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Why Work? // Index

Why Work? // Index

The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class Publication Date: 2011 Pages: 192 DOI: Neo-liberal policies and institutional changes have produced a huge and growing number of people with sufficiently common experiences to be called an emerging class. In this book Guy Standing introduces what he calls the Precariat - a growing number of people across the world living and working precariously, usually in a series of short-term jobs, without recourse to stable occupational identities or careers, stable social protection or protective regulations relevant to them. They include migrants, but also locals. Standing argues that this class of people could produce new instabilities in society. This is a topical, and a radical book, which will appeal to a broad market concerned by the increasing problems of labour insecurity and civic disengagement.

L'embauche par un groupement d'employeurs Dernière mise à jour le 22 janvier 2013 Synthèse Le groupement d’employeurs permet aux entreprises de se regrouper pour employer une main-d’œuvre qu’elles n’auraient pas, seules, les moyens de recruter. Il s’agit d’une des formes d’exercice de la pluriactivité : les salariés du groupement d’employeurs effectuent des périodes de travail successives auprès de chacune des entreprises adhérentes au groupement. Dans le but de favoriser le développement de l’emploi sur un territoire, des groupements d’employeurs peuvent être créés entre des personnes physiques ou morales de droit privé et des collectivités territoriales (communes, départements…). A savoir Les groupements d’employeurs peuvent également apporter à leurs membres leur aide ou leur conseil en matière d’emploi ou de gestion des ressources humaines. Sommaire Fiche détaillée Qu’est-ce qu’un groupement d’employeurs ? Un groupement d’employeurs ne peut être confondu avec une entreprise de travail temporaire. Les entreprises

Have you been Scroogled? Try for email that prioritizes your privacy. Alternatives au salariat bilatéral... En marge de la relation de travail classique, il Path 101: Matching you to a new career by way of data | VentureBeat | News | by MG Siegler Right now is an especially tricky time to be looking for a job. And with more layoffs in just about every industry being announced daily, it can be terrifying to even think about. So it’s an opportune time for Path 101, a career guidance service, to be launching. Let’s be clear: This is not another job posting service. Of these, the resume analyzer is the most interesting because it can take your resume (either one that you upload or have saved on a site like LinkedIn already) and parses out all of your information. This comparison of your information to millions of other resumes, gives you an easy-to-understand breakdown of what careers might be good options for you. The service’s personality test also helps determine a career path that might be good for you, based on the the information the site has gathered from the resumes and other quizzes. If after those two steps, you still want more information, that’s where the career advice section comes into play.

AMADOR DOMÍNGUEZ (CORREOS-FORMACIÓN): MAÑANA IVA NUEVO (21%) ¿QUÉ PRODUCTOS SE VEN AFECTADOS? A partir de mañana, día 1 de septiembre, usuarios y clientes de Correos notarán también que el precio final que deberán abonar por la realización de alguno de sus envíos postales o utilización de otros servicios que presta la Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, S.A. desde la Península y Baleares, y con destinos a países y territorios de la Unión Eurpea (incluido el terriotorio nacional peninsular y el territorio balear) es mayor que el que venían pagando hasta ahora. ¿Por qué? Respuesta fácil: IVA. (pasa del 18% al 21%) La buena noticia La buena noticia es que, como sabemos, las cartas ordinarias y la paquetería básica nacional (el paquete azul) o la paquetería básica internacional (paquete económico) están exentos de este impuesto, por aquello del servicio postal universal. Con lo cual para estos productos, que vienen a representar alrededor del 80% del tráfico postal, la tarifa pura continuará siendo, igual al precio final, invariable durante el presente año. A partir de mañana el 21%

Free Business Plan: How to start a venture capital fund in New York City I’ve spoken on many occasions about now New York City doesn’t necessarily need more money for early stage startups, but it definitely needs more dedicated early stage money. There’s a big difference between a random pool of stimulus money that may or may not be around next year versus an actual early stage venture capital fund that raises commitments to put early stage money to work over the next four years. In reality, VC funds are usually given the benefit of two funds. When capital is raised for a second fund, the first fund is usually mostly unrealized and “too early to tell”. That means that for each new VC fund manager, you’re almost guaranteed to get about a decade of new investments. When you have that kind of commitment to a space, your presence will not only attract more entrepreneurs, but you’ll be highly incentivized to do the work to make the long term social capital and community infrastructure investments to ensure a vibrant innovation ecosystem. Branding Staffing Stage

Richard Branson's 21 Survival Strategies For Small Business Success We share with you Richard Bransons 21 Small Business Strategies, taken from the Billionaire & UK Entrepreneurs Auto Biography “Losing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way“. Richard Branson has faced an immense amount of challenges along the way and has applied these 21 strategies to carry all of his Successful businesses through thick and thin. Read on to find the Top 21 of Richard Branson’s Small Business Strategies for running a Successful business. Richard Branson’s 21 Survival Strategies For Small Business Success 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Richard Branson’s Success Quotes To Live By: “We have always had a pretty competitive ferocious battle with British Airways. “Screw it, let’s do it.” – Richard Branson “A business has to be involving, it has to be fun and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” – Richard Branson “Above all, you want to create something you are proud of.

Startup Lessons - Having industry momentum at your back Two years ago, I partnered with an awesome CTO, Alex Lines, to start a company called Path 101. We didn’t get enough traction on the product and business to continue it fulltime, so we’re now working on it as a nights and weekends project as we take on other jobs. This is the 2nd of a series about what I learned starting up a company. A few months ago, I wrote about the three types of deals VCs do. No matter what they started with, social shopping was definitely an interesting area when the company started in 2005 and got funded in 2006. That's exactly what we didn't have at Path 101 in the jobs space. I can't exactly blame investors either. On top of that, it's easier to get press if you're in an industry with some buzz around it. The other thing was that ideas don't happen in silos. It's hard, because there wasn't another industry that I really wanted to change so badly.
