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55 incredible examples of photo manipulation

55 incredible examples of photo manipulation
We present collection of 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation. Some of them... you may know already, but another ones... could be new for you. What I'm sure about... all of them are simply worth of your attention.

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Collection of 30 Best Adobe Photoshop Brushes Something that always comes handy we all need to use Brushes while creating some new designs. There are thousands of incredible Photoshop brush sets available all over the web. So every designer needs to know where to look to find the perfect brushes for the moment. In this today’s post we have showcased 30 Best Adobe Photoshop Brush packs should have in your Bookmarks. Don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS or Follow us on Twitter if you want to keep track of our next post. 01. 30 Heartwarming Vintage Photographs of New York City ~ ThePhotomag New York can rightly be called one of the most beautiful cities on earth. Every one of you would like to visit the busy city and especially for photographers it is not less than a paradise to take a dream shot. But our today’s post is not to show you the modernity of the New York City.

27 Adobe Photoshop Cheat Sheets and Quick Reference Cards for Adobe Photoshop CS4, CS3, CS2 and Below 27 Adobe Photoshop Cheat Sheets and Quick Reference Cards for Adobe Photoshop CS4, CS3, CS2 and Below I would be hard pressed to find a web designer or graphic designer who doesn’t like a helpful Photoshop Quick Reference Card or Cheat Sheet. Cheat Sheets can help you save so much time and can really help you learn about Adobe Photoshop in an easy to understand format. I have gathered a list of Adobe Photoshop cheat sheets that I have found to be the most helpful.

50 Best Sites To Get Design Inspiration at DzineBlog Learn how to earn $125 or more per hour as a freelancer - Click Here Looking for hosting?. We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off 50+ Mind Blowing Images of Reflective Photography Photography is the art or process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces. Photography has been the best source of inspiration for designers. Using reflection in the images can give them amazing effects. Reflective photography carries the message of so many nuances that brought inside the photography describe the ultimate feeling of capturing the power of vision. The good thing is that this kind of photography can be explored on easily available things like Glass, Water or any shiny and reflective surface.

20 Very Useful Photography Tips And Tricks The summer is here so now is the perfect time to make a lot of photos. If you want to look like a professional photographer, then you must enhance your pictures. Take a look at this article because here you will find 20 very cool tutorials which will help you transform an average photo into a work of art. How To Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography In this article, the author will teach you how to create lomo photos in a very easy way. Top 100 Photos of the Year 2012 *Please note the photographs themselves were not necessarily taken in 2012, they just happened to be featured as a POTD this year. The pictures are also listed in reverse chronological order. There is no ranking amongst the photos Enjoy! Adobe Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts are keystrokes used to quickly invoke a command. As well, shortcuts usually (but not always) involve a modifier key such as Ctrl/Cmd, Alt/Opt, or Shift. For example, instead of choosing from the menus, you could simply press Ctrl/Cmd+D. Keyboard shortcuts can improve your efficiency, and in some cases, they can even invoke commands that might not otherwise be available (e.g., zooming while a dialog box is open, or inserting a command into an action). One of Photoshop's strengths is that it makes extensive use of keyboard shortcuts; but, there are so many that it's difficult to remember them all.

Like Mom Like Dad June 8, 2012 | Leave a Comment The first picture is from 1956, my grandfather Frank Beam was graduating from Wofford College, in Spartanburg, SC. He is standing with his 2 siblings (Sam and Claudia). He was the first in his family to attend college (which was a big feat when his grandfather was a Civil War veteran and living in a time when growing up in rural South Carolina typically meant dropping out of school to farm or work in the mill).54 years later, I graduated from Wofford College as well, and stood with my 2 younger siblings after the ceremony for this picture (My grandfather was also able to make the trip back to Wofford to share this day with me–see attached picture). I continue to be proud to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps, and am lucky to have shared in this experience with him! June 5, 2012 | Leave a Comment

25 Stunning HDR Wallpapers Credits (not in order): Trey Ratcliff, Others remain Unknown. If you are the owner or know the owner of any of theses HDR wallpapers, Please let us know. You are free to download these photos and enjoy them but you may not use them commercially. The copyright belongs to the respective photographers. How To Give Your Photos a Dark Processed Lomo Effect This post was originally published in 2010 The tips and techniques explained may be outdated. Follow this step by step post processing guide to give your photos a dark lomo style effect with high contrast, blue tones and vignette burns. The effect is based on the popular lomographic technique and is similar to the processing effect used in many fashion shots and advertisement designs. Getty Images best of 2015 [PHOTOS] Female inmates gather with babies as they greet visitors in the Pedrinhas Prison Complex, the largest penitentiary in Maranhao state, on January 27, 2015 in Sao Luis, Brazil. Previously one of the most violent prisons in Brazil, Pedrinhas has seen efforts from a new state administration, new prison officials and judiciary leaders from Maranhao which appear to have quelled some of the unrest within the complex. In 2013, nearly 60 inmates were killed within the complex, including three who were beheaded during rioting. Much of the violence stemmed from broken cells allowing inmates and gang rivals to mix in the patios and open spaces of the complex. Officials recently repaired and repopulated the cells allowing law enforcement access and decreasing violence among prisoners, according to officials. Other reforms include a policy of custody hearings and real-time camera feeds.

Welcome to Dinovember — Thoughts on creativity Every year, my wife and I devote the month of November to convincing our children that, while they sleep, their plastic dinosaur figures come to life. It began modestly enough. The kids woke up to discover that the dinosaurs had gotten into a box of cereal and made a mess on the kitchen table. The next morning, the dinos had climbed onto the kitchen counter to raid the fruit bowl. The morning after that, they had managed to breach the refrigerator and help themselves to a carton of eggs.

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