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FeedRinse : fliltrer et trier ses flux RSS

FeedRinse : fliltrer et trier ses flux RSS

RSS Toolbox Never again will mankind have to look for RSS info in more than one place...ok, we're kidding, but we've aimed to create a near comprehensive list of all the RSS readers, tools, browser plugins, tips, hacks and directories available on the web. We hope you find it useful (we built it because we needed it), and feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments. For those just starting out in the big wide world of RSS, note that we're talking about Really Simple Syndication, a way to publish and subscribe to frequently updated content like blog entries and news items.

RSS Tools and Services How To Discover The RSS Feed Of A Webpage If The Feed Link Isn’t There Hmm”¦The Case of the Missing RSS Feed. My RSS feed reader is primed up and ready to go but there’s no feed button on the site. Just when I thought that this lovely website was going to solve my information lust. Well, we will try to solve the problem of the missing RSS link but like all good case histories here’s a brief sketch about the guy who’s missing ““ RSS or Rich Site Summary (also commonly called Really Simple Syndication).

Edu_RSS 0.2 ~ Stephen's Web ~ by Stephen Downes Overview Edu_RSS 0.2 is an application that allows you to define your own community of RSS feeds, aggregates content from those feeds and organizes it, and helps you integrate that content into your own posts, articles and other content. On this site, Edu_RSS runs several different lists: It is a research database, a blogging engine, a community website, a content management system, and ultimately, a personal learning environment. Feeds harvested by Edu_RSS may be viewed at the Edu_RSS Feeds Page.

How to Embed RSS Feeds into HTML Web Pages - The Easy Way Learn how to embed and add RSS news feeds in HTML websites without any complex programming. This is a simple Javascript based solution made possible using Google Gadget Creator. Q. Yugalkishore is looking for a simple solution to help him embed RSS feeds from Reuters website into his HTML web pages. Feed43 Auto HTML-RSS Update with FTP Support What is RSS? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML format designed for sharing web content like news headlines. An RSS service (also known as an RSS channel) consists of a list of items, each of which contains a headline, description, and a link to a web page. To use RSS, you will need a special RSS news reader or aggregator that will allow you to collect and display RSS service.

Planet aggregator In online media, Planet is a feed aggregator application designed to collect posts from the weblogs of members of an Internet community and display them on a single page. Planet runs on a web server. It creates pages with entries from the original feeds in chronological order, most recent entries first. Released under the Python License, Planet is free software.[1] Websites that aggregate posts from different blogs using Planet or similar software are known as planets themselves. Such sites are commonly associated with free and open source software projects, where they are used to collect posts from the various developers involved in projects.

Profitez du Web avec les flux RSS Lu sur Yahoo (REUTERS) Voici ce qu’il faut en retenir: « RSS » est l’une des choses les plus cool que vous n’ayez jamais entendu en terme d’Internet. RSS c’est l’acronyme Really Simple Syndication, cela semble complexe comme ça mais le RSS c’ est l’une des meilleure façon de rendre votre surf plus simple et plus rapide. Le RSS, c’est un moyen simple pour que les internautes puissent recevoir les dernières news ou trouver les meilleures affaires sur les voyages, les billets de concerts et presque toute ce qui se vend sur internet.
