Kristin Fontichiaro's Blog About Learning, Teaching, Making Things, and Libraries
Building professional capacityTeacher-librarians are well positioned to impart data literacy to teens, but who’s giving instructors the resources and support that they need to do so?Kristin Fontichiaro, clinical associate professor at University of Michigan’s School of Information, and Jo Angela Oehrli, learning librarian at University of Michigan Library, were up for the task. As principal investigators of the two-year IMLS-funded project “Supporting Librarians in Adding Data Literacy Skills to Information Literacy Instruction,” they set out to design materials for high school librarians looking to foster data and statistical literacy skills in their students.“We were seeing on our own campus that data was becoming a powerful mode of expression and wasn’t working in ways that information literacy always works,” says Fontichiaro.
Two Very Good Book Search Engines for Teachers
May 11, 2015 In today’s post we are sharing with you two good platforms where you can search for and find online free and premium books. As for Free Book Search tool listed below , this is a specific search engine designed to help you find free ebooks, audiobooks, and Kindle books. This tool is also integrated with Google Drive allowing you to conduct your book search right in your Drive. The second tool we have in this list is the popular Google Play Books. This platform combines both an enhanced reading experience together with advanced book search functionalities.
By the Brooks: Anita Brooks Kirkland
Flip Your Library Orientation Super Conference 2016Anita Brooks Kirkland & Carlo Fusco Basic library skills are perfect subjects for short, engaging online videos, available at the point of learning, be that in the library, the classroom or at home. Having a bank of these videos has the added benefit of freeing up face-to-face time for deeper collaborative learning experiences.
In conjunction with Abby (the) Librarian, STACKED hosts a monthly meme to celebrate all things audiobook. On the first of each month, we rotate the blogger round up of audiobook news, reviews, and more shared in the blogosphere in the last month. We host on odd-numbered months. To participate, share a link to your audiobook reviews, news, or features from the previous month (so, for June 1st, share anything posted between May 1 and June 1). You can email them to or by posting them right here. We will collect, organize, and post them for all to share.
A Project-Based Learning Cheat Sheet For Authentic Learning
A Project-Based Learning Cheat Sheet by TeachThought Staff Like most buzzwords in education, “authenticity” isn’t a new idea. For decades, teachers have sought to make student learning “authentic” by looking to the “real world”–the challenges, technology, and communities that students care about and connect with daily. You’ve probably been encouraged in the past to design work that “leaves the classroom.”
The School Library Media Specialist: Library Media Program: Introduction
What is collection mapping? Collection mapping is the process of examining the quantity and quality of your collection and identifying its strengths and weaknesses. A number of authors have written about the process. The outcome of the process can serve as a guide during the collection development process. A collection map is a visual representation that graphically displays the breath and depth of the library collection.
Going Retro: Reading Apps for Real Books
Reading Rainbow app YouTube clips. Texting. Twitter. Facebook status updates.
Majority of parents worried about children's digital reading, survey finds
The majority of parents are concerned about their children using interactive ebooks, according to a new survey, with respondents suggesting they feared ebooks would negatively affect their children’s attention span or expose them to inappropriate content. More than 1,500 parents of UK children aged up to eight were surveyed by the reading charity BookTrust in association with the Open University. Asking parents about their children’s use of digital media and ebooks, the researchers found that most were worried about interactive ebooks, with only 8% having no concerns about their offspring’s use of the medium. Concerns ranged from the fact that use of interactive ebooks would increase children’s screen time, a worry for 45% of parents, to the fear that children could lose interest in print books as a result, cited by 35%. “However, some parents think digital reading has no place in shared family life.
Here's a MEGALIST for my fellow media specialists/teacher-librarians. It's taken a while to gather all the information and I will continue to add to this page. Currently there are close to 185 sites listed.
Google Forms for Teachers- A Must Read Guide
In today's post, we are sharing with you one of the best and simplest guides I have ever read on Google Forms. This visual tutorial is created by Eric Curts and covers a wide range of tips and tricks on anything you need to know about Google Forms. Check it out and, as usual, your feedback is most welcome. Enjoy Here is a cursory look on the table of content of this guide : What is Google Forms?