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21 Settings, Techniques and Rules All New Camera Owners Should Know

21 Settings, Techniques and Rules All New Camera Owners Should Know
Some are very basic while others go a little deeper – but all have been selected from our archives specifically for beginners and new camera owners. Enjoy. Introductions to Useful Modes and Settings on Your Digital Camera 1. Digital Camera Modes Explained – I spoke with a family friend recently who had just bought a new point and shoot camera. She came up to me with her camera when no one was watching and embarrassedly asked me if I could tell her what all the little icons on the dial on top of her camera meant. 2. 3. 4. 5. Other Basic Camera Techniques 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Camera Care and Maintenance 13. 14. 15. 7 Digital Camera Predators and How to Keep them at Bay – this tutorial talks you through 7 of the most common ways that digital cameras get damaged – what to look out for and what preventative action to take to avoid them. Composition Tips 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Join this great new dPS course here.

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The Natural Light Cycle for Photographers Natural light is what landscape photography is made of. Other forms of photography rely heavily on flash, but most landscapes rely entirely on the sun’s rays as their light source. That natural light from the sun is changing every second of the day. A picture taken at 9:00 a.m. will look fundamentally different than picture taken at 7:00 a.m., even if it is a picture of the exact same subject, from the exact same angle, using the exact same camera settings and focal length. Therefore, understanding these changes that occur throughout the day is critical to improving your landscape photography.

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Don't Be Afraid of Manual Focus If you’re a beginner in the wonderful world of photography, if you’ve never used an older film camera, or a combination of both, you might be unfamiliar with the workings of manual focus. Even if you are, you may not have thought about how you would use it in real-world situations. Fortunately as DSLR owners, we have the best of both worlds between manual and automatic focusing; we have a choice as to how we decide the subject of our photo, and other points that aren’t as important.

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How to enable RAW image support in Windows XP, Vista and 7 - ins Most digital cameras today support the RAW image format. Unfortunately, Windows doesn’t. RAW images cannot be viewed in Windows image viewer or Windows Live Photo Gallery, and Explorer doesn’t show thumbnails of RAW images. Thankfully, the Windows Imaging Component for Vista and 7 makes it possible for 3rd party tools to add support for RAW image formats to Windows, complete with thumbnails in Explorer. FastPictureViewer WIC RAW Codec Pack is such a third party platform that brings support for more than 20 different RAW image formats to Windows. The codec pack currently supports the TGA raster image format along with the 20 raw image formats from more than 13 camera manufacturers, covering about 300 camera models.

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How to Shoot a Star Trails Selfie There are times when planning and patience can result in a killer shot. This nighttime star trails selfie (above) that I captured in the Canadian Rockies was one of those times. I’d planned to shoot star trails over Mount Rundle and the town of Banff, Alberta while hopefully capturing reflections in Vermillion Lake, surrounded by melting ice. My initial vision was for a completely cloudless sky, but the small yet persistent low clouds ended up adding an ethereal quality to the shot I hadn’t expected.

Successfully Copy Photos from Your Memory Card to your Computer Before you can begin editing your photos you need to get them safely off your camera and onto your computer. Unfortunately this process is often hijacked by (well-meaning if misguided) software which purports to do the work for you but leaves you wondering just where your photos really are! So, to help you understand your options for getting your photos onto your computer, here’s what I recommend. First of all: Take Charge! The first thing to understand about getting photos from your camera card or camera onto your computer is that you’re in charge. Any application that opens and tries to grab your photos for you can be closed down.

Nikon D3000 User's Guide Home Donate New Search Gallery How-To Books Links Workshops About Contact Nikon D3000 User's Guide © 2009 All rights reserved. Nikon D3000 and 18-55mm VR. enlarge. Photography Tips for Beginners If you are just starting out in photography and you don’t know where to begin, or perhaps you have been taking pictures with your camera for a while and want to improve your shooting skills, the collection of material compiled in this article will not only help you in building up your photography knowledge, but also assist in advancing you to the next level. On this page, you will find everything from basic photography tips for beginners all the way to more advanced techniques and tutorials to help you grow and get the best out of your equipment. Let’s start out with the essentials. 1) Know Your Camera Before you start learning about photography, you should first get accustomed to your camera, so that you can find the relevant camera settings when we go over them further down in the article. If your primary camera is a DSLR, it does not hurt to know what a DSLR is and how it works.
