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Related:  Food Production

SAFSF.ORG :. Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders Repurposing Abandoned Schools Project Winner More Infographics on Good Organic Consumers Association | Welcome: Sachamama Sachamama Center for BioCultural Regeneration (SCBR) is a non-profit organization in the Peruvian High Amazon in the town of Lamas, Department of San Martin, dedicated to the biocultural regeneration of the region in collaboration with the indigenous Kichwa-Lamistas, the descendants of pre-Columbian inhabitants, as well as with the local Education Board of the district of Lamas (Sp. acronym UGEL). SCBR was founded in 2009 by the anthropologist Frédérique Apffel-Marglin. SCBR shares a worldview in which the human, the non-human, as well as the community of spirits, are all kin to each other. SCBR is bringing together an expanding collective of scholars, activists, healers, artists, and shamans that cross the North-South divide. SCBR is an educational, research, and experimental center that regenerates the Amazonian pre-Colombian black earth with biochar to achieve food sovereignty for the small farmers as well as for improving the climate crisis.

Talks About Food • A GOOD Idea: An Urban Food Center Last week I won... A GOOD Idea: An Urban Food Center Last week I won a GOOD Magazine competition. I haven’t entered a contest in a while, and this is my first time winning one of their competitions, so I’m pretty stoked! It wasn’t a huge contest, but as soon as I read the assignment, I knew exactly what I wanted to submit. Farm to Table My idea is to repurpose an abandoned school building in my community and turn it into an urban food center. Why? Like a lot of American, in recent times, I’ve learned about the atrocities of the food industry. But that’s really where my understanding of the whole matter stops. This is why having an urban food center like Farm to Table is the best way for people to really get to know their food by learning about how it’s grown, how it gets to their plate, how it affects their body and the environment, hence allowing the community to actively become a part of the solution to our food crisis. How? I. II. III. IV. Feasibility? » Get the Recipe: The Best Home-Made Panini

Food Voices: Stories of the Food Sovereignty Movement From Around the World GRAIN — Home — Wallace Center La Via Campesina : International Peasant Movement Agricultores ecológicos Encuentra agricultores y consume productos locales, frescos y de temporada. ¿Eres agricultor ecológico? Añade tu ficha para ser localizado.Ver Opciones y Alta ¡¡HAZTE AGRICULTOR PREMIUM POR SOLO 3,75 €/MES!! Esta ficha es un ejemplo de las opciones que tienes al crear tu ficha de Agricultor ecológico y contratar la opción Premium. El... Cultivos: AROMÁTICAS, MEDICINALES-CÍTRICOS-FRUTALES-FRUTOS SECOS-HORTALIZAS-TUBÉRCULOS, RAÍCES-VID Certificado: AAA Possessio Son Gall 5.00 / 5 5 Son Gall se trata de un negocio familiar, con una larga tradicción agrícola. Cultivos: AROMÁTICAS, MEDICINALES, RECOLECCIÓN SILVESTRE, LEGUMBRES-CÍTRICOS-FRUTALES-HORTALIZAS- TUBÉRCULOS, RAÍCES-VID Certificado: CBPAE Cultivos: HORTALIZAS-OLIVAR Certificado: CAAE Cultivos: CÍTRICOS Certificado: AGROCOLOR Cultivos: FRUTOS SECOS-OLIVAR-CEREALES, LEGUMBRES Certificado: DGIDR Cultivos: FRUTALES-FRUTOS SECOS-CEREALES, LEGUMBRES Certificado: CPAEN Cultivos: FRUTALES-VID-FRUTOS SECOS-OLIVAR Certificado: CRAEX Cultivos: OLIVAR

Programs cropping up across USA to address 'food deserts' By Melanie Eversley, USA TODAY Updated 7/13/2011 11:49 PM | ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The kale, turnips and romaine lettuce grow in neat rows on a 2-acre plot at Woodlawn estate, a Virginia property once owned by George Washington. By Brendan Hoffman, for USA TODAY By Brendan Hoffman, for USA TODAY "It's really poignant," Pat Lute says of the circle formed by the food from land once tended by 91 slaves that is now going to people in need. Lute is executive director of the Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food & Agriculture, which is equipping a used school bus to make regular stops in neighborhoods where residents' food choices are limited to corner stores, dollar stores and fast-food restaurants. "We wanted something that would be a visible symbol of better food choices," says Michael Babin, Arcadia's founder, who has opened several Washington-area restaurants. The 2008 Farm Bill directed the Department of Agriculture to study food deserts. Sources: Department of Agriculture, USA TODAY analysis.
