animaps - Create Animated Google Maps Animaps is a new service that was built for the purpose of allowing users to create animated Google Maps. The basics of creating maps in Animaps is very similar the process for creating maps in Google Maps. The main benefit of using Animaps over Google Maps is that you can create a tour of your placemarks that plays through according to the timing that you specify. Another benefit is that you can build in colored shapes to expand and contract to demonstrate patterns. Applications for EducationWatch this Animap to see an overview of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. H/T to Google Maps Mania.