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5 Recommended iPad Screensharing Apps

5 Recommended iPad Screensharing Apps
The iPad is supposed to make teaching and learning easier, right? But if you’ve ever tried to talk your mom through a new task on her computer or iPad without being able to show her what you’re doing, you can understand that some frustration might ensue as you try to get an entire class to follow along with you. Or maybe you want to show a quick video or diagram, but holding up your iPad to the class really isn’t reaching everyone. There are a lot of folks out there who feel your pain, and to ease it just a bit, they’ve created Apps to share your screen. With the viewer, you can join an online meeting no matter where you go. View someone’s screen, share ideas and collaborate in real time, for free! Optimized for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, is fast, free and nimble, and makes attending an online meeting as easy as touching your screen. We’ve tried out and really enjoyed the ability to share screens across our iMacs and iPads at the same time. Air Sketch

iPad - iPhone : Avec iOS 6, Siri fait un grand bond en avant Si vous avez installé iOS 7 sur votre iPhone ou iPad, vous avez peut-être remarqué que l’assistant personnel de votre appareil est beaucoup plus performant sous iOS 7. Plus de choix au niveau des langues, les résultats sportifs, la recherche sur le Web et la réintroduction d’Open Table font partie des nouveautés qu’offre Siri. Voyons en détail ce qu’offre la nouvelle version de Siri. Quels sont les appareils compatibles avec Siri? Uniquement l’iPhone 4S, l’iPhone 5, 5c et 5S ainsi que les iPad et iPad mini fonctionnent avec l’assistant personnel Siri. Rendez-vous dans l’application Réglages et sélectionnez Général.Dans la liste, sélectionnez Siri Pour activer Siri, glissez le bouton gris qui se nomme Siri vers la droite.Vous pouvez aussi sélectionner la langue de votre choix.La nouvelle version de Siri comprend le français Canada, France et Suisse. Sous mes infos qui apparaissent plus bas dans la liste des choix, sélectionnez votre fiche contact personnelle. Achetez le Ebook

Creating Screencasts on an iPad It's been a while since I have added to my blog, and I thought it was about time for an entry. (I have not taught in over a week due to Hurricane Sandy. Perhaps blogging might help prevent my brain from turning to mush.) I have been exploring some additional tools for creating screencasts & "flipping my classroom". I have an ipad and writing on an ipad is easy. It is an app called "Explain Everything". So, I have some ideas for some future topics for my blog. Flipping the Classroom - Yes, No, or SometimesWhat is Math to Me vs What is Math to Parents/StudentsStandardized Tests & What Colleges WantYouTube for Schools - Accessing YouTube even if your school filters it outGathering student work using dropitto.meAssessing Standards for Statistics with Census at School Last, I have continued to post TI-NSpire Quick Tips to my YouTube channel at mathteacher24. Hopefully, I will post to my blog a bit more frequently.

Google spreadsheets, now with Discussions Posted by Patrick Donelan, Software Engineer (Cross-posted from the Google Drive blog.) Getting things done with others would be much easier if everyone was sitting right next to you. But since that’s rarely the case, we’re always updating Google Drive to make it easier to collaborate with others, no matter where you are or who you’re with. Today we’re bringing the discussion functionality that’s already in documents and presentations to spreadsheets. The total number of comments are also tallied up at the bottom of the screen on the sheet tab, and hovering over the comment icon shows all the comments on that sheet. And just like you’re used to with comments elsewhere, you can +mention someone to automatically include them in a discussion and send them a notification via email – and they can even reply to the comment without leaving their inbox. Any comments that were created in spreadsheets before today are still available and saved as “Notes”.

iPad Design Guide Creating Content for Tablets—A Designer's Guide As you go through this guide, look for the and answer each question as it pertains to your functionality preference. A tablet is the perfect device for learners to access online courses and content. This guide was developed to help you successfully use media and interactivity in Lectora-published content that will be accessed from a tablet.

Comment enregistrer l'écran d'un iPhone ou d'un iPad ? (Mis à jour en décembre 2015) Depuis 2012 les manières de faire une capture vidéo d’un écran iPhone ou iPad ont pas mal changées. L’option la plus connue à l’époque pour enregistrer une vidéo de votre device iOS était d’utiliser le simulateur iPhone ou iPad de votre Mac. La vidéo étant de plus en plus utilisée pour présenter une application (que ce soit pour un App Preview, une vidéo promo ou une pub vidéo), Apple ainsi que d’autres sociétés nous ont rendu la vie plus facile. Voici les principales options. QuickTime Player Cette possibilité a été introduite avec iOS 8 et OS X Yosemite, et c’est l’option que nous vous recommandons. Un appareil iOS (iPhone, iPad) avec iOS 8 ou plusUn Mac tournant sur OS X Yosemite ou plusLe « Lightning cable », le cable de chargement livré avec votre iPhone ou iPad Pas besoin de jailbreaker votre iPhone, d’une app tierce ni d’appareil supplémentaire. Voici les différentes étapes: Elgato Voici l’équipement qui était nécessaire : Reflector Voici plus d’information.

Dropbox Lets You Switch Between Accounts Without Logging Out 3 December '12, 09:46pm Follow Dropbox has earned its place as a powerful productivity tool among individuals and teams, but in playing two roles, many Dropbox users are now stuck with two separate accounts, forced to constantly log in and out. Now, to ease the experience for users bound to a teams and a personal account, Dropbox has added the ability to easily switch between the two without ever logging out (Google-style). It’s noteworthy that this feature will not affect Dropbox users that own two separate personal accounts. If you’re a team player, simply log into Dropbox, click your name in the top right corner, select ”Switch Accounts,” and sign into your second Dropbox account. Of course, offering this feature to holders of multiple personal accounts would be great too, but that move could also undermine Dropbox’s monetization strategy by making it easy for users to link free storage together. ➤ Dropbox for Teams Image credit: Siri Stafford / Thinkstock

Enfin une calculatrice fun et décontractée pour les enfants et les parents: Calculus Doodlus [Gratuit Un fleuron de la calculatrice qui amusera les enfants et aussi les parents. Calculus Doodlus c’est la calculatrice la plus stylée et la plus décontractée d’AppStore. En plus de vous faire toutes les opérations algébriques nécessaires, elle vous offrira un quizz math qui vous entrainera au calcul mental. Des options inédites vous permettrons de donner aux chiffres votre écriture avec la reconnaissance manuscrite intégrée. Performante, des raccourcis permettent de calculer en un clin d’oeil une TVA ou un pourcentage. La documentation est en anglais mais elle est loin d’être insurmontable. Les calculs obtenus peuvent être copiés dans le presse papier ou directement envoyés par mail. Calculus Doodlus est complète, fun, élégante sur iPad comme sur iPhone. Comme il est dit sur la fiche AppStore « C’est la calculatrice approuvée par mon fils et utilisée par les parents ». Un incontournable pour voir d’un oeil nouveau l’austère machin qui fait des calculs. Profitez !!!! Lien AppStore Note AppStore:

How To Capture And Record An iPhone Or iPad Screen Video? You’re ready to create an iPhone app promo video for your upcoming app? Or maybe you’d like to display a video inside an iPhone on your app website? Sometimes the only way to show how your app works is to actually record what’s going on and capture the iPhone screen as a video. You can then use the video as it is or go further and showcase it in an animated video to give a feeling of “real-life” usage. Althought it might get a little technical, I feel like this info is all spread up everywhere as new solutions were created and I believe it’s a good idea to do a wrap-up. Option 1: Using the iPhone or iPad simulator on your Mac The most known (maybe because it was the first one) way to do a screencast of an app is probably to use the iPhone/iPad simulator on your Mac, while recording your screen with a tool like ScreenFlow, Camtasia Studio, iShowU, or Jing. Option 2: Record directly from your iPhone or iPad This one will require you to jailbreak your iPhone. Display recorder on iPhone 4S

11 Essential Tools For Better Project-Based Learning The rise of technology used in classrooms has made learning much more interactive. The emergence of iPads to browser-based tools in project-based learning, take teaching to a new level in the 21st century. Even the current trends in education include the use of new technology, from collaborative projects to blending traditional textbook teaching with innovative tools. For students, the core aim of project-based learning is to put theory into practice and gain new skills throughout the process. A major advantage of digital tools used is better engagement in the classroom. Browser-based tools and several apps used in education are especially useful for researching, storytelling and collaborative video making. Handy mobile devices allow students to be inspired when outside classroom by creating and sharing ideas and creations instantly. Here is a mini guide to some of the project based learning tools. 1) Mindmeister As the name suggests, this tool is great for mapping out ideas. 2) Glogster
