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Modules · nodejs/node-v0.x-archive Wiki This page is deprecated. Feel free to add to it, but be advised that it is, at best, a faded relic of Node modules that were written before npm was a dominant force in the Node.js ecosystem. It is not all that useful any more. Atomic Is The Missing Interface Design Tool In Your Browser Great interface design is quickly becoming a priority as companies everywhere start realizing that it’s paramount to their succeeding in the crowded online space. Then why, despite its importance, has there been such a gap in the UX design tools space? Atomic, a startup team of ten based in Wellington, New Zealand, thinks it has the tool that finally fills the gap that will allow product designers to create great experiences for the Web and mobile devices. It’s in private beta right now, but the team has given us a first look at what it’s building.

How Instacart Clone Made Grocery Shopping Easier Than Ever It hasn’t been long that most of us stopped going to the local store or grocery market for buying food related items. Some went into the habit of doing it every day while some did it on a week after week basis. Setting off to a food or vegetable market in the early morning with the idea of fresh food delivery was an involvement in itself. RECESS Overview Developed at Twitter to support our internal styleguide, RECESS is a simple, attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS. Incorporate it into your development process as a linter, or integrate it directly into your build system as a compiler, RECESS will keep your source looking clean and super managable. Installation

10 Best Chatbot Platform Tools to Build Chatbots for Your Business Chatbots are conversation based applications that can be coordinated into informing stages to perform computerized tasks, such as, gathering data from clients or helping customers locate the correct products. Chatbots don’t expect clients to introduce extra applications. They are moderately straightforward and reasonable to construct as well. The best eCommerce chatbot would be the program that reproduces an authentic monologue that you would often have with a client benefit agent. The use of bots has numerous potential outcomes, from reasonable to fun, and it can be utilized as a part of any continuous informing stage, such as Facebook Messenger Bot, Telegram, texts, and others.

Industry's 5 Best Video Streaming Services Not long ago, the schedule of favorite dramas, movies and serials was dictated by broadcasters. Today, we have all the provisions to watch our favorite shows on a multitude of devices. This can be attributed to a huge range of video streaming services. With the rise of internet and personal digital assistants such as smartphones and tablets, we are no longer confined to a single room. We can watch our favorite shows anytime and anywhere. mashable Amazon is not-so quietly shaping the future around its ever-expanding business, so it makes sense they'd want to get in on cryptocurrency, too. The company wants to build a fleet of package-delivering drones. They maybe want to build giant drone hives in a city near you.

Timejoy - The Best Meeting Scheduler App One line Description ­ Timejoy provides your day to day time management solution. An intelligent mobile personal assistant. A smartphone app for the overcommitted and overscheduled. This startup is based out of Europe. Overview & Use Case­ The Ultimate Guide On How To Create A Live Video Streaming App When it comes to targeting millennial markets, live streaming is probably the go-to vehicle for businesses. The fact that Amazon competed intensely with Google so as to purchase Twitch.TV for a whopping $970 million speaks volumes about how profitable the business of live streaming is. Twitch.TV has a phenomenally huge user community of gamers who take pride and pleasure in showcasing their gaming skills live.

Woop - A Real Time Communication App All the management functions such as Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling will be gone for a toss in the absence of communication. No doubt, there are various communication channels. From a simple ‘Hello’ to a lengthy email, communication takes place in various forms. In every walk of life, communication has become a pre-requisite. 10 LESS CSS Examples You Should Steal for Your Projects LESS, Sass and other CSS preprocessors represent an awesome way to extend CSS to be everything a programmer ever wanted. Variables, mathematical operations, mixins and a lot more make these tools invaluable to coders who can appreciate the benefits of typing less while accomplishing more. One of the most major hurdles to getting started with these tools is simply figuring out just what the heck you’re going to do with them. We’ll help you out in a big way today by hooking you up with ten incredibly useful LESS snippets that you can drop into your projects today.

50 Best E-commerce Marketing Ideas - You Should Know Ideas are supposed to modify and alter your lifestyle. Formulating an idea inside the deep corners of your brain is easy but executing them is certainly a tough ask. To make it hassle free here we are, about to discuss different eCommerce marketing ideas which might aid you in making your future exceptionally commendable. Let us discuss 50 best eCommerce Marketing Ideas: Mobile MVC Apps With Framework7, RequireJS and Handlebars by Philip Shurpik This app shows you example of using beautiful mobile framework - Framework7 in MVC way for building data-driven contacts application. Let’s start. We will need additional javascript libraries: Handlebars - templating libraryRequireJS - for asynchronous javascript modules loadingAdditional RequireJS plugins for handlebars templates loading: Project structure:
